// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2009 Apple, Inc. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('panes/palette'); /** Popular customized picker position rules: default: initiated just below the anchor. shift x, y to optimized picker visibility and make sure top-left corner is always visible. menu : same as default rule + default(1,4,3) or custom offset below the anchor for default location to fine tunned visual alignment + enforce min left(7px)/right(8px) padding to the window fixed : default(1,4,3) or custom offset below the anchor for default location to cope with specific anchor and skip fitPositionToScreen pointer :take default [0,1,2,3,2] or custom matrix to choose one of four perfect pointer positions.Ex: perfect right (0) > perfect left (1) > perfect top (2) > perfect bottom (3) fallback to perfect top (2) */ SC.PICKER_MENU = 'menu'; SC.PICKER_FIXED = 'fixed'; SC.PICKER_POINTER = 'pointer'; /** Pointer layout for perfect right/left/top/bottom */ SC.POINTER_LAYOUT = ["perfectRight", "perfectLeft", "perfectTop", "perfectBottom"]; /** Displays a non-modal, self anchor positioned picker pane. The default way to use the picker pane is to simply add it to your page like this: {{{ SC.PickerPane.create({ contentView: SC.View.extend({ layout: { width: 400, height: 200 } }) }).popup(anchor); }}} This will cause your picker pane to display. Picker pane is a simple way to provide non-modal messaging that won't blocks the user's interaction with your application. Picker panes are useful for showing important detail informations with optimized position around anchor. They provide a better user experience than modal panel. Examples for applying popular customized picker position rules: 1. default: {{{ SC.PickerPane.create({contentView: SC.View.extend({layout: { width: 400, height: 200 }}) }).popup(anchor); }}} 2. menu below the anchor with default offset matrix [1,4,3]: {{{ SC.PickerPane.create({contentView: SC.View.extend({layout: { width: 400, height: 200 }}) }).popup(anchor, SC.PICKER_MENU); }}} 3. menu on the right side of anchor with custom offset matrix [2,6,0]: {{{ SC.PickerPane.create({contentView: SC.View.extend({layout: { width: 400, height: 200 }}) }).popup(anchor, SC.PICKER_MENU, [2,6,0]); }}} 4. fixed below the anchor with default offset matrix [1,4,3]: {{{ SC.PickerPane.create({contentView: SC.View.extend({layout: { width: 400, height: 200 }}) }).popup(anchor, SC.PICKER_FIXED); }}} 5. fixed on the right side of anchor with custom offset matrix [-22,-17,0]: {{{ SC.PickerPane.create({contentView: SC.View.extend({layout: { width: 400, height: 200 }}) }).popup(anchor, SC.PICKER_FIXED, [-22,-17,0]); }}} 6. pointer with default position pref matrix [0,1,2,3,2]: {{{ SC.PickerPane.create({contentView: SC.View.extend({layout: { width: 400, height: 200 }}) }).popup(anchor, SC.PICKER_POINTER); }}} perfect right (0) > perfect left (1) > perfect top (2) > perfect bottom (3) fallback to perfect top (2) 7. pointer with custom position pref matrix [3,0,1,2,2]: {{{ SC.PickerPane.create({contentView: SC.View.extend({layout: { width: 400, height: 200 }}) }).popup(anchor, SC.PICKER_POINTER, [3,0,1,2,2]); }}} perfect bottom (3) > perfect right (0) > perfect left (1) > perfect top (2) fallback to perfect top (2) @extends SC.PalettePane @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.PickerPane = SC.PalettePane.extend({ classNames: 'sc-picker', isAnchored: YES, isModal: YES, pointerPos: 'perfectRight', /** This property will be set to the element (or view.get('layer')) that triggered your picker to show. You can use this to properly position your picker. @property {Object} */ anchorElement: null, /** popular customized picker position rule @property {String} */ preferType: null, /** default/custom offset or position pref matrix for specific preferType @property {String} */ preferMatrix: null, /** Displays a new picker pane according to the passed parameters. Every parameter except for the anchorViewOrElement