/* Copyright (c) 2009, http://seyfertdesign.com/jquery/ui-tabs-paging.html Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ (function ($) { $.extend($.ui.tabs.prototype, { paging:function (options) { var opts = { tabsPerPage:0, nextButton:'»', prevButton:'«', follow:false, cycle:false, selectOnAdd:false, followOnSelect:false }; opts = $.extend(opts, options); var self = this, initialized = false, currentPage, buttonWidth, containerWidth, allTabsWidth, tabWidths, maxPageWidth, pages, resizeTimer = null, windowHeight = $(window).height(), windowWidth = $(window).width(); function init() { destroy(); allTabsWidth = 0, currentPage = 0, maxPageWidth = 0, buttonWidth = 0, pages = new Array(), tabWidths = new Array(), selectedTabWidths = new Array(); containerWidth = self.element.width(); // loops through LIs, get width of each tab when selected and unselected. var maxDiff = 0; // the max difference between a selected and unselected tab self.lis.each(function (i) { if (i == self.options.selected) { selectedTabWidths[i] = $(this).outerWidth(true); tabWidths[i] = self.lis.eq(i).removeClass('ui-tabs-selected').outerWidth(true); self.lis.eq(i).addClass('ui-tabs-selected'); maxDiff = Math.min(maxDiff, Math.abs(selectedTabWidths[i] - tabWidths[i])); allTabsWidth += tabWidths[i]; } else { tabWidths[i] = $(this).outerWidth(true); selectedTabWidths[i] = self.lis.eq(i).addClass('ui-tabs-selected').outerWidth(true); self.lis.eq(i).removeClass('ui-tabs-selected'); maxDiff = Math.max(maxDiff, Math.abs(selectedTabWidths[i] - tabWidths[i])); allTabsWidth += tabWidths[i]; } }); // fix padding issues with buttons // TODO determine a better way to handle this allTabsWidth += maxDiff + ($.browser.msie ? 4 : 0) + 9; // if the width of all tables is greater than the container's width, calculate the pages if (allTabsWidth > containerWidth) { // create next button li = $('
  • ') .addClass('ui-state-default ui-tabs-paging-next') .append($('') .click(function () { page('next'); return false; }) .html(opts.nextButton)); self.lis.eq(self.length() - 1).after(li); buttonWidth = li.outerWidth(true); // create prev button li = $('
  • ') .addClass('ui-state-default ui-tabs-paging-prev') .append($('') .click(function () { page('prev'); return false; }) .html(opts.prevButton)); self.lis.eq(0).before(li); buttonWidth += li.outerWidth(true); // TODO determine fix for padding issues to next button buttonWidth += 19; var pageIndex = 0, pageWidth = 0, maxTabPadding = 0; // start calculating pageWidths for (var i = 0; i < tabWidths.length; i++) { // if first tab of page or selected tab's padding larger than the current max, set the maxTabPadding if (pageWidth == 0 || selectedTabWidths[i] - tabWidths[i] > maxTabPadding) maxTabPadding = (selectedTabWidths[i] - tabWidths[i]); // if first tab of page, initialize pages variable for page if (pages[pageIndex] == null) { pages[pageIndex] = { start:i }; } else if ((i > 0 && (i % opts.tabsPerPage) == 0) || (tabWidths[i] + pageWidth + buttonWidth + 12) > containerWidth) { if ((pageWidth + maxTabPadding) > maxPageWidth) maxPageWidth = (pageWidth + maxTabPadding); pageIndex++; pages[pageIndex] = { start:i }; pageWidth = 0; } pages[pageIndex].end = i + 1; pageWidth += tabWidths[i]; if (i == self.options.selected) currentPage = pageIndex; } if ((pageWidth + maxTabPadding) > maxPageWidth) maxPageWidth = (pageWidth + maxTabPadding); // hide all tabs then show tabs for current page self.lis.hide().slice(pages[currentPage].start, pages[currentPage].end).show(); if (currentPage == (pages.length - 1) && !opts.cycle) disableButton('next'); if (currentPage == 0 && !opts.cycle) disableButton('prev'); // calculate the right padding for the next button buttonPadding = containerWidth - maxPageWidth - buttonWidth; if (buttonPadding > 0) $('.ui-tabs-paging-next', self.element).css({ paddingRight:buttonPadding + 'px' }); initialized = true; } else { destroy(); } $(window).bind('resize', handleResize); } function page(direction) { currentPage = currentPage + (direction == 'prev' ? -1 : 1); if ((direction == 'prev' && currentPage < 0 && opts.cycle) || (direction == 'next' && currentPage >= pages.length && !opts.cycle)) currentPage = pages.length - 1; else if ((direction == 'prev' && currentPage < 0) || (direction == 'next' && currentPage >= pages.length && opts.cycle)) currentPage = 0; var start = pages[currentPage].start; var end = pages[currentPage].end; self.lis.hide().slice(start, end).show(); if (direction == 'prev') { enableButton('next'); if (opts.follow && (self.options.selected < start || self.options.selected > (end - 1))) self.select(end - 1); if (!opts.cycle && start <= 0) disableButton('prev'); } else { enableButton('prev'); if (opts.follow && (self.options.selected < start || self.options.selected > (end - 1))) self.select(start); if (!opts.cycle && end >= self.length()) disableButton('next'); } } function disableButton(direction) { $('.ui-tabs-paging-' + direction, self.element).addClass('ui-tabs-paging-disabled'); } function enableButton(direction) { $('.ui-tabs-paging-' + direction, self.element).removeClass('ui-tabs-paging-disabled'); } // special function defined to handle IE6 and IE7 resize issues function handleResize() { if (resizeTimer) clearTimeout(resizeTimer); if (windowHeight != $(window).height() || windowWidth != $(window).width()) resizeTimer = setTimeout(reinit, 100); } function reinit() { windowHeight = $(window).height(); windowWidth = $(window).width(); init(); } function destroy() { // remove buttons $('.ui-tabs-paging-next', self.element).remove(); $('.ui-tabs-paging-prev', self.element).remove(); // show all tabs self.lis.show(); initialized = false; $(window).unbind('resize', handleResize); } // reconfigure "ui.tabs" add/remove events to reinit paging var tabsAdd = self.add; self.add = function (url, label, index) { // remove paging buttons before adding a tab if (initialized) destroy(); tabsAdd.apply(this, [url, label, index]); if (opts.selectOnAdd) { if (index == undefined) index = this.lis.length - 1; this.select(index); } // re-initialize paging buttons init(); }; var tabsRemove = self.remove; self.remove = function (index) { // remove paging buttons before removing a tab if (initialized) destroy(); tabsRemove.apply(this, [index]); // re-initialize paging buttons init(); }; // reconfigure "ui.tabs" select event to change pages if new tab is selected var tabsSelect = self.select; self.select = function (index) { var $panel; var $parent; if (typeof(index) === 'string') { $panel = $('#' + index); $parent = $panel.parent(); // getting my index index = $parent.children('.ui-tabs-panel').index($panel); } tabsSelect.apply(this, [index]); // if paging is not initialized or it is not configured to // change pages when a new tab is selected, then do nothing if (!initialized || !opts.followOnSelect) return; // find the new page based on index of the tab selected for (i in pages) { var start = pages[i].start; var end = pages[i].end; if (index >= start && index < end) { // if the the tab selected is not within the currentPage of tabs, then change pages if (i != currentPage) { self.lis.hide().slice(start, end).show(); currentPage = parseInt(i); if (currentPage == 0) { enableButton('next'); if (!opts.cycle && start <= 0) disableButton('prev'); } else { enableButton('prev'); if (!opts.cycle && end >= self.length()) disableButton('next'); } } break; } } }; // add, remove, and destroy functions specific for paging $.extend($.ui.tabs.prototype, { pagingDestroy:function () { destroy(); } }); init(); } }); })(jQuery);