module Fiveruns::Dash class Host UNIXES = [:osx, :linux, :solaris] def initialize configure_host end def architecture @architecture end def os_name @os_name end def os_version @os_version end def big_endian? @big_endian end def little_endian? !@big_endian end def ip_addresses @ip_addresses end def os_name_match?(name) platform == name end def platform execute_on_osx { return :osx } execute_on_windows { return :windows } execute_on_linux { return :linux } execute_on_solaris { return :solaris } :unknown end def execute_on_unix(&block) UNIXES.each do |unix| send "execute_on_#{unix}", &block end end def execute_on_osx(&block) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ end def execute_on_linux(&block) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ end def execute_on_solaris(&block) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /solaris/ end def execute_on_windows(&block) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32|i386-mingw32/ end def result(command, args, windows_ext=nil) name = if windows_ext && os_name_match?(:windows) "#{command}.#{windows_ext}" else command.to_s end `#{name} #{args}` end def hostname @hostname end def ip_address address = ip_addresses[0] address ? address[1] : "" end def mac_address @mac_address end def configure_host @hostname ||= `hostname`.strip! @big_endian = ([123].pack("s") == [123].pack("n")) case RUBY_PLATFORM when /darwin|linux/ begin # use Sys::Uname library if present require 'sys/uname' @os_name = Sys::Uname.sysname @architecture = Sys::Uname.machine @os_version = Sys::Uname.release rescue LoadError # otherwise shell out and scrape out the information @os_name = `uname -s`.strip @architecture = `uname -p`.strip @os_version = `uname -r`.strip end # when /win32|i386-mingw32/ # require "dl/win32" # getVersionEx ="kernel32", "GetVersionExA", ['P'], 'L') # # This line done broke on Ruby 1.9.1: # lpVersionInfo = [148, 0, 0, 0, 0].pack("LLLLL") + "�0" * 128 # getVersionEx.Call lpVersionInfo # # dwOSVersionInfoSize, dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion, dwBuildNumber, dwPlatformId, szCSDVersion = lpVersionInfo.unpack("LLLLLC128") # @os_name = ['Windows 3.1/3.11', 'Windows 95/98', 'Windows NT/XP'][dwPlatformId] # @os_version = "#{dwMajorVersion}.#{dwMinorVersion}" # @architecture = ENV['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'] end @ip_addresses = [] begin # use Sys::Host library if present require 'sys/host' Sys::Host.ip_addr.each do |ip| addresses << ip end rescue LoadError # otherwise shell out and scrape out the information execute_on_osx do ifconfig = `ifconfig` x = 0 while true if ifconfig =~ /en#{x}:/ x+=1 else break end end x.times do |dev| ifconfig = `ifconfig en#{dev}` ifconfig.scan(/ether ([0-9a-f\:]*) /) do |mac_address| @mac_address ||= mac_address[0] end ifconfig.scan(/inet ([0-9\.]*) /) { |ip| @ip_addresses << ["en#{dev}", ip[0]] } end end execute_on_solaris do arp = `/usr/sbin/arp -an`.split("\n") re = /^(\w+).*?(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}).*((([a-f0-9]{2}):){5}[a-f0-9]{2})/ arp.find do |line| line =~ re end @ip_addresses << $2 @mac_address = $3 end execute_on_linux do ifconfig = `/sbin/ifconfig` x = 0 while true if ifconfig =~ /eth#{x} / x+=1 else break end end x.times do |dev| ifconfig = `/sbin/ifconfig eth#{dev}` ifconfig.scan(/HWaddr ([0-9A-Fa-f\:]*) /) do |mac_address| @mac_address ||= mac_address[0] end ifconfig.scan(/inet addr:([0-9\.]*) /) { |ip| @ip_addresses << ["eth#{dev}", ip[0]] } end @mac_address ||= "#{@hostname}-UNKNOWN-MAC" end execute_on_windows do addrs = Socket.getaddrinfo(Socket.gethostname, 80) addrs.each do |addr| @ip_addresses << ['eth0', addr[3]] end end end end end end