# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Author: Alexander Kravets <alex@slatestudio.com>, # Slate Studio (http://www.slatestudio.com) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # REDACTOR CUSTOM VERSION #= require ./redactor_images # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # change default fast speed from 200 to 10 as it's used by redactor modals # while closing console.log ':: [redactor-character] change $.fx.speeds.fast from 200 to 10 ::' $.fx.speeds.fast = 10 @redactorCharacter = # PRIVATE =================================================================== # TODO: fixed toolbar disabled on mobile _redactor_options: -> @_trigger_change = true config = @_get_default_config() @config.redactorOptions ?= {} $.extend(config, @config.redactorOptions) if (! chr.isMobile()) && config.plugins.indexOf('fixedtoolbar') == -1 config.plugins.push('fixedtoolbar') if Loft? && config.plugins.indexOf('loft') == -1 config.plugins.push('loft') if chr.isMobile() config.toolbarFixed = false # config.toolbarFixedTopOffset = 40 return config _get_default_config: () -> focus: false imageFloatMargin: '20px' buttonSource: true pastePlainText: true replaceDivs: false scrollTarget: chr.module.view.$content plugins: [ 'table' ] buttons: [ 'html' 'formatting' 'bold' 'italic' 'deleted' 'unorderedlist' 'orderedlist' 'table' 'link' ] # to have caching working we need to trigger 'change' event for textarea # when content got changed in redactor, but skip this when updating value # via `updateValue` method changeCallback: => if @_trigger_change @$input.trigger('change') @_trigger_change = true initCallback: -> new RedactorImages(this)