--- title: Bad Meta-Data 1 created_at: 2007-08-29 08:57:11.000000 -06:00 filter: textile --- h2. Pagination Pagination is the process of organizing information onto a page such that a fixed number of items appear on each page. Webby provides some methods for paginating information. Let's assume that your website has a collection of articles in a folder called "articles" in the content directory. The goal is to display these articles ten at a time in reverse chronological order.
title: Articles
- erb
- textile
h2. <%= h(@page.title) %>

  articles = @pages.find(:all, :in_directory => "articles",
                         :sort_by => "mtime", :reverse => true)
  paginate(articles, 10) do |page|
<%= page.render %>

<% end %> <%= link_to("Prev", @pager.prev) if @pager.prev? %> <%= link_to("Next", @pager.next) if @pager.next? %>
In the example page above, the first step is get the collection of articles we are interested in the paginating. This is done using the @pages.find method to retrieve all the pages from the articles folder sorted in reverse order by modification time. When we have the collection of articles, we pass them to the @paginate@ method along with the desired number of articles per page. The @paginate@ method will pass each page in the @articles@ collection to the supplied block of code, but for each ten pages passed to the block, a new webpage will be created.