#!/usr/bin/env ruby gem 'minitest', '>= 5.0.0' require 'minitest/autorun' require_relative 'roman_numerals' # Test data version: # deb225e Implement canonical dataset for scrabble-score problem (#255) class RomanNumeralsTest < Minitest::Test def test_1 assert_equal 'I', 1.to_roman end def test_2 skip assert_equal 'II', 2.to_roman end def test_3 skip assert_equal 'III', 3.to_roman end def test_4 skip assert_equal 'IV', 4.to_roman end def test_5 skip assert_equal 'V', 5.to_roman end def test_6 skip assert_equal 'VI', 6.to_roman end def test_9 skip assert_equal 'IX', 9.to_roman end def test_27 skip assert_equal 'XXVII', 27.to_roman end def test_48 skip assert_equal 'XLVIII', 48.to_roman end def test_59 skip assert_equal 'LIX', 59.to_roman end def test_93 skip assert_equal 'XCIII', 93.to_roman end def test_141 skip assert_equal 'CXLI', 141.to_roman end def test_163 skip assert_equal 'CLXIII', 163.to_roman end def test_402 skip assert_equal 'CDII', 402.to_roman end def test_575 skip assert_equal 'DLXXV', 575.to_roman end def test_911 skip assert_equal 'CMXI', 911.to_roman end def test_1024 skip assert_equal 'MXXIV', 1024.to_roman end def test_3000 skip assert_equal 'MMM', 3000.to_roman end # Problems in exercism evolve over time, as we find better ways to ask # questions. # The version number refers to the version of the problem you solved, # not your solution. # # Define a constant named VERSION inside of the top level BookKeeping # module. # In your file, it will look like this: # # module BookKeeping # VERSION = 1 # Where the version number matches the one in the test. # end # # If you are curious, read more about constants on RubyDoc: # http://ruby-doc.org/docs/ruby-doc-bundle/UsersGuide/rg/constants.html def test_bookkeeping skip assert_equal 2, BookKeeping::VERSION end end