package rhomobile; import j2me.util.LinkedList; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import; import net.rim.device.api.browser.field.BrowserContent; import net.rim.device.api.browser.field.Event; import net.rim.device.api.browser.field.RedirectEvent; import net.rim.device.api.browser.field.RenderingApplication; import net.rim.device.api.browser.field.RenderingException; import net.rim.device.api.browser.field.RenderingOptions; import net.rim.device.api.browser.field.RenderingSession; import net.rim.device.api.browser.field.RequestedResource; import net.rim.device.api.browser.field.SetHttpCookieEvent; import net.rim.device.api.browser.field.UrlRequestedEvent; import; import net.rim.device.api.system.Alert; import net.rim.device.api.system.Application; import net.rim.device.api.system.ApplicationManager; import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap; import net.rim.device.api.system.Characters; import net.rim.device.api.system.Display; import net.rim.device.api.system.EncodedImage; import net.rim.device.api.system.KeyListener; import net.rim.device.api.system.SystemListener; //import; import net.rim.device.api.system.TrackwheelListener; import net.rim.device.api.ui.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.BitmapField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Dialog; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Menu; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Status; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.FullScreen; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.PopupScreen; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.VerticalFieldManager; //import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.HorizontalFieldManager; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.LabelField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager; import net.rim.device.api.math.Fixed32; import*; //import net.rim.device.api.system.EventInjector.KeyCodeEvent; import com.rho.*; //import com.rho.db.DBAdapter; import com.rho.rubyext.GeoLocation; import; import; import; import com.rho.sync.SyncThread; import com.rho.sync.ISyncStatusListener; import com.rho.Jsr75File; import com.rho.RhodesApp; import com.xruby.runtime.lang.RubyProgram; import; import net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.SAXParser; /** * */ final public class RhodesApplication extends UiApplication implements RenderingApplication, SystemListener, ISyncStatusListener//, FileSystemListener { // Menu Labels public static final String LABEL_HOME = "Home"; public static final String LABEL_REFRESH = "Refresh"; public static final String LABEL_BACK = "Back"; public static final String LABEL_SYNC = "Sync"; public static final String LABEL_OPTIONS = "Options"; public static final String LABEL_LOG = "Log"; public static final String LABEL_SEPARATOR = "separator"; public static final String LABEL_CLOSE = "Close"; public static final String LABEL_NONE = "none"; private static final RhoLogger LOG = RhoLogger.RHO_STRIP_LOG ? new RhoEmptyLogger() : new RhoLogger("RhodesApplication"); private static final RhoProfiler PROF = RhoProfiler.RHO_STRIP_PROFILER ? new RhoEmptyProfiler() : new RhoProfiler(); private static final String RHODES_AJAX_PROTOCOL = "RhodesAjaxCall="; private Vector pendingResponses = new Vector(); /*boolean m_bSDCardAdded = false; public void rootChanged(int arg0, String arg1) { LOG.INFO_OUT( "rootChanged. arg0 :" + arg0 + "arg1: " + arg1); if ( arg0 == FileSystemListener.ROOT_ADDED && arg1 != null && arg1.equals("SDCard/") ) m_bSDCardAdded = true; }*/ //boolean m_bSkipKeyPress = false; class CKeyListener implements KeyListener{ public boolean keyChar(char key, int status, int time) { if( key == Characters.ENTER ) { openLink(); return true; } return false; } public boolean keyDown(int keycode, int time) { int nKey = Keypad.key(keycode); if ( nKey == Keypad.KEY_ESCAPE ) { /*if ( m_bSkipKeyPress ) m_bSkipKeyPress = false; else*/ back(); return true; } return false; } public boolean keyRepeat(int keycode, int time) {return false;} public boolean keyStatus(int keycode, int time) {return false;} public boolean keyUp(int keycode, int time) {return false;} }; class CTrackwheelListener implements TrackwheelListener{ public boolean trackwheelClick(int status, int time) { openLink(); return true; } public boolean trackwheelRoll(int amount, int status, int time) {return false;} public boolean trackwheelUnclick(int status, int time) {return false;} } /*class SyncNotificationsImpl extends SyncNotifications{ public void performNotification(String url, String body){ HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.addProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); postUrl(url, body, headers); */ /* String curUrl = (String)_history.lastElement(); curUrl.replace('\\', '/'); if ( curUrl.equalsIgnoreCase(url) ) navigateUrl(curUrl);*/ // } //} /* private String processAjaxCall(String request) { if (!request.startsWith(RHODES_AJAX_PROTOCOL)) return null; String command = request.substring(RHODES_AJAX_PROTOCOL.length()).trim(); Hashtable params = new Hashtable(); for (; command.length() > 0;) { int index = command.indexOf(';'); String name = index == -1 ? command : command.substring(0, index); String value = ""; command = index == -1 ? "" : command.substring(index + 1); index = name.indexOf('='); if (index != -1) { value = name.substring(index + 1); name = name.substring(0, index); } params.put(name, value); } String method = (String)params.get("method"); if (method == null) return null; if (method.equals("GeoLocation")) return GeoLocation.GetLocation(); if (method.equals("Log")) { String message = (String)params.get("message"); if (message != null) LOG.INFO(message); return null; } return null; }*/ boolean isExternalUrl(String strUrl) { return strUrl.startsWith("http://") || strUrl.startsWith("https://"); } String canonicalizeURL( String url ){ if ( url == null || url.length() == 0 ) return ""; url.replace('\\', '/'); if ( !url.startsWith(_httpRoot) && !isExternalUrl(url) ) url = FilePath.join(_httpRoot,url); return url; } void navigateUrl(String url){ PrimaryResourceFetchThread thread = new PrimaryResourceFetchThread( canonicalizeURL(url), null, null, null); thread.start(); } public String getPathForMenuItem(String url) { url = _httpRoot + url.substring(url.charAt(0) == '\\' || url.charAt(0) == '/' ? 1 : 0 ); return url; } void addMenuItem(String label, String value){ LOG.TRACE("Adding menu item: label: " + label + ", value: " + value); _mainScreen.addCustomMenuItem(label, value); } private String m_strAppBackUrl =""; void resetMenuItems() { _mainScreen.setMenuItems(new Vector()); m_strAppBackUrl = ""; } public void postUrl(String url, String body, HttpHeaders headers) { postUrl(url, body, headers, null); } public void postUrl(String url, String body, HttpHeaders headers, Runnable callback){ PrimaryResourceFetchThread thread = new PrimaryResourceFetchThread( canonicalizeURL(url), headers, body.getBytes(), null, callback); thread.setInternalRequest(true); thread.start(); } public static class NetCallback { public NetResponse m_response; public void waitForResponse() { synchronized(this) { try{ this.wait(); }catch(InterruptedException exc){} } } public void setResponse(NetResponse resp) { synchronized(this) { m_response = resp; this.notify(); } } } public void postUrlWithCallback(String url, String body, HttpHeaders headers, NetCallback netCallback){ PrimaryResourceFetchThread thread = new PrimaryResourceFetchThread( canonicalizeURL(url), headers, body.getBytes(), null); thread.setNetCallback(netCallback); thread.start(); } void saveCurrentLocation(String url) { if (RhoConf.getInstance().getBool("KeepTrackOfLastVisitedPage")) { RhoConf.getInstance().setString("LastVisitedPage",url); RhoConf.getInstance().saveToFile(); LOG.TRACE("Saved LastVisitedPage: " + url); } } boolean restoreLocation() { LOG.TRACE("Restore Location to LastVisitedPage"); if (RhoConf.getInstance().getBool("KeepTrackOfLastVisitedPage")) { String url = RhoConf.getInstance().getString("LastVisitedPage"); if (url.length()>0) { LOG.TRACE("Navigating to LastVisitedPage: " + url); if ( _history.size() == 0 ) _history.addElement(url); navigateUrl(url); return true; } } return false; } void back(){ String url = m_strAppBackUrl; if ( url.length() == 0) { if ( _history.size() <= 1 ) return; int nPos = _history.size()-2; url = (String)_history.elementAt(nPos); _history.removeElementAt(nPos+1); }else addToHistory(url,null); saveCurrentLocation(url); navigateUrl(url); } String removeSemicolon(String str) { if ( str == null ) return null; int nCol = str.indexOf(';'); if ( nCol >= 0 ) return str.substring(0,nCol); return str; } void addToHistory(String strUrl, String refferer ) { strUrl = removeSemicolon(strUrl); refferer = removeSemicolon(refferer); if ( !strUrl.startsWith(_httpRoot) && !isExternalUrl(strUrl) ) strUrl = _httpRoot + (strUrl.startsWith("/") ? strUrl.substring(1) : strUrl); int nPos = -1; for( int i = 0; i < _history.size(); i++ ){ if ( strUrl.equalsIgnoreCase((String)_history.elementAt(i)) ){ nPos = i; break; } /*String strUrl1 = strUrl + "/index"; if ( strUrl1.equalsIgnoreCase((String)_history.elementAt(i)) ){ nPos = i; break; }*/ if ( refferer != null && refferer.equalsIgnoreCase((String)_history.elementAt(i)) ){ nPos = i; break; } } if ( nPos == -1 ){ boolean bReplace = RhoConnection.findIndex(strUrl) != -1; if ( bReplace ) _history.setElementAt(strUrl, _history.size()-1 ); else _history.addElement(strUrl); } else{ _history.setSize(nPos+1); _history.setElementAt(strUrl, _history.size()-1 ); } saveCurrentLocation(strUrl); } private boolean m_bOpenLink = false; private String m_strGetLink, m_strEmailMenu, m_strCallMenu; boolean openLink(){ LOG.INFO("openLink"); try{ m_bOpenLink = true; //TODO: catch by ID? if (m_strGetLink==null) { Version.SoftVersion ver = Version.getSoftVersion(); if ( ver.nMajor > 4 ) m_strGetLink = RhoRuby.getMessageText("open_link_menu"); else m_strGetLink = RhoRuby.getMessageText("get_link_menu"); } if (m_strEmailMenu==null) m_strEmailMenu = RhoRuby.getMessageText("email_menu"); if (m_strCallMenu==null) m_strCallMenu = RhoRuby.getMessageText("call_menu"); Menu menu = _mainScreen.getMenu(0); int size = menu.getSize(); for(int i=0; i 25500) dt = 25500; if (dt > 0) { Alert.startVibrate(dt); } } }); } private static final String[][] filetypes = { {"mp3", "audio/mpeg"}, {"wav","audio/x-wav"} }; private String getTypeFromExt(String file_name) { int pt = file_name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (pt<0) { return filetypes[0][1]; } String ext = file_name.substring(pt+1); for (int cnt = filetypes.length - 1; cnt >= 0; --cnt) { if(filetypes[cnt][0].equals(ext)) { return filetypes[cnt][1]; } } return null; } public void play_file(final String file_name, final String media_type) { Application.