is optional. @param {Object} anchorViewOrElement view or element to anchor to @param {String} preferType optional apply picker position rule @param {Array} preferMatrix optional apply custom offset or position pref matrix for specific preferType @returns {SC.PickerPane} receiver */ popup: function(anchorViewOrElement, preferType, preferMatrix) { var anchor = anchorViewOrElement.isView ? anchorViewOrElement.get('layer') : anchorViewOrElement; this.beginPropertyChanges(); this.set('anchorElement',anchor) ; if (preferType) this.set('preferType',preferType) ; if (preferMatrix) this.set('preferMatrix',preferMatrix) ; this.positionPane(); this.endPropertyChanges(); this.append(); }, /** @private The ideal position for a picker pane is just below the anchor that triggered it + offset of specific preferType. Find that ideal position, then call fitPositionToScreen to get final position. If anchor is missing, fallback to center. */ positionPane: function() { var anchor = this.get('anchorElement'), preferType = this.get('preferType'), preferMatrix = this.get('preferMatrix'), layout = this.get('layout'), origin ; // usually an anchorElement will be passed. The ideal position is just // below the anchor + default or custom offset according to preferType. // If that is not possible, fitPositionToScreen will take care of that for // other alternative and fallback position. if (anchor) { anchor = this.computeAnchorRect(anchor); origin = SC.cloneRect(anchor); if (preferType) { switch (preferType) { case SC.PICKER_MENU: case SC.PICKER_FIXED: if(!preferMatrix || preferMatrix.length != 3) { // default below the anchor with fine tunned visual alignment // for Menu to appear just below the anchorElement. this.set('preferMatrix', [1, 4, 3]) ; } // fine tunned visual alignment from preferMatrix origin.x += ((this.preferMatrix[2]===0) ? origin.width : 0) + this.preferMatrix[0] ; origin.y += ((this.preferMatrix[2]===3) ? origin.height : 0) + this.preferMatrix[1]; break; default: origin.y += origin.height ; break; } } else { origin.y += origin.height ; } origin = this.fitPositionToScreen(origin, this.get('frame'), anchor) ; layout = { width: layout.width, height: layout.height, left: origin.x, top: origin.y }; // if no anchor view has been set for some reason, just center. } else { layout = { width: layout.width, height: layout.height, centerX: 0, centerY: 0 }; } this.set('layout', layout).updateLayout(); return this ; }, /** @private This method will return ret (x, y, width, height) from a rectangular element */ computeAnchorRect: function(anchor) { var ret = SC.viewportOffset(anchor); // get x & y var cq = SC.$(anchor); ret.width = cq.width(); ret.height = cq.height(); return ret ; }, /** @private This method will dispatch to the right re-position rule according to preferType */ fitPositionToScreen: function(preferredPosition, picker, anchor) { // get window rect. var wret = { x: 0, y: 0, width: SC.$().width(), height: SC.$().height() } ; picker.x = preferredPosition.x ; picker.y = preferredPosition.y ; if(this.preferType) { switch(this.preferType) { case SC.PICKER_MENU: // apply default + menu re-position rule picker = this.fitPositionToScreenDefault(wret, picker, anchor) ; picker = this.fitPositionToScreenMenu(wret, picker) ; break; case SC.PICKER_POINTER: // apply pointer re-position rule picker = this.fitPositionToScreenPointer(wret, picker, anchor) ; break; case SC.PICKER_FIXED: // skip fitPositionToScreen break; default: break; } } else { // apply default re-position rule picker = this.fitPositionToScreenDefault(wret, picker, anchor) ; } this.displayDidChange(); return picker ; }, /** @private re-position rule migrated from old SC.OverlayPaneView. shift x, y to optimized picker visibility and make sure top-left corner is always visible. */ fitPositionToScreenDefault: function(w, f, a) { // make sure the right edge fits on the screen. If not, anchor to // right edge of anchor or right edge of window, whichever is closer. if (SC.maxX(f) > w.width) { var mx = Math.max(SC.maxX(a), f.width) ; f.x = Math.min(mx, w.width) - f.width ; } // if the left edge is off of the screen, try to position at left edge // of anchor. If that pushes right edge off screen, shift back until // right is on screen or left = 0 if (SC.minX(f) < 0) { f.x = SC.minX(Math.max(a,0)) ; if (SC.maxX(f) > w.width) { f.x = Math.max(0, w.width - f.width); } } // make sure bottom edge fits on screen. If not, try to anchor to top // of anchor or bottom edge of screen. if (SC.maxY(f) > w.height) { mx = Math.max((a.y - f.height), 0) ; if (mx > w.height) { f.y = Math.max(0, w.height - f.height) ; } else f.y = mx ; } // if Top edge is off screen, try to anchor to bottom of anchor. If that // pushes off bottom edge, shift up until it is back on screen or top =0 if (SC.minY(f) < 0) { mx = Math.min(SC.maxY(a), (w.height - a.height)) ; f.y = Math.max(mx, 0) ; } return f ; }, /** @private re-position rule optimized for Menu to enforce min left(7px)/right(8px) padding to the window */ fitPositionToScreenMenu: function(w, f) { // min left/right padding to the window if( (f.x + f.width) > (w.width-8) ) f.x = w.width - f.width - 8; if( f.x < 7 ) f.x = 7; return f ; }, /** @private re-position rule for triangle pointer picker: take default [0,1,2,3,2] or custom matrix to choose one of four perfect pointer positions. */ fitPositionToScreenPointer: function(w, f, a) { // initiate perfect positions matrix // 4 perfect positions: right > left > top > bottom // 2 coordinates: x, y // top-left corner of 4 perfect positioned f (4x2) var prefP1 =[[a.x+a.width-15, a.y+parseInt(a.height/3,0)-35], [a.x-f.width+15, a.y+parseInt(a.height/3,0)-35], [a.x+parseInt(a.width/2,0)-parseInt(f.width/2,0), a.y-f.height-5], [a.x+parseInt(a.width/2,0)-parseInt(f.width/2,0), a.y+a.height+5]]; // bottom-right corner of 4 perfect positioned f (4x2) var prefP2 =[[a.x+a.width+f.width-15, a.y+parseInt(a.height/3,0)+f.height-35], [a.x+15, a.y+parseInt(a.height/3,0)+f.height-35], [a.x+parseInt(a.width/2,0)-parseInt(f.width/2,0)+f.width, a.y-5], [a.x+parseInt(a.width/2,0)-parseInt(f.width/2,0)+f.width, a.y+a.height+f.height+5]]; // cutoff of 4 perfect positioned f: top, right, bottom, left (4x4) var cutoffPrefP =[[prefP1[0][1]>0 ? 0 : 0-prefP1[0][1], prefP2[0][0]0 ? 0 : 0-prefP1[0][0]], [prefP1[1][1]>0 ? 0 : 0-prefP1[1][1], prefP2[1][0]0 ? 0 : 0-prefP1[1][0]], [prefP1[2][1]>0 ? 0 : 0-prefP1[2][1], prefP2[2][0]0 ? 0 : 0-prefP1[2][0]], [prefP1[3][1]>0 ? 0 : 0-prefP1[3][1], prefP2[3][0]0 ? 0 : 0-prefP1[3][0]]]; if(!this.preferMatrix || this.preferMatrix.length != 5) { // default re-position rule : perfect right (0) > perfect left (1) > perfect top (2) > perfect bottom (3) // fallback to perfect top (2) this.set('preferMatrix', [0,1,2,3,2]) ; } var m = this.preferMatrix; //var pointer = this.contentView.childViews[this.contentView.childViews.length-1]; // initiated with fallback position // Will be used only if the following preferred alternative can not be found f.x = prefP1[m[4]][0] ; f.y = prefP1[m[4]][1] ; this.set('pointerPos', SC.POINTER_LAYOUT[m[4]]); for(var i=0; i'.fmt(this.get('pointerPos'))); } } else { // var divs = this.$('div'), // el = SC.$(divs[10]); // el.attr('class', this.get('pointerPos')); } return ret ; }, /** @private - click away picker. */ modalPaneDidClick: function(evt) { var f = this.get("frame"); if(!this.clickInside(f, evt)) this.remove(); return YES ; }, mouseDown: function(evt) { return this.modalPaneDidClick(evt); }, /** @private internal method to define the range for clicking inside so the picker won't be clicked away default is the range of contentView frame. Over-write for adjustments. ex: shadow */ clickInside: function(frame, evt) { return SC.pointInRect({ x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY }, frame); }, /** Invoked by the root responder. Re-position picker whenever the window resizes. */ windowSizeDidChange: function(oldSize, newSize) { sc_super(); this.positionPane(); } });