require 'spec_helper' describe JsRoutes, "options" do before(:each) do evaljs(_presetup) if _presetup with_warnings(_warnings) do evaljs(JsRoutes.generate(_options)) App.routes.default_url_options = _options[:default_url_options] || {} end end after(:each) do App.routes.default_url_options = {} end let(:_presetup) { nil } let(:_options) { {} } let(:_warnings) { true } describe "serializer" do context "when specified" do # define custom serializer # this is a nonsense serializer, which always returns foo=bar # for all inputs let(:_presetup){ %q(function myCustomSerializer(object, prefix) { return "foo=bar"; }) } let(:_options) { {:serializer => "myCustomSerializer"} } it "should set configurable serializer" do # expect the nonsense serializer above to have appened foo=bar # to the end of the path expect(evaljs(%q(Routes.inboxes_path()))).to eql("/inboxes?foo=bar") end end context "when specified, but not function" do let(:_presetup){ %q(var myCustomSerializer = 1) } let(:_options) { {:serializer => "myCustomSerializer"} } it "should set configurable serializer" do # expect to use default expect(evaljs(%q(Routes.inboxes_path({a: 1})))).to eql("/inboxes?a=1") end end context "when configured in js" do let(:_options) { {:serializer =>%q(function (object, prefix) { return "foo=bar"; })} } it "uses JS serializer" do evaljs("Routes.configure({serializer: function (object, prefix) { return 'bar=baz'; }})") expect(evaljs(%q(Routes.inboxes_path({a: 1})))).to eql("/inboxes?bar=baz") end end end context "when exclude is specified" do let(:_options) { {:exclude => /^admin_/} } it "should exclude specified routes from file" do expect(evaljs("Routes.admin_users_path")).to be_nil end it "should not exclude routes not under specified pattern" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inboxes_path()")).not_to be_nil end context "for rails engine" do let(:_options) { {:exclude => /^blog_app_posts/} } it "should exclude specified engine route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.blog_app_posts_path")).to be_nil end end end context "when include is specified" do let(:_options) { {:include => /^admin_/} } it "should exclude specified routes from file" do expect(evaljs("Routes.admin_users_path()")).not_to be_nil end it "should not exclude routes not under specified pattern" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inboxes_path")).to be_nil end context "for rails engine" do let(:_options) { {:include => /^blog_app_posts/} } it "should include specified engine route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.blog_app_posts_path()")).not_to be_nil end end end context "when prefix with trailing slash is specified" do let(:_options) { {:prefix => "/myprefix/" } } it "should render routing with prefix" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1)")).to eq("/myprefix#{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") end it "should render routing with prefix set in JavaScript" do evaljs("Routes.configure({prefix: '/newprefix/'})") expect(evaljs("Routes.config().prefix")).to eq("/newprefix/") expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1)")).to eq("/newprefix#{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") end end context "when prefix with http:// is specified" do let(:_options) { {:prefix => "http://localhost:3000" } } it "should render routing with prefix" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1)")).to eq(_options[:prefix] + test_routes.inbox_path(1)) end end context "when prefix without trailing slash is specified" do let(:_options) { {:prefix => "/myprefix" } } it "should render routing with prefix" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1)")).to eq("/myprefix#{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") end it "should render routing with prefix set in JavaScript" do evaljs("Routes.configure({prefix: '/newprefix/'})") expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1)")).to eq("/newprefix#{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") end end context "when default format is specified" do let(:_options) { {:default_url_options => {format: "json"}} } let(:_warnings) { nil } if Rails.version >= "5" it "should render routing with default_format" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1)")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1)) end it "should render routing with default_format and zero object" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(0)")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(0)) end end it "should override default_format when spefified implicitly" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1, {format: 'xml'})")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1, :format => "xml")) end it "should override nullify implicitly when specified implicitly" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1, {format: null})")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1, format: nil)) end it "shouldn't require the format" do expect(evaljs("Routes.json_only_path()")).to eq(test_routes.json_only_path) end end it "shouldn't include the format when {:format => false} is specified" do expect(evaljs("Routes.no_format_path()")).to eq(test_routes.no_format_path()) expect(evaljs("Routes.no_format_path({format: 'json'})")).to eq(test_routes.no_format_path(format: 'json')) end describe "namespace option" do let(:_options) { {:namespace => "PHM"} } it "should use this namespace for routing" do expect(evaljs("window.Routes")).to be_nil expect(evaljs("PHM.inbox_path")).not_to be_nil end context "is nil" do let(:_options) { {:namespace => nil} } it "should use this namespace for routing" do evaljs("window.zz = #{JsRoutes.generate(namespace: nil)}") expect(evaljs("window.Routes")).to be_nil expect(evaljs("window.zz.inbox_path")).not_to be_nil end end describe "is nested" do context "and defined on client" do let(:_presetup) { "window.PHM = {}" } let(:_options) { {:namespace => "PHM.Routes"} } it "should use this namespace for routing" do expect(evaljs("PHM.Routes.inbox_path")).not_to be_nil end end context "but undefined on client" do let(:_options) { {:namespace => "PHM.Routes"} } it "should initialize namespace" do expect(evaljs("window.PHM.Routes.inbox_path")).not_to be_nil end end context "and some parts are defined" do let(:_presetup) { "window.PHM = { Utils: {} };" } let(:_options) { {:namespace => "PHM.Routes"} } it "should not overwrite existing parts" do expect(evaljs("window.PHM.Utils")).not_to be_nil expect(evaljs("window.PHM.Routes.inbox_path")).not_to be_nil end end end end describe "default_url_options" do context "with optional route parts" do context "provided" do let(:_options) { { :default_url_options => { :optional_id => "12", :format => "json" } } } it "should use this opions to fill optional parameters" do expect(evaljs("Routes.things_path()")).to eq(test_routes.things_path) end end context "not provided" do let(:_options) { { :default_url_options => { :format => "json" } } } it "breaks" do expect(evaljs("Routes.foo_all_path()")).to eq(test_routes.foo_all_path) end end end context "with required route parts" do let(:_options) { {:default_url_options => {:inbox_id => "12"}} } it "should use this opions to fill optional parameters" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_messages_path()")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_messages_path) end end context "when overwritten on JS level" do let(:_options) { { :default_url_options => { :format => "json" } } } it "uses JS defined value" do evaljs("Routes.configure({default_url_options: {format: 'xml'}})") expect(evaljs("Routes.inboxes_path()")).to eq(test_routes.inboxes_path(format: 'xml')) end end end describe "trailing_slash" do context "with default option" do let(:_options) { } it "should working in params" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1, {trailing_slash: true})")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1, :trailing_slash => true)) end it "should working with additional params" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1, {trailing_slash: true, test: 'params'})")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1, :trailing_slash => true, :test => 'params')) end end context "with default_url_options option" do let(:_options) { {:default_url_options => {:trailing_slash => true}} } it "should working" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1, {test: 'params'})")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1, :trailing_slash => true, :test => 'params')) end it "should remove it by params" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1, {trailing_slash: false})")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1, trailing_slash: false)) end end context "with disabled default_url_options option" do let(:_options) { {:default_url_options => {:trailing_slash => false}} } it "should not use trailing_slash" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1, {test: 'params'})")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1, :test => 'params')) end it "should use it by params" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1, {trailing_slash: true})")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1, :trailing_slash => true)) end end end describe "camel_case" do context "with default option" do let(:_options) { } it "should use snake case routes" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1)")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1)) expect(evaljs("Routes.inboxPath")).to be_nil end end context "with true" do let(:_options) { { :camel_case => true } } it "should generate camel case routes" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path")).to be_nil expect(evaljs("Routes.inboxPath")).not_to be_nil expect(evaljs("Routes.inboxPath(1)")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1)) expect(evaljs("Routes.inboxMessagesPath(10)")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_messages_path(:inbox_id => 10)) end end end describe "url_links" do context "with default option" do let(:_options) { } it "should generate only path links" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path(1)")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1)) expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_url")).to be_nil end end context "when configuring with default_url_options" do context "when only host option is specified" do let(:_options) { { :url_links => true, :default_url_options => {:host => ""} } } it "uses the specified host, defaults protocol to http, defaults port to 80 (leaving it blank)" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_url(1)")).to eq("{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") end it "does not override protocol when specified in route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.new_session_url()")).to eq("{test_routes.new_session_path}") end it "does not override host when specified in route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.sso_url()")).to eq(test_routes.sso_url) end it "does not override port when specified in route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.portals_url()")).to eq("{test_routes.portals_path}") end end context "when default host and protocol are specified" do let(:_options) { { :url_links => true, :default_url_options => {:host => "", :protocol => "ftp"} } } it "uses the specified protocol and host, defaults port to 80 (leaving it blank)" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_url(1)")).to eq("{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") end it "does not override protocol when specified in route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.new_session_url()")).to eq("{test_routes.new_session_path}") end it "does not override host when host is specified in