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { String type = media_type == null ? getTypeFromExt(file_name) : media_type; if (type != null) { LOG.INFO("File type: " + type); } else { LOG.ERROR("Error - can't play unknown file type"); return; } String types[] =; for (int cnt = types.length - 1; cnt >= 0; --cnt) { if (type.equals(types[cnt])) { LOG.INFO( "Playing file " + file_name + " of type: " + types[cnt]); SimpleFile file = null; try { //retrieve the file Class clazz = Class.forName("rhomobile.RhodesApplication"); file = RhoClassFactory.createFile(); String strClassName = file_name; if ( !strClassName.startsWith("/apps") ) strClassName = "/apps" + file_name; InputStream is = file.getResourceAsStream(clazz.getClass(), strClassName); //create an instance of the player from the InputStream Player player =,type); player.realize(); player.prefetch(); //start the player player.start(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.ERROR("Error playing " + file_name + " :" + ex.getMessage()); } finally { try{ if ( file != null ) file.close(); }catch(Exception exc){} } return; } } LOG.ERROR("Error - media type " + type + " isn't supported."); } }); } private static final String REFERER = "referer"; private RenderingSession _renderingSession; private CMainScreen _mainScreen = null; private SyncStatusPopup _syncStatusPopup = null; private String _lastStatusMessage = null; private HttpConnection _currentConnection; private Vector _history; private final String _httpRoot = "http://localhost:8080/"; private static boolean _isFullBrowser = false; private static PushListeningThread _pushListeningThread = null; private static RhodesApplication _instance; public static RhodesApplication getInstance(){ return _instance; } private static RhodesApp RHODESAPP(){ return RhodesApp.getInstance(); } public static boolean isFullBrowser(){ return _isFullBrowser; } /*************************************************************************** * Main. **************************************************************************/ public static void main(String[] args) { //RhoLogger.InitRhoLog(); //LOG.TRACE("Rhodes MAIN started ***--------------------------***"); //_pushListeningThread = new PushListeningThread(); //_pushListeningThread.start(); _instance = new RhodesApplication(); try{ _instance.enterEventDispatcher(); }catch(Exception exc) { if ( RhoConf.getInstance() != null ) LOG.ERROR("Error in application.", exc); RhoConf.sendLog(); throw new RuntimeException("Application failed and will exit. Log will send to log server." + exc.toString()); }catch(Throwable e) { if ( RhoConf.getInstance() != null ) LOG.ERROR("Error in application.", e); RhoConf.sendLog(); throw new RuntimeException("Application failed and will exit. Log will send to log server." + e.toString()); } _pushListeningThread.stop(); RhoLogger.close(); //LOG.TRACE("Rhodes MAIN exit ***--------------------------***"); } void doClose(){ LOG.TRACE("Rhodes DO CLOSE ***--------------------------***"); /* SyncEngine.stop(null); GeoLocation.stop(); RhoRuby.RhoRubyStop(); try{ RhoClassFactory.getNetworkAccess().close(); }catch(IOException exc){ LOG.ERROR(exc); } */ } private int m_activateHookNo = 0; private Hashtable m_activateHooks; public static abstract class ActivateHook { public abstract void run(); }; public int addActivateHook(ActivateHook hook) { synchronized(m_activateHooks) { int no = ++m_activateHookNo; m_activateHooks.put(new Integer(no), hook); return no; } } public void removeActivateHook(int no) { synchronized (m_activateHooks) { m_activateHooks.remove(new Integer(no)); } } private void runActivateHooks() { synchronized(m_activateHooks) { if (m_activateHooks != null && m_activateHooks.size() != 0) { Enumeration e = m_activateHooks.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { ActivateHook hook = (ActivateHook)e.nextElement();; } m_activateHooks.clear(); return; } } } private static Object m_eventRubyInit = new Object(); private static boolean m_bRubyInit = false; public void activate() { //DO NOT DO ANYTHING before doStartupWork doStartupWork(); showSplashScreen(); LOG.TRACE("Rhodes start activate ***--------------------------***"); UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { if ( !m_bRubyInit ) { synchronized (m_eventRubyInit) { try{ m_eventRubyInit.wait(); }catch(Exception e) { LOG.ERROR("wait failed", e); } } } if ( !RhoRuby.rho_ruby_isValid() ) { LOG.ERROR("Cannot initialize Rho framework. Application will exit."); Dialog.alert("Cannot initialize Rho framework. Application will exit. Log will send to log server."); RhoConf.sendLog(); System.exit(1); } runActivateHooks(); RhoRuby.rho_ruby_activateApp(); if(!restoreLocation()) { navigateHome(); } LOG.TRACE("Rhodes end activate ***--------------------------***"); } }); super.activate(); } void initRuby()throws Exception { try { RhoRuby.RhoRubyStart(""); SyncThread sync = null; try{ sync = SyncThread.Create( new RhoClassFactory() ); }catch(Exception exc){ LOG.ERROR("Create sync failed.", exc); } if (sync != null) { sync.setStatusListener(this); } RhoRuby.RhoRubyInitApp(); }finally { m_bRubyInit = true; synchronized (m_eventRubyInit) { m_eventRubyInit.notifyAll(); } } } public