(function() { var Help = function(json) { view.View.call(this, json); this.clickFocusable = true; this.el.addClass("help"); this.el.append('
' + "

Welcome to Riemann-Dash.

" + "

Need a refresher on the query language? See the query tests for examples, or read the spec.

" + "

Double-click a workspace to rename it.

" + "

Press Control/Meta+click to select a view (Option+Command+click on a Mac). Escape unfocuses. Use the arrow keys to move a view. Use Control+arrow to split a view in the given direction.

" + "

To edit a view, hit e. Use enter, or click 'apply', to apply your changes. Escape cancels.

" + "

To save your changes to the server, press s. To display the configuration, press c.

" + "

You can refresh the page, or press r to reload.

" + "

Make views bigger and smaller with the +/- keys. Pageup selects the parent of the current view. To delete a view, use the delete key or press d.

" + "

Switch between workspaces with alt-1, alt-2, etc.

" + "

View is an empty space. Title is an editable text title. Fullscreen and Balloon are top-level container views; you probably won't use them. HStack and VStack are the horizontal and vertical container views; they're implicitly created by splits, but you can create them yourself for fine control. Gauge shows a single event. Grid shows a table of events. Timeseries and Flot show metrics over time--Timeseries is deprecated; Flot will probably replace it.

" + "

My sincere apologies for layout jankiness. There are a few gross bugs and incapabilities in the current hstack/vstack system; if things get really bad, you can always edit ws/config.json on the server. The control scheme will probably change; I appreciate your ideas and patches.

" + '
' ); } view.inherit(view.View, Help); view.Help = Help; view.types.Help = Help; Help.prototype.json = function() { return { type: 'Help', title: this.title }; } })();