// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`subscription actions cancelPollTasks cancels the tasks search 1`] = ` Array [ Object { "key": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_TASK_SEARCH", "type": "STOP_INTERVAL", }, ] `; exports[`subscription actions cancelPollTasks does nothing if not already polling 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`subscription actions deleteButtonDisabled it should disable the delete button 1`] = ` Object { "type": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_DISABLE_DELETE_BUTTON", } `; exports[`subscription actions deleteButtonDisabled it should enable the delete button 1`] = ` Object { "type": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_ENABLE_DELETE_BUTTON", } `; exports[`subscription actions deleteModal it should close delete modal 1`] = ` Object { "type": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_CLOSE_DELETE_MODAL", } `; exports[`subscription actions deleteModal it should open delete modal 1`] = ` Object { "type": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_OPEN_DELETE_MODAL", } `; exports[`subscription actions handleTask does nothing if already polling and task is pending 1`] = `Array []`; exports[`subscription actions handleTask handles a finished task 1`] = ` Array [ Object { "key": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_POLL_TASK", "type": "STOP_INTERVAL", }, Object { "payload": Object { "message": Object { "link": Object { "children": "Go to task page", "href": "/foreman_tasks/tasks/eb1b6271-8a69-4d98-84fc-bea06ddcc166/", }, "message": "Task Refresh Manifest completed with a result of pending. ", "type": "pending", }, }, "type": "TOASTS_ADD", }, Object { "type": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_RESET_TASKS", }, Object { "interval": 5000, "payload": Object { "key": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_TASK_SEARCH", "params": Object { "search": "organization_id=1 and result=pending and label=Actions::Katello::Organization::ManifestImport or Actions::Katello::Organization::ManifestRefresh or Actions::Katello::Organization::ManifestDelete or Actions::Katello::UpstreamSubscriptions::BindEntitlements or Actions::Katello::UpstreamSubscriptions::UpdateEntitlement or Actions::Katello::UpstreamSubscriptions::RemoveEntitlements or Actions::Katello::UpstreamSubscriptions::UpdateEntitlements", }, "url": "/foreman_tasks/api/tasks", }, "type": "API_GET", }, Object { "type": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_REQUEST", }, ] `; exports[`subscription actions handleTask when not polling a task starts polling the task 1`] = ` Array [ Object { "key": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_TASK_SEARCH", "type": "STOP_INTERVAL", }, Object { "interval": 5000, "payload": Object { "key": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_POLL_TASK", "url": "/foreman_tasks/api/tasks/eb1b6271-8a69-4d98-84fc-bea06ddcc166", }, "type": "API_GET", }, ] `; exports[`subscription actions pollTasks can search tasks 1`] = ` Object { "interval": 5000, "payload": Object { "key": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_TASK_SEARCH", "params": Object { "search": "organization_id=1 and result=pending and label=Actions::Katello::Organization::ManifestImport or Actions::Katello::Organization::ManifestRefresh or Actions::Katello::Organization::ManifestDelete or Actions::Katello::UpstreamSubscriptions::BindEntitlements or Actions::Katello::UpstreamSubscriptions::UpdateEntitlement or Actions::Katello::UpstreamSubscriptions::RemoveEntitlements or Actions::Katello::UpstreamSubscriptions::UpdateEntitlements", }, "url": "/foreman_tasks/api/tasks", }, "type": "API_GET", } `; exports[`subscription actions resetTasks resets the task state 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ Object { "type": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_RESET_TASKS", }, ], ] `; exports[`subscription actions searchQuery it should update the search-query 1`] = ` Object { "payload": "some-query", "type": "SUBSCRIPTIONS_UPDATE_SEARCH_QUERY", } `;