void deactivate() { LOG.TRACE("Rhodes deactivate ***--------------------------***"); // SyncEngine.stop(null); GeoLocation.stop(); RingtoneManager.stop(); super.deactivate(); } synchronized public void setSyncStatusPopup(SyncStatusPopup popup) { _syncStatusPopup = popup; if (_syncStatusPopup != null) { _syncStatusPopup.showStatus(_lastStatusMessage); } else { _lastStatusMessage = null; } } synchronized public void reportStatus(String status, int error) { _lastStatusMessage = status; //LOG.INFO("Sync status: " + status); //if (_syncStatusPopup == null && error != 0) { // createStatusPopup(); //} else invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (_syncStatusPopup != null) { _syncStatusPopup.showStatus(_lastStatusMessage); }else { SyncStatusPopup popup = new SyncStatusPopup(_lastStatusMessage); RhodesApplication.getInstance().setSyncStatusPopup(popup); pushScreen(popup); } } }); } public void createStatusPopup(String status) { _lastStatusMessage = status; invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (_syncStatusPopup == null) { SyncStatusPopup popup = new SyncStatusPopup(_lastStatusMessage); RhodesApplication.getInstance().setSyncStatusPopup(popup); pushScreen(popup); } } }); } static class SyncStatusPopup extends PopupScreen { LabelField _labelStatus; public SyncStatusPopup(String status) { super( new VerticalFieldManager( Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL | Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR) ); add(_labelStatus = new LabelField(status != null ? status : "", Field.FIELD_HCENTER)); add(new LabelField("")); ButtonField hideButton = new ButtonField( RhoRuby.getMessageText("hide"), Field.FIELD_HCENTER ); hideButton.setChangeListener( new HideListener(this) ); add(hideButton); } public void showStatus(String status) { if (status == null) return; //synchronized (Application.getEventLock()) { _labelStatus.setText(status); // } } protected boolean keyDown( int keycode, int status ) { if ( Keypad.key( keycode ) == Keypad.KEY_ESCAPE ) { close(); RhodesApplication.getInstance().setSyncStatusPopup(null); return true; } return super.keyDown( keycode, status ); } private class HideListener implements FieldChangeListener { SyncStatusPopup owner; public HideListener(SyncStatusPopup _owner) { super(); owner = _owner; } public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) { owner.close(); RhodesApplication.getInstance().setSyncStatusPopup(null); } } } /* static class WaitStatusPopup extends PopupScreen { public WaitStatusPopup(String status) { super( new VerticalFieldManager( Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL | Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR) ); add(new LabelField(status != null ? status : "Please wait...", Field.FIELD_HCENTER)); } } WaitStatusPopup m_waitPopup; void showWaitPopup(String msg) { m_waitPopup = new WaitStatusPopup(msg); pushScreen(m_waitPopup); } void hideWaitPopup() { this.popScreen(m_waitPopup); m_waitPopup = null; }*/ class CMainScreen extends RhoMainScreen{ protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) { //LOG.INFO("navigationClick: " + status); return super.navigationClick(status, time); } protected void onTouchUnclick() { openLink(); } private Vector menuItems = new Vector(); private MenuItem homeItem = new MenuItem("", 200000, 10) { public void run() { navigateHome(); } }; private MenuItem refreshItem = new MenuItem("", 200000, 10) { public void run() { refreshCurrentPage(); } }; private MenuItem backItem = new MenuItem("", 200000, 10) { public void run() { back(); } }; private MenuItem syncItem = new MenuItem("", 200000, 10) { public void run() { //RhodesApplication.getInstance().createStatusPopup(); SyncThread.doSyncAllSources(true); } }; private MenuItem optionsItem = new MenuItem("", 200000, 10) { public void run() { String curUrl = RhoRuby.getOptionsPage(); curUrl = getPathForMenuItem(curUrl); addToHistory(curUrl, null ); navigateUrl(curUrl); } }; private MenuItem logItem = new MenuItem("", 200000, 10) { public void run() { showLogScreen(); } }; private MenuItem separatorItem = MenuItem.separator(200000); private MenuItem closeItem = new MenuItem("", 200000, 10) { public void run() { close(); } }; private MenuItem savedGetLinkItem = null; protected void makeMenu(Menu menu, int instance) { if (m_bOpenLink) { super.makeMenu(menu, instance); return; } menu.deleteAll(); /* // TODO: This is really a hack, we should replicate the "Get Link" functionality // Also, for some reason the menu size becomes 0 when there is 1 item left (page view) for(int i=0; i < menu.getSize(); i++) { //System.out.println("Getting menu item: " + i); MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i); String label = item.toString(); // Save the get link menuitem if(!label.equalsIgnoreCase("Get Link")) { //savedGetLinkItem = item; menu.deleteItem(i); if ( i > 0 ) i = i - 1; } } // Delete Page View MenuItem pgview = null; try { // TODO: menu.getSize() above incorrectly reports size 0 when // there is 1 item left! (Correct for BB 4.6 and less) pgview = menu.getItem(0); } catch (Exception e) { // This is ok. On BB 4.7 there is correct behavior so attempting to get // item with index 0 cause exception - menu is actually empty! } if (pgview != null && pgview.getId() == 853) menu.deleteItem(0);*/ // Don't draw menu if menuItems is null if (menuItems == null) return; ContextMenu contextMenu = ContextMenu.getInstance(); contextMenu.clear(); // Draw default menu if (menuItems != null && menuItems.size() == 0) { updateMenuItemsLabel(); contextMenu.addItem(homeItem); contextMenu.addItem(refreshItem); contextMenu.addItem(syncItem); contextMenu.addItem(optionsItem); contextMenu.addItem(logItem); contextMenu.addItem(separatorItem); contextMenu.addItem(closeItem); /* setDefaultItemToMenu(RhodesApplication.LABEL_HOME, homeItem, contextMenu); setDefaultItemToMenu(RhodesApplication.LABEL_REFRESH, refreshItem, contextMenu); setDefaultItemToMenu(RhodesApplication.LABEL_SYNC, syncItem, contextMenu); setDefaultItemToMenu(RhodesApplication.LABEL_OPTIONS, optionsItem, contextMenu); setDefaultItemToMenu(RhodesApplication.LABEL_LOG, logItem, contextMenu); setDefaultItemToMenu(RhodesApplication.LABEL_SEPARATOR, separatorItem, contextMenu); setDefaultItemToMenu(RhodesApplication.LABEL_CLOSE, closeItem, contextMenu);*/ } // Draw menu from rhodes framework Enumeration elements = menuItems.elements(); while (elements.hasMoreElements()) { MenuItem item = (MenuItem)elements.nextElement(); contextMenu.addItem(item); } //setDefaultItemToMenu(RhodesApplication.LABEL_SYNC, syncItem, contextMenu); this.makeContextMenu(contextMenu); menu.add(contextMenu); } public void addCustomMenuItem(String label, final String value) { // Is this a default item? If so, use the existing menu item we have. if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(RhodesApplication.LABEL_HOME)) { setDefaultItemToMenuItems(label, homeItem); } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(RhodesApplication.LABEL_REFRESH)) { setDefaultItemToMenuItems(label, refreshItem); } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(RhodesApplication.LABEL_BACK)) { setDefaultItemToMenuItems(label, backItem); } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(RhodesApplication.LABEL_SYNC)) { setDefaultItemToMenuItems(label, syncItem); } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(RhodesApplication.LABEL_OPTIONS)) { setDefaultItemToMenuItems(label, optionsItem); } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(RhodesApplication.LABEL_LOG)) { setDefaultItemToMenuItems(label, logItem); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase(RhodesApplication.LABEL_SEPARATOR) || (value != null && value.equalsIgnoreCase(RhodesApplication.LABEL_SEPARATOR))) { menuItems.addElement(separatorItem); } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(RhodesApplication.LABEL_CLOSE)) { setDefaultItemToMenuItems(label, closeItem); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase(RhodesApplication.LABEL_NONE)) { menuItems = null; } else { if ( label.equalsIgnoreCase("back") ) m_strAppBackUrl = value; MenuItem itemToAdd = new MenuItem(label, 200000, 10) { public void run() { String val = getPathForMenuItem(value); addToHistory(val, null ); navigateUrl(val); } }; menuItems.addElement(itemToAdd); } } void updateMenuItemsLabel() { homeItem.setText(RhoRuby.getMessageText("home_menu")); refreshItem.setText(RhoRuby.getMessageText("refresh_menu")); backItem.setText(RhoRuby.getMessageText("back_menu")); syncItem.setText(RhoRuby.getMessageText("sync_menu")); optionsItem.setText(RhoRuby.getMessageText("options_menu")); logItem.setText(RhoRuby.getMessageText("log_menu")); closeItem.setText(RhoRuby.getMessageText("close_menu")); } private void setDefaultItemToMenuItems(String label, MenuItem item) { item.setText(label); menuItems.addElement(item); } /*private void setDefaultItemToMenu(String label, MenuItem item, ContextMenu menu) { item.setText(label); menu.addItem(item); }*/ public void close() { LOG.TRACE("Calling Screen.close"); Application.getApplication().requestBackground(); } public boolean onClose() { doClose(); return super.onClose(); //System.exit(0); //return true; } public boolean onMenu(int instance) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.onMenu(instance); } public Vector getMenuItems() { return menuItems; } public void setMenuItems(Vector menuItems) { this.menuItems = menuItems; } public MenuItem getSavedGetLinkItem() { return savedGetLinkItem; } } public void showSplashScreen() { SplashScreen splash = RHODESAPP().getSplashScreen(); InputStream is = null; try { RubyProgram obj = new xruby.version.main(); String pngname = "/apps/app/loading.png"; is = obj.getClass().getResourceAsStream(pngname); if ( is != null ) { int size = is.available(); byte[] data = new byte[size]; for (int offset = 0; offset < size;) { int n =, offset, size - offset); if (n < 0) break; offset += n; } EncodedImage img = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage(data, 0, size); long nFlags = 0; if (splash.isFlag(SplashScreen.HCENTER) ) nFlags |= Field.FIELD_HCENTER; if (splash.isFlag(SplashScreen.VCENTER) ) nFlags |= Field.FIELD_VCENTER; int scaleX = 1, scaleY = 1; int currentWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(img.getWidth()); int currentHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(img.getHeight()); int screenWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(Display.getWidth()); int screenHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP(Display.getHeight()); if (splash.isFlag(SplashScreen.VZOOM) ) scaleY = Fixed32.div(currentHeightFixed32, screenHeightFixed32); if (splash.isFlag(SplashScreen.HZOOM) ) scaleX = Fixed32.div(currentWidthFixed32, screenWidthFixed32); EncodedImage img2 = img; if ( scaleX != 1 || scaleY != 1) img2 = img.scaleImage32(scaleX, scaleY); Bitmap bitmap = img2.getBitmap(); splash.start(); BitmapField imageField = new BitmapField(bitmap, nFlags); _mainScreen.deleteAll(); _mainScreen.add(imageField); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.ERROR("Can't show splash screen", e); }finally { if ( is != null ) try{is.close();}catch(IOException exc){} is = null; } } public void showLogScreen() { LogScreen screen = new LogScreen(); //Push this screen to display it to the user. UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(screen); } /* boolean isWaitForSDCardAtStartup() { if ( Jsr75File.isRhoFolderExist() ) return false; if ( Jsr75File.isSDCardExist() ) return false; return !m_bActivated; }*/ private void doStartupWork() { if (_mainScreen!=null) return; if ( ApplicationManager.getApplicationManager().inStartup() )// || isWaitForSDCardAtStartup() ) { this.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { doStartupWork(); } } ); return; } try{ System.out.println("RHODES - 1"); if ( !Jsr75File.isSDCardExist() ) Thread.sleep(5000); //Wait till SDCard may appear System.out.println("RHODES - 1"); RhoLogger.InitRhoLog(); LOG.INFO(" STARTING RHODES: ***----------------------------------*** " ); RhodesApp.Create(RhoConf.getInstance().getRhoRootPath()); CKeyListener list = new CKeyListener(); CTrackwheelListener wheel = new CTrackwheelListener(); this._history = new Vector(); //SyncEngine.setNotificationImpl( new SyncNotificationsImpl() ); _mainScreen = new CMainScreen(); _mainScreen.addKeyListener(list); _mainScreen.addTrackwheelListener(wheel); pushScreen(_mainScreen); _renderingSession = RenderingSession.getNewInstance(); // enable javascript _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED, true); _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.JAVASCRIPT_LOCATION_ENABLED, true); _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.ENABLE_CSS, true); _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.DEFAULT_CHARSET_VALUE, "utf-8"); _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.OVERWRITE_CHARSET_MODE, true); _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.ALLOW_POPUPS, true); _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.USE_BACKGROUND_IMAGES, true); // _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.VALUE_THRESHOLD, 100000); // _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.USE_BACKGROUND_IMAGES, true); // _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.SHOW_IMAGE_PLACEHOLDERS, false); // _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.ENABLE_WML, false); // _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.ENABLE_EMBEDDED_RICH_CONTENT, false); // _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.ENABLE_IMAGE_EDITING, false); // _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.NO_SEARCH_MENU_MODE, true); if ( RhoConf.getInstance().getString("use_bb_full_browser").equalsIgnoreCase("touch") ) _isFullBrowser = _mainScreen.isTouchScreen(); else if ( RhoConf.getInstance().getBool("use_bb_full_browser") ) { Version.SoftVersion ver = Version.getSoftVersion(); if ( ver.nMajor > 4 || ( ver.nMajor == 4 && ver.nMinor >= 6 ) ) _isFullBrowser = true; } if (_isFullBrowser) { //this is the undocumented option to tell the browser to use the 4.6 Rendering Engine _renderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, 17000, true); } // _pushListeningThread = new PushListeningThread(); // _pushListeningThread.start(); try { RhoClassFactory.getNetworkAccess().configure(); } catch(IOException exc) { LOG.ERROR(exc.getMessage()); } //initRuby(); PrimaryResourceFetchThread.Create(this); LOG.INFO("RHODES STARTUP COMPLETED: ***----------------------------------*** " ); }catch(Exception exc) { LOG.ERROR("doStartupWork failed", exc); } } private void invokeStartupWork() { // I think this can get called twice // 1) Directly from startup, if the app starts while the BB is up - e.g. after download // 2) From System Listener - after system restart and when the app is originally installed // To make sure we don't actually do the startup stuff twice, // we use _mainScreen as a flag if ( _mainScreen == null ) { LOG.INFO_OUT(" Shedule doStartupWork() ***---------------------------------- " ); this.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { doStartupWork(); } } ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // SystemListener methods public void powerUp() { LOG.INFO_OUT(" POWER UP ***----------------------------------*** " ); invokeStartupWork(); this.requestBackground(); } public void powerOff() { LOG.TRACE(" POWER DOWN ***----------------------------------*** " ); // _mainScreen = null; // doClose(); } public void batteryLow() { } public void batteryGood() { } public void batteryStatusChange(int status) { } // end of SystemListener methods //---------------------------------------------------------------------- private RhodesApplication() { LOG.INFO_OUT(" Construct RhodesApplication() ***----------------------------------*** " ); m_activateHooks = new Hashtable(); this.addSystemListener(this); //this.addFileSystemListener(this); if ( ApplicationManager.getApplicationManager().inStartup() ) { LOG.INFO_OUT("We are in the phone startup, don't start Rhodes yet, leave it to power up call"); } else { invokeStartupWork(); } } public void refreshCurrentPage(){ navigateUrl(getCurrentPageUrl()); } public String getCurrentPageUrl(){ return (String)_history.lastElement(); } void navigateHome(){ String strHomePage = RhoRuby.getStartPage(); String strStartPage = _httpRoot; if ( strHomePage != null && strHomePage.length() > 0 ) { strStartPage = _httpRoot.substring(0, _httpRoot.length()-1) + strHomePage; } _history.removeAllElements(); _history.addElement(strStartPage); navigateUrl(strStartPage); } public void processConnection(HttpConnection connection, Event e) { // cancel previous request if (_currentConnection != null) { try { _currentConnection.