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symbolic link "{0}" pointing to "{1}"cmd.exe1/c mklink /d "{0}" "{1}"----------7usage for addTemplateFolderawarmup addTemplateFolder templateName "FullPath"Example: warmup addTextReplacement SomeTemplate "C:\somefolder\somerepo\SomeTemplate"Example: 'SomeTemplate' is the name of the template to add, "C:\somefolder\somerepo\SomeTemplate" is the path to the template. warmupUReplacing '{0}' value of '{1}' with '{2}'.}Adding '{0}' with a replacement of '{1}' to the configuration.9usage for addTextReplacementewarmup addTextReplacement findName replacementNameExample: warmup addTextReplacement __COMPANY__ "somewheres, inc"Example: '__COMPANY__' is the token to search for, "somwheres, inc" is the replacement text.!Replacing tokensgithub.com9usage for generate (default)warmup templateFolderName replacementName [targetDirectoryIfDifferentThanReplacementName]1Example: warmup base Bob/Example: 'base' is a subfolder in your warmup template that has a warmup template in it. 'Bob' is what you want to use instead of the token '__NAME__'.{0}Copying to: {0} .gitcmd+ /c git clone {0} {1}!Running: {0} {1}+git exporting to: {0}/zipball/master *.sln  ========== WarmuP!current settings_Your current configuration is set to {0} ({1}). usage5warmup [command] [options]owarmup [addTemplateFolder|addTextReplacement] [options]YAttempting to run '{0}' with arguments '{1}'%addtextreplacement#addtemplatefolderext folder findreplace7sourceControlWarmupLocation!replacementToken#sourceControlTypegit file#ignoredExtensionsignoredFolderstextReplacessvnexport {0} {1}+svn exporting to: {0}GError trying to move '{0}' to '{1}'*.* \.git\ .{0}move {0} to {1}aNS%V8z\V4?_ :   d !%d   )d d -1-5 -1-55111(   D D L L T TXX \ @ H PX(\(@(H(P\9= 9 19 A  } addTemplateFolder 1addTextReplacement       XTT d\ -   ! !L    ,%Q*?\  - AAA 1 ) 1 51 - 1 1151 5---1 1 5 5-551515- 1515       extT IsRequiredTIsKey"folderT IsRequiredTIsKey findT IsRequiredTIsKey#replaceT IsRequiredTIsKey.sourceControlWarmupLocationT IsRequired<replacementTokenT IsRequiredTQ DefaultValue__NAME__8sourceControlTypeT IsRequiredTQ DefaultValuesvn-ignoredExtensionsTIsDefaultCollection*ignoredFoldersTIsDefaultCollection( textReplacesTIsDefaultCollection  {FullPath}9  T1 = = -   = 1  111 5%  =55 - & !=5A5 -15  A)!D1G.NETFramework,Version=v4.0TFrameworkDisplayName.NET Framework 4)$53fba151-6668-404f-a82d-9aff13007cf250A Curious Mind Software & Fervent Coder Software warmupwrwarmup is a product of A Curious Mind Software & Fervent Coder Software - git://>9warmup - A Curious Mind Software & Fervent Coder SoftwarefaCopyright © 2012 A Curious Mind Software & Fervent Coder Software, - Original author or authorsTWrapNonExceptionThrows̜qOIqSRSDSBvVD⦴ JR c:\code\warmup\warmup\obj\x86\Release\warmup.pdbr.r r_CorExeMainmscoree.dll% @ 8PhP4VS_VERSION_INFO?DVarFileInfo$TranslationStringFileInfo000004b0sCommentswarmup is a product of A Curious Mind Software & Fervent Coder Software - git:// Curious Mind Software & Fervent Coder Software8FileDescriptionwarmup0FileVersion0.6.5.08 InternalNamewarmup.exeaLegalCopyrightCopyright 2012 A Curious Mind Software & Fervent Coder Software, - Original author or authors:LegalTrademarkswarmup - A Curious Mind Software & Fervent Coder Software@ OriginalFilenamewarmup.exe0ProductNamewarmup/ProductVersion0.6.5.d181a015049ee72e32601da6a678b2b9651317178Assembly Version0.6.5.0 p @2