# Copyright 2011-2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. require 'time' module AWS class SimpleWorkflow # A collection that enumerates workflow executions. # # domain.workflow_executions.each do |execution| # # ... # end # # == Filtering Executions # # By default, all open workflow executions are enumerated. # class WorkflowExecutionCollection # @private FILTERS = [ :status, :workflow_type, :workflow_id, :tagged, :started_before, :started_after, :closed_before, :closed_after, ] include Core::Collection::Limitable include OptionFormatters # @private def initialize domain, options = {} @domain = domain @reverse_order = !!options[:reverse_order] @defaults = FILTERS.inject({}) do |defaults,opt| defaults[opt] = options[opt] if options.has_key?(opt) defaults end super end # @return [Domain] Returns the domain this execution was started in. attr_reader :domain # Returns the workflow execution with the given +workflow_id+ and # +run_id+. # # # get a reference to a single workflow execution # domain.workflow_executions['workflow-id', 'run-id'] # domain.workflow_executions.at('workflow-id', 'run-id') # # @param [String] The workflow execution id. # # @param [String] The workflow execution run id. # # @return [WorkflowExecution # def at workflow_id, run_id WorkflowExecution.new(domain, workflow_id, run_id) end alias_method :[], :at # Records a WorkflowExecutionSignaled event in the workflow execution # history and creates a decision task for the workflow execution. # # domain.signal_workflow_execution('workflowid', 'newdata', :input => '...') # # @param [String] workflow_id The id of the workflow execution to signal. # # @param [String] signal_name The name of the signal. This name must be # meaningful to the target workflow. # # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [String] :input (nil) Data to attach to the # WorkflowExecutionSignaled event in the target workflow # execution's history. # # @option options [String] :run_id (nil) The run id of the workflow # execution to signal. # # If +:run_id+ is not specified, then the WorkflowExecutionSignaled # event is recorded in the history of the current open workflow # with the matching workflow_id in the domain. # # @return [nil] # def signal workflow_id, signal_name, options = {} options[:domain] = domain.name options[:workflow_id] = workflow_id options[:signal_name] = signal_name client.signal_workflow_execution(options) nil end # Records a WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested event in the currently # running workflow execution identified. This logically requests # the cancellation of the workflow execution as a whole. # It is up to the decider to take appropriate actions when it receives # an execution history with this event. # # @note If the +:run_id+ is not specified, the # WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested event is recorded in the history # of the current open workflow execution with the specified # +workflow_id+ in the domain. # # @note Because this action allows the workflow to properly clean up # and gracefully close, it should be used instead of {#terminate} # when possible. # # @param [String] workflow_id The id of the workflow execution to cancel. # # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [String] :run_id (nil) The run id of the workflow # execution to cancel. # # @return [nil] # def request_cancel workflow_id, options = {} options[:domain] = domain.name options[:workflow_id] = workflow_id client.request_cancel_workflow_execution(options) nil end # Records a WorkflowExecutionTerminated event and forces closure of # the workflow execution identified. The child policy, registered # with the workflow type or specified when starting this execution, # is applied to any open child workflow executions of this workflow # execution. # # @note If the workflow execution was in progress, it is terminated # immediately. # # @note If a +:run_id+ is not specified, then the # WorkflowExecutionTerminated event is recorded in the history of # the current open workflow with the matching workflowId in the # domain. # # @note You should consider canceling the workflow execution # instead because it allows the workflow to gracefully close # while terminate does not. # # @param [String] workflow_id # # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [Symbol] :child_policy (nil) # If set, specifies the policy to use for the child workflow # executions of the workflow execution being terminated. This # policy overrides the default child policy. Valid policies include: # # * +:terminate+ - the child executions will be terminated. # # * +:request_cancel+ - a request to cancel will be attempted for each # child execution by recording a WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested # event in its history. It is up to the decider to take appropriate # actions when it receives an execution history with this event. # # * +:abandon+ - no action will be taken. The child executions will # continue to run. # # @option options [String] :details Optional details for # terminating the workflow execution. # # @option options [String] :reason An optional descriptive # reason for terminating the workflow execution. # # @option options [String] :run_id The run id of the workflow # execution to terminate. If a +:run_id+ is not provided, then a # WorkflowExecutionTerminated event is recorded in the history of # the current open workflow with the matching workflow id in the # domain. # # @return [nil] # def terminate workflow_id, options = {} options[:domain] = domain.name options[:workflow_id] = workflow_id upcase_opts(options, :child_policy) client.terminate_workflow_execution(options) nil end # @param [Symbol] status Causes the returned collection to filter # executions by the given status. Accepted statuses include: # # * +:open+ # * +:closed+ # * +:completed+ # * +:failed+ # * +:canceled+ # * +:terminated+ # * +:continued+ # * +:timed_out+ # # If +:status+ is anything besides +:open+ or +:closed+ then # it may not be used in combination with +workflow_id+, # +workflow_type+ or +tagged+. # # @return [WorkflowExecutionCollection] Returns a collection # that will only enumerate or count executions of the given # status. # def with_status status collection_with(:status => status) end # @param [String] workflow_id # # @return [WorkflowExecutionCollection] Returns a collection # that will only enumerate or count executions that have # the given +workflow_id+. # def with_workflow_id workflow_id collection_with(:workflow_id => workflow_id) end # @param [WorkflowType,Hash] workflow_type Should be a {WorkflowType} # object or a hash with +:name+ and +:version+ keys. # # @return [WorkflowExecutionCollection] Returns a collection # that will only enumerate or count executions that have # the given +workflow_type+. # def with_workflow_type workflow_type collection_with(:workflow_type => workflow_type) end # @param [String] tag A tag to filter workflow executions with. # # @return [WorkflowExecutionCollection] Returns a collection # that will only enumerate or count executions that have # the given +tag+. # def tagged tag collection_with(:tagged => tag) end # Filters workflow executions by their start date. # # @note It is not possible to filter by both start time and close time. # # @param [Time,DateTime,Date,Integer,String] oldest_time Should # be one of the listed types. Integers are treated as timestamps # and strings are parsed by DateTime. # # @param [Time,DateTime,Date,Integer,String] latest_time Should # be one of the listed types. Integers are treated as timestamps # and strings are parsed by DateTime. # # @return [WorkflowExecutionCollection] Returns a colleciton # that will only enumerate or count executions that have start # times that fall within the given range. # def started_between oldest_time, latest_time started_after(oldest_time).started_before(latest_time) end # Filters workflow executions by their start date. # # # executions that started at least an hour ago # domain.workflow_executions.started_before(Time.now - 3600) # # @note It is not possible to filter by both start time and close time. # # @param [Time,DateTime,Date,Integer,String] time Should # be one of the listed types. Integers are treated as timestamps # and strings are parsed by DateTime. # # @return [WorkflowExecutionCollection] Returns a colleciton # that will only enumerate or count executions that started # before the given time. # def started_before time collection_with(:started_before => time) end # Filters workflow executions by their start date. # # # executions that started within the last hour # domain.workflow_executions.started_after(Time.now - 3600) # # @note It is not possible to filter by both start time and close time. # # @param [Time,DateTime,Date,Integer,String] time Should # be one of the listed types. Integers are treated as timestamps # and strings are parsed by DateTime. # # @return [WorkflowExecutionCollection] Returns a colleciton # that will only enumerate or count executions that started # after the given time. # def started_after time collection_with(:started_after => time) end # Filters workflow executions by their close date. # # @note It is not possible to filter by both start time and close time. # # @param [Time,DateTime,Date,Integer,String] oldest_time Should # be one of the listed types. Integers are treated as timestamps # and strings are parsed by DateTime. # # @param [Time,DateTime,Date,Integer,String] latest_time Should # be one of the listed types. Integers are treated as timestamps # and strings are parsed by DateTime. # # @return [WorkflowExecutionCollection] Returns a colleciton # that will only enumerate or count executions that closed # between the given times. # def closed_between oldest_time, latest_time closed_after(oldest_time).closed_before(latest_time) end # Filters workflow executions by their close date. # # # executions that closed more than an hour ago # domain.workflow_executions.closed_before(Time.now - 3600) # # @note It is not possible to filter by both start time and close time. # # @param [Time,DateTime,Date,Integer,String] time Should # be one of the listed types. Integers are treated as timestamps # and strings are parsed by DateTime. # # @return [WorkflowExecutionCollection] Returns a colleciton # that will only enumerate or count executions that closed # before the given time. # def closed_before time collection_with(:closed_before => time) end # Filters workflow executions by their close date. # # # executions that closed within the last hour # domain.workflow_executions.closed_after(Time.now - 3600) # # @note It is not possible to filter by both start time and close time. # # @param [Time,DateTime,Date,Integer,String] time Should # be one of the listed types. Integers are treated as timestamps # and strings are parsed by DateTime. # # @return [WorkflowExecutionCollection] Returns a colleciton # that will only enumerate or count executions that closed # after the given time. # def closed_after time collection_with(:closed_after => time) end # Returns a collection that enumerates workflow executions in reverse # chronological order. By default exeuctions are enumerated in # ascending order of their start or close time (ordered by # close time when filtered by #closed_between). # # # get the latest execution # execution = domain.workflow_executions.reverse_order.first # # @return [WorkflowExecutionCollection] Returns a collection # that enumerates workflow executions in reverse order. # def reverse_order collection_with(:reverse_order => true) end # Returns the number of workflow executions within the domain that # meet the specified filtering criteria. Counts can be truncated # so you should check the return value. # # count = domain.workflow_executions.count # puts(count.truncated? ? "#{count.to_i}+" : count.to_i) # # @note You may only pass one of the following options: # +:workflow_id+, +:workflow_type+, +:tagged+ or # +:status+ with a "closed" value (+:status+ with +:open+ is okay). # # @note This operation is eventually consistent. The results are best # effort and may not exactly reflect recent updates and changes. # # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [Symbol] :status Filters workflow executions by the # given status. If status is not provided then it defaults to # +:open+ unless you pass +:closed_between+ (then it defaults to # +:closed+). # # If +:status+ is anything besides +:open+ or +:closed+ then # it may not be passed with +:workflow_id+, +:workflow_type+ or # +:tagged+. # # Accepted values for +:status+ include: # # * +:open+ # * +:closed+ # * +:completed+ # * +:failed+ # * +:canceled+ # * +:terminated+ # * +:continued+ # * +:timed_out+ # # @option options [Time] :started_after Filters workflow executions # down to those started after the given time. # # You may pass +:started_after+ with +:started_before+, but not with # +:closed_after+ or +:closed_before+. # # @option options [Time] :started_before Filters workflow executions # down to those started before the given time. # # You may pass +:started_after+ with +:started_before+, but not with # +:closed_after+ or +:closed_before+. # # @option options [Time] :closed_after Filters workflow executions # to those closed after the given time. # # * You may pass +:closed_after+ with +:closed_before+, but not with # +:started_after+ or +:started_before+. # # * This option is invalid when counting or listing open executions. # # @option options [Time] :closed_before Filters workflow executions # to those closed before the given time. # # * You may pass +:closed_after+ with +:closed_before+, but not with # +:started_after+ or +:started_before+. # # * This option is invalid when counting or listing open executions. # # @option options [String] :workflow_id (nil) If specified, workflow # executions are filtered by the provided workflow id. # # @option options [String] :tagged (nil) Filters workflow executions # by the given tag. # # @option options [WorkflowType,Hash] :workflow_type (nil) # Filters workflow executions with the given workflow type. # +:workflow_type+ can be a {WorkflowType} object or a hash with # a workflow type +:name+ and +:version+. # # @return [Count] Returns a possibly truncated count of # workflow executions. # def count options = {} open_or_closed, client_opts = handle_options(options) client_method = :"count_#{open_or_closed}_workflow_executions" response = client.send(client_method, client_opts) Count.new(response.data['count'], response.data['truncated']) end # Enumerates workflow executions. # @note (see #count) # @param (see #count) # @option (see #count) # @option (see Core::Collection#each) # @option options [Boolean] :reverse_order Enumerates the workflow # execution in reverse chronoloical order if +true+. The date # used will be the execution start time unless filtering by # closed before/after (then it will sort by the closed time). # @return (see Core::Collection#each) def each options = {} super end protected def collection_with options = {} defaults = @defaults.merge(:reverse_order => @reverse_order) self.class.new(domain, defaults.merge(options)) end protected def _each_item next_token, limit, options = {}, &block open_or_closed, client_opts = handle_options(options) client_method = :"list_#{open_or_closed}_workflow_executions" client_opts[:maximum_page_size] = limit if limit client_opts[:next_page_token] = next_token if next_token client_opts[:reverse_order] = @reverse_order unless client_opts.key?(:reverse_order) response = client.send(client_method, client_opts) response.data['executionInfos'].each do |desc| workflow_id = desc['execution']['workflowId'] run_id = desc['execution']['runId'] workflow_execution = WorkflowExecution.new_from( client_method, desc, domain, workflow_id, run_id) yield(workflow_execution) end response.data['nextPageToken'] end protected def handle_options options options = @defaults.merge(options) options[:domain] = domain.name status = options.delete(:status) status ||= (options[:closed_after] or options[:closed_before]) ? :closed : :open case status when :open then open_or_closed = :open when :closed then open_or_closed = :closed else open_or_closed = :closed options[:close_status_filter] = { :status => status.to_s.upcase } end time_filter(open_or_closed, options) if workflow_id = options.delete(:workflow_id) options[:execution_filter] = {} options[:execution_filter][:workflow_id] = workflow_id end if tag = options.delete(:tagged) options[:tag_filter] = {} options[:tag_filter][:tag] = tag end if type = options.delete(:workflow_type) if type.is_a?(WorkflowType) type = { :name => type.name, :version => type.version } end options[:type_filter] = type end [open_or_closed, options] end protected def time_filter open_or_closed, options early_2010 = Time.parse('2010-01-01').to_i [%w(start started), %w(close closed)].each do |mode, suffixed| after = options.delete(:"#{suffixed}_after") before = options.delete(:"#{suffixed}_before") next unless after or before time_filter = {} time_filter[:oldest_date] = to_timestamp(after || early_2010) time_filter[:latest_date] = to_timestamp(before) if before options[:"#{mode}_time_filter"] = time_filter end if options.key?(:start_time_filter) and options.key?(:close_time_filter) raise 'You may filter by execution start or close time but not both.' end if options.key?(:close_time_filter) and open_or_closed == :open raise 'Unable to filter by closed time for open workflow executions.' end # if the client does not filter by start or close time, then add # a default filter that should return "everything" unless options[:start_time_filter] or options[:close_time_filter] options[:start_time_filter] = { :oldest_date => early_2010 } end end protected def to_timestamp time case time when Integer then time when Time then time.to_i else Time.parse(time.to_s).to_i end end end end end