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { } } _currentConnection = connection; BrowserContent browserContent = null; try { browserContent = _renderingSession.getBrowserContent(connection, this, e); if (browserContent != null) { browserContent.finishLoading(); Field field = browserContent.getDisplayableContent(); if (field != null) { RHODESAPP().getSplashScreen().hide(); synchronized (Application.getEventLock()) { _mainScreen.deleteAll(); _mainScreen.add(field); /* _mainScreen.doPaint(); if ( e == null ) {//This should awake screen in case of long network response KeyCodeEvent inject1 = new KeyCodeEvent( KeyCodeEvent.KEY_DOWN, (char)Keypad.KEY_ESCAPE, 0); KeyCodeEvent inject2 = new KeyCodeEvent( KeyCodeEvent.KEY_UP, (char)Keypad.KEY_ESCAPE, 0);;; m_bSkipKeyPress = true; }*/ } } } } catch (RenderingException re) { } finally { SecondaryResourceFetchThread.doneAddingImages(); } } /** * @see net.rim.device.api.browser.RenderingApplication#eventOccurred(net.rim.device.api.browser.Event) */ public Object eventOccurred(Event event) { int eventId = event.getUID(); switch (eventId) { case Event.EVENT_URL_REQUESTED : { UrlRequestedEvent urlRequestedEvent = (UrlRequestedEvent) event; String absoluteUrl = urlRequestedEvent.getURL(); //if ( !absoluteUrl.startsWith(_httpRoot) ) // absoluteUrl = _httpRoot + absoluteUrl.substring(_httpRoot.length()-5); if ( urlRequestedEvent.getPostData() == null || urlRequestedEvent.getPostData().length == 0 ) addToHistory(absoluteUrl, null ); PrimaryResourceFetchThread thread = new PrimaryResourceFetchThread(absoluteUrl, urlRequestedEvent.getHeaders(), urlRequestedEvent.getPostData(), event); thread.start(); break; } case Event.EVENT_BROWSER_CONTENT_CHANGED: { // browser field title might have changed update title /*BrowserContentChangedEvent browserContentChangedEvent = (BrowserContentChangedEvent) event; if (browserContentChangedEvent.getSource() instanceof BrowserContent) { BrowserContent browserField = (BrowserContent) browserContentChangedEvent.getSource(); String newTitle = browserField.getTitle(); if (newTitle != null) { synchronized (getAppEventLock()) //synchronized (Application.getEventLock()) { _mainScreen.setTitle(newTitle); } } }*/ break; } case Event.EVENT_REDIRECT : { RedirectEvent e = (RedirectEvent) event; String referrer = e.getSourceURL(); String absoluteUrl = e.getLocation(); switch (e.getType()) { case RedirectEvent.TYPE_SINGLE_FRAME_REDIRECT : // show redirect message Application.getApplication().invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() {"You are being redirected to a different page..."); } }); break; case RedirectEvent.TYPE_JAVASCRIPT : break; case RedirectEvent.TYPE_META : // MSIE and Mozilla don't send a Referer for META Refresh. referrer = null; break; case RedirectEvent.TYPE_300_REDIRECT : // MSIE, Mozilla, and Opera all send the original // request's Referer as the Referer for the new // request. //if ( !absoluteUrl.startsWith(_httpRoot) ) // absoluteUrl = _httpRoot + absoluteUrl.substring(_httpRoot.length()-5); addToHistory(absoluteUrl,referrer); Object eventSource = e.getSource(); if (eventSource instanceof HttpConnection) { referrer = ((HttpConnection)eventSource).getRequestProperty(REFERER); } break; } HttpHeaders requestHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); requestHeaders.setProperty(REFERER, referrer); PrimaryResourceFetchThread thread = new PrimaryResourceFetchThread(absoluteUrl, requestHeaders,null, event); thread.start(); break; } case Event.EVENT_CLOSE : // TODO: close the application break; case Event.EVENT_SET_HEADER : case Event.EVENT_SET_HTTP_COOKIE : { /*String cookie = ((SetHttpCookieEvent)event).getCookie(); String response = processAjaxCall(cookie); if (response != null) synchronized (pendingResponses) { pendingResponses.addElement(response); } response = null; cookie = null;*/ break; } case Event.EVENT_HISTORY : // no history support case Event.EVENT_EXECUTING_SCRIPT : // no progress bar is supported case Event.EVENT_FULL_WINDOW : // no full window support case Event.EVENT_STOP : // no stop loading support default : } return null; } /** * @see net.rim.device.api.browser.RenderingApplication#getAvailableHeight(net.rim.device.api.browser.BrowserContent) */ public int getAvailableHeight(BrowserContent browserField) { // field has full screen return Graphics.getScreenHeight(); } /** * @see net.rim.device.api.browser.RenderingApplication#getAvailableWidth(net.rim.device.api.browser.BrowserContent) */ public int getAvailableWidth(BrowserContent browserField) { // field has full screen return Graphics.getScreenWidth(); } /** * @see