require 'securerandom' # Trap ^C Signal.trap("INT") { puts "\n\nInstallation terminated by INT (^C)\n" exit } # Trap `Kill ` Signal.trap("TERM") { puts "\n\nInstallation terminated by TERM\n" exit } # Command line init script to create a Waxx app module Waxx::Init extend self # Defines the default YAML config file def default_input(x, opts) %(--- server: host: localhost port: 7777 processes: 1 min_threads: 4 max_threads: 4 log_dir: log pid_dir: tmp/pids site: name: #{`whoami`.chomp.capitalize}'s Website support_email: #{`whoami`.chomp}@#{`hostname`.chomp} url: http://localhost:7777 encryption: cipher: AES-256-CBC key: #{SecureRandom.base64(32)[0,32]} iv: #{SecureRandom.base64(16)[0,16]} cookie: user: name: wxu expires_after_login_mins: 1440 expires_after_activity_mins: 480 secure: true agent: name: wxa expires_years: 30 secure: true debug: level: 9 on_screen: true send_email: false email: #{`whoami`.chomp}@#{`hostname`.chomp} auto_reload_code: true databases: app: default: app: website act: index ext: html file: serve: true path: public init: website: true html: true ) end # Some nice ASCII Art to get people excited def ascii_art # %( `8.`888b ,8' .8. `8.`8888. ,8' `8.`8888. ,8' `8.`888b ,8' .888. `8.`8888. ,8' `8.`8888. ,8' `8.`888b ,8' :88888. `8.`8888. ,8' `8.`8888. ,8' `8.`888b .b ,8' . `88888. `8.`8888.,8' `8.`8888.,8' `8.`888b 88b ,8' .8. `88888. `8.`88888' `8.`88888' `8.`888b .`888b,8' .8`8. `88888. .88.`8888. .88.`8888. `8.`888b8.`8888' .8' `8. `88888. .8'`8.`8888. .8'`8.`8888. `8.`888`8.`88' .8' `8. `88888. .8' `8.`8888. .8' `8.`8888. `8.`8' `8,`' .888888888. `88888. .8' `8.`8888. .8' `8.`8888. `8.` `8' .8' `8. `88888. .8' `8.`8888. .8' `8.`8888. Version #{Waxx::Version} ) end # Start the init process. Fired when `waxx init folder` is called def init(x, opts, input=nil) puts "" puts ascii_art puts "" # Set defaults input ||= YAML.load(default_input(x, opts)) make_dir(x, opts/:sub_command) # Ask a few questions input = ask(x, input) puts "" puts "Here is your config..." puts "" puts input.to_yaml puts "" puts "" puts "Does this look right? You can edit this YAML file later in #{opts/:sub_command}/opt/dev/config.yaml." print "Install? (y|n) [y]: " proceed = $stdin.gets.chomp if proceed == '' or (proceed =~ /[yY]/) == 0 install_waxx(x, input, opts) else init(x, opts, input) end end # Make the Waxx::Root / app folder def make_dir(x, name) puts "" if File.exist? name if not Dir.empty?(name) puts "Error. The directory '#{name}' already exists and is not empty." puts "I don't want to destroy anything. Bailing out." exit 4 end puts "Installing into existing directory: #{name}" Dir.unlink name else puts "Make directory: #{name}" end end # Ask questions about the config def ask(x, input) get_site(x, input) get_key_iv(x, input) get_db(x, input) input end # Get config options about the site def get_site(x, input) puts "" puts "Website/App options:" print " Name [#{input/:site/:name}]: " name = $stdin.gets.chomp print " Support Email [#{input/:site/:support_email}]: " support_email = $stdin.gets.chomp print " Liston on IP/Host [#{input/:server/:host}]: " host = $stdin.gets.chomp print " Listen on Port [#{input/:server/:port}]: " port = $stdin.gets.chomp input['site']['name'] = name unless name == '' input['site']['support_email'] = support_email unless support_email == '' input['server']['host'] = host unless host == '' input['server']['port'] = port unless port == '' input['site']['url'] = "http://#{input['server']['host']}:#{input['server']['port']}" input end # Get config options about the db def get_db(x, input) default_db = "postgresql://#{`whoami`.chomp}@localhost/#{`whoami`.chomp}" puts "" puts "Enter your database connection string (type://user:pass@host:port/db)" puts "Types include: postgresql, mysql2, sqlite3, mongodb" puts "You can edit or add more database connections by editing opt/dev/config.yaml" puts "Enter 'none' if you do not want to connect to a database now" puts "[#{input['databases']['app'] || default_db}] " print " db: " db = $stdin.gets.chomp if db.downcase == "none" input['databases'] = {} else input['databases']['app'] = db == '' ? (input['databases']['app'] || default_db) : db puts "Create the standard waxx table? (The waxx table is used for migration management.)" puts "The databse must already exist and the user must have create table privileges." print " Create waxx table (y|n) [y]:" initdb = $stdin.gets.chomp initdb = initdb == '' or not (initdb =~ /[Yy]/).nil? rescue false input['init']['db'] = initdb end input end # Get config options about the encryption def get_key_iv(x, input) puts "" puts "The AES key and initiation vector for encryption." puts "The default was generated with SecureRandom.base64()." puts "Accept the default or enter 48 (or more) random characters." puts "Can not start with an ampersand: &" puts "See for inspiration." puts "[#{input['encryption']['key']}#{input['encryption']['iv']}] " print " Random string: " random = $stdin.gets.chomp if random.size >= 48 input['encryption']['key'] = random[0,32] input['encryption']['iv'] = random[33,16] end input end # Install Waxx in the target folder. Copy skel and update the config file def install_waxx(x, input, opts) skel_folder = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../skel/" install_folder = opts/:sub_command puts "" puts "Copying files from #{skel_folder} to #{install_folder}" FileUtils.cp_r(skel_folder, install_folder, verbose: false) if input/:init/:db puts "" puts "Setup Database" create_waxx_table(x, input) end if not (input/:databases).empty? # Require the correct db lib in app/app.rb db_libs = {pg: 'pg', postgresql: 'pg', mysql: 'mysql2', mysql2: 'mysql2', sqlite: 'sqlite3', sqlite3: 'sqlite3', mongo: 'mongodb', mongodb: 'mongodb'} db_lib = db_libs[(input/:databases/:app).split(":").first.to_sym] puts "Requiring lib '#{db_lib}' in app/app.rb" app_rb ="#{install_folder}/app/app.rb")"#{install_folder}/app/app.rb","w"){|f| f.puts app_rb.sub("# require '#{db_lib}'","require '#{db_lib}'") } end puts "" puts "Installing dev config" input.delete "init""#{install_folder}/opt/dev/config.yaml","w"){|f| f << input.to_yaml} puts "" puts "Waxx installed successfully." puts "cd into #{install_folder} and run `waxx on` to get your waxx on" puts "Optionally run `waxx gen app TABLE_NAME` where TABLE_NAME is the name of a table in your database." end def create_waxx_table(x, input) # Require the db lib case (input/:databases/:app).split(":").first.downcase when 'postgresql' require 'pg' when 'mysql2' require 'mysql2' when 'sqlite3' require 'sqlite3' end create_sql = %( CREATE TABLE waxx ( name character varying(254) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value character varying(254) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT waxx_uniq UNIQUE(name) ) ) insert_sql = %(INSERT INTO waxx (name, value) VALUES ('db.migration.last', '0')) puts " Connecting to: #{input/:databases/:app}" begin db = Waxx::Database.connect(input/:databases/:app) db.exec(create_sql) db.exec(insert_sql) puts " Waxx table created successfully." rescue => e puts %( \nERROR: Could not create waxx table. Please create manually: \n#{create_sql} \n#{insert_sql} \nError Detail: #{e} ) end end end