route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.sso_url()")).to eq("{test_routes.sso_path}") end it "does not override port when specified in route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.portals_url()")).to eq("{test_routes.portals_path}") end end context "when default host and port are specified" do let(:_options) { { :url_links => true, :default_url_options => {:host => "", :port => 3000} } } it "uses the specified host and port, defaults protocol to http" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_url(1)")).to eq("{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") end it "does not override protocol when specified in route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.new_session_url()")).to eq("{test_routes.new_session_path}") end it "does not override host, protocol, or port when host is specified in route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.sso_url()")).to eq("" + test_routes.sso_path) end it "does not override parts when specified in route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.secret_root_url()")).to eq(test_routes.secret_root_url) end end context "with camel_case option" do let(:_options) { { :camel_case => true, :url_links => true, :default_url_options => {:host => ""} } } it "should generate path and url links" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inboxUrl(1)")).to eq("{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") end end context "with prefix option" do let(:_options) { { :prefix => "/api", :url_links => true, :default_url_options => {:host => ''} } } it "should generate path and url links" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_url(1)")).to eq("{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") end end context "with compact option" do let(:_options) { { :compact => true, :url_links => true, :default_url_options => {:host => ''} } } it "does not affect url helpers" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_url(1)")).to eq("{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") end end end context 'when window.location is present' do let(:current_protocol) { 'http:' } # window.location.protocol includes the colon character let(:current_hostname) { '' } let(:current_port){ '' } # an empty string means port 80 let(:current_host) do host = "#{current_hostname}" host += ":#{current_port}" unless current_port == '' host end before do jscontext.eval("window = {'location': {'protocol': '#{current_protocol}', 'hostname': '#{current_hostname}', 'port': '#{current_port}', 'host': '#{current_host}'}}") end context "without specifying a default host" do let(:_options) { { :url_links => true } } it "uses the current host" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path")).not_to be_nil expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_url")).not_to be_nil expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_url(1)")).to eq("{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_url(1, { test_key: \"test_val\" })")).to eq("{test_routes.inbox_path(1, :test_key => "test_val")}") expect(evaljs("Routes.new_session_url()")).to eq("{test_routes.new_session_path}") end it "doesn't use current when specified in the route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.sso_url()")).to eq(test_routes.sso_url) end it "uses host option as an argument" do expect(evaljs("Routes.secret_root_url({host: ''})")).to eq(test_routes.secret_root_url(host: '')) end it "uses port option as an argument" do expect(evaljs("Routes.secret_root_url({host: 'localhost', port: 8080})")).to eq(test_routes.secret_root_url(host: 'localhost', port: 8080)) end it "uses protocol option as an argument" do expect(evaljs("Routes.secret_root_url({host: 'localhost', protocol: 'https'})")).to eq(test_routes.secret_root_url(protocol: 'https', host: 'localhost')) end it "uses subdomain option as an argument" do expect(evaljs("Routes.secret_root_url({subdomain: 'custom'})")).to eq(test_routes.secret_root_url(subdomain: 'custom')) end end end context 'when window.location is not present' do context 'without specifying a default host' do let(:_options) { { url_links: true } } it 'generates path' do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_url(1)")).to eq test_routes.inbox_path(1) expect(evaljs("Routes.new_session_url()")).to eq test_routes.new_session_path end end end end describe "when the compact mode is enabled" do let(:_options) { { :compact => true } } it "removes _path suffix from path helpers" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_path")).to be_nil expect(evaljs("Routes.inboxes()")).to eq(test_routes.inboxes_path()) expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox(2)")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(2)) end context "with url_links option" do around(:each) do |example| ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do end end let(:_options) { { :compact => true, :url_links => true, default_url_options: {host: 'localhost'} } } it "should not strip urls" do expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox(1)")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_path(1)) expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_url(1)")).to eq("http://localhost#{test_routes.inbox_path(1)}") end end end describe "special_options_key" do let(:_options) { { special_options_key: :__options__ } } it "can be redefined" do expect { expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_message_path({inbox_id: 1, id: 2, _options: true})")).to eq("") }.to raise_error(js_error_class) expect(evaljs("Routes.inbox_message_path({inbox_id: 1, id: 2, __options__: true})")).to eq(test_routes.inbox_message_path(inbox_id: 1, id: 2)) end end describe "when application is specified" do let(:_options) { {:application => BlogEngine::Engine} } it "should include specified engine route" do expect(evaljs("Routes.posts_path()")).not_to be_nil end end end