net.rim.device.api.browser.RenderingApplication#getHistoryPosition(net.rim.device.api.browser.BrowserContent) */ public int getHistoryPosition(BrowserContent browserField) { // no history support return 0; } /** * @see net.rim.device.api.browser.RenderingApplication#getHTTPCookie(java.lang.String) */ public String getHTTPCookie(String url) { StringBuffer responseCode = new StringBuffer(); synchronized (pendingResponses) { for (int index = 0; index < pendingResponses.size(); index++) responseCode.append(pendingResponses.elementAt(index)); pendingResponses.removeAllElements(); } return responseCode.toString(); } /** * @see net.rim.device.api.browser.RenderingApplication#getResource(net.rim.device.api.browser.RequestedResource, * net.rim.device.api.browser.BrowserContent) */ public HttpConnection getResource( RequestedResource resource, BrowserContent referrer) { if (resource == null) { return null; } // check if this is cache-only request if (resource.isCacheOnly()) { // no cache support return null; } String url = resource.getUrl(); if (url == null) { return null; } try{ // if referrer is null we must return the connection if (referrer == null) { HttpConnection connection = Utilities.makeConnection(url, resource.getRequestHeaders(), null); return connection; } else { if ( URI.isLocalHost(url) || URI.isLocalData(url)) { HttpConnection connection = Utilities.makeConnection(url, resource.getRequestHeaders(), null); return connection; }else { // if referrer is provided we can set up the connection on a separate thread SecondaryResourceFetchThread.enqueue(resource, referrer); } } }catch(Exception exc) { LOG.ERROR("getResource failed.", exc); } return null; } /** * @see net.rim.device.api.browser.RenderingApplication#invokeRunnable(java.lang.Runnable) */ public void invokeRunnable(Runnable runnable) { (new Thread(runnable)).start(); } public static class PrimaryResourceFetchThread {//extends Thread { private static class HttpServerThread extends RhoThread { private Mutex m_mxStackCommands = new Mutex(); private LinkedList m_stackCommands = new LinkedList(); boolean m_bExit = false; private static final int INTERVAL_INFINITE = Integer.MAX_VALUE/1000; static final int WAIT_BEFOREKILL_SECONDS = 3; HttpServerThread() { super(new RhoClassFactory()); start(epNormal); } public void run() { LOG.INFO( "Starting HttpServerThread main routine..." ); //wait(80); try{ _application.initRuby(); }catch(Exception e) { LOG.ERROR("initRuby failed.", e); return; }catch(Throwable exc) { LOG.ERROR("initRuby crashed.", exc); return; } _pushListeningThread = new PushListeningThread(); _pushListeningThread.start(); while( !m_bExit ) { while(!m_stackCommands.isEmpty()) { PrimaryResourceFetchThread oCmd = null; synchronized(m_mxStackCommands) { oCmd = (PrimaryResourceFetchThread)m_stackCommands.removeFirst(); } try{ oCmd.processCommand(); }catch(Exception e) { LOG.ERROR("Process command failed.", e); }catch(Throwable exc) { LOG.ERROR("Process command failed.", exc); } } wait(INTERVAL_INFINITE); } LOG.INFO( "Exit HttpServerThread main routine..." ); } void addCommand(PrimaryResourceFetchThread oCmd) { synchronized(m_mxStackCommands) { m_stackCommands.add(oCmd); } stopWait(); } }; private static HttpServerThread m_oFetchThread; private static RhodesApplication _application; private static Runnable _callback; private Event _event; private byte[] _postData; private HttpHeaders _requestHeaders; private String _url; private boolean m_bInternalRequest = false; private boolean m_bActivateApp = false; NetCallback m_netCallback; public void setInternalRequest(boolean b) { m_bInternalRequest = b; } public PrimaryResourceFetchThread(String url, HttpHeaders requestHeaders, byte[] postData, Event event) { _url = url; _requestHeaders = requestHeaders; _postData = postData; _event = event; //_callback = null; } public PrimaryResourceFetchThread(String url, HttpHeaders requestHeaders, byte[] postData, Event event, Runnable callback) { _url = url; _requestHeaders = requestHeaders; _postData = postData; _event = event; if ( callback != null ) _callback = callback; } public void setNetCallback(NetCallback netCallback) { m_netCallback = netCallback; m_bInternalRequest = true; } public PrimaryResourceFetchThread(boolean bActivateApp) { m_bActivateApp = bActivateApp; } static void Create(RhodesApplication app) { if ( m_oFetchThread != null ) return; _application = app; m_oFetchThread = new HttpServerThread(); } public void Destroy() { m_oFetchThread.m_bExit = true; m_oFetchThread.stop(HttpServerThread.WAIT_BEFOREKILL_SECONDS); m_oFetchThread = null; } void start() { m_oFetchThread.addCommand(this); } void processCommand()throws IOException { if ( m_bActivateApp ) { RhoRuby.rho_ruby_activateApp(); return; } HttpConnection connection = Utilities.makeConnection(_url, _requestHeaders, _postData); if ( m_bInternalRequest ) { try{ int nRespCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if ( m_netCallback != null ) { InputStream is = connection.openInputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[is.available()];; String strRespBody = new String(buffer); m_netCallback.setResponse( new NetResponse(strRespBody, nRespCode) ); } }catch(IOException exc) { LOG.ERROR("Callback failed: " + _url, exc); } } else { _application.processConnection(connection, _event); if (_callback != null ) {; _callback = null; } } } } }