require 'open3' require 'ostruct' require 'em-websocket' require 'json' require 'colorize' require 'filewatcher' require 'rbconfig' # Optional requires require 'sass' require 'slim' require 'coffee-script' require 'redcarpet' require_relative 'flammarion/writeable.rb' require_relative 'flammarion/pane.rb' require_relative 'flammarion/server.rb' require_relative 'flammarion/version.rb' require_relative 'flammarion/revelator.rb' require_relative 'flammarion/about.rb' module Flammarion class Engraving include Revelator attr_reader :chrome attr_accessor :callbacks, :sockets, :on_disconnect, :on_connect, :actions include Writeable # Creates a new Engraving (i.e., a new display window) # @option options [Proc] :on_connect Called when the display window is # connected (i.e., displayed) # @option options [Proc] :on_disconnect Called when the display windows is # disconnected (i.e., closed) def initialize(options = {}) @chrome = @sockets = [] @actions = {} @front_end = self @pane_name = "default" @on_connect = options[:on_connect] @on_disconnect = options[:on_disconnect] @exit_on_disconnect = options.fetch(:exit_on_disconnect, false) start_server @window_id = @@server.register_window(self) open_a_window unless options[:no_chrome] @callbacks = {} wait_for_a_connection unless options[:no_wait] at_exit {close} if options.fetch(:close_on_exit, false) end def disconnect(ws) @sockets.delete ws exit 0 if @exit_on_disconnect if @on_disconnect end def wait_until_closed sleep 1 until @sockets.empty? end def process_message(msg) @last_msg = msg m = {} begin m = JSON.parse(msg) rescue JSON::ParserError log "Invalid JSON String" return end case m["action"] when 'callback' callback = @callbacks[m['id']] unless callback.nil? if callback.arity == 1 else end end end @actions[m["action"]].call(m) if @actions.include?(m["action"]) end def make_id @id ||= 0 @id += 1 "i#{@id}" end def start_server @@server ||= end def server; @@server; end; def wait_for_a_connection sleep 0.5 while @sockets.empty? end def window_open? not @sockets.empty? end def send_json(val) if @sockets.empty? then open_a_window wait_for_a_connection end @sockets.each{|ws| ws.send val.to_json} nil end # Creates a new pane, and resizes the existing panes to fit it. # @param name [String] The name of the pane. def pane(name) return, name) end def alert(text) send_json(action:'alert', text:text) end def orientation=(orientation) raise"Orientation must be :horizontal or :vertical") unless [:horizontal, :vertical].include?(orientation) send_json({action:'reorient', orientation:orientation}) end def title(str) send_json({action:'title', title:str}) end def layout(file) data = send_json({action:'layout', data:data}) end def close send_json({action:'close'}) end def live_reload_layout(file) layout(file); yield if block_given? {|file| layout(file); yield if block_given? } end def get_save_path if Gem.win_platform? `powershell "Add-Type -AssemblyName|Out-Null;$f=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog;$f.InitialDirectory='%cd%';$f.Filter='All Files (*.*)|*.*';$f.showHelp=$true;$f.ShowDialog()|Out-Null;$f.FileName"`.strip else `zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite`.strip end end end end