require 'find' require 'rbconfig' $TESTING = false unless defined? $TESTING ## # Autotest continuously scans the files in your project for changes # and runs the appropriate tests. Test failures are run until they # have all passed. Then the full test suite is run to ensure that # nothing else was inadvertantly broken. # # If you want Autotest to start over from the top, hit ^C once. If # you want Autotest to quit, hit ^C twice. # # Rails: # # The autotest command will automatically discover a Rails directory # by looking for config/environment.rb. When Rails is discovered, # autotest uses RailsAutotest to perform file mappings and other work. # See RailsAutotest for details. # # Plugins: # # Plugins are available by creating a .autotest file either in your # project root or in your home directory. You can then write event # handlers in the form of: # # Autotest.add_hook hook_name { |autotest| ... } # # The available hooks are listed in +ALL_HOOKS+. # # See example_dot_autotest.rb for more details. # # If a hook returns a true value, it signals to autotest that the hook # was handled and should not continue executing hooks. # # Naming: # # Autotest uses a simple naming scheme to figure out how to map # implementation files to test files following the Test::Unit naming # scheme. # # * Test files must be stored in test/ # * Test files names must start with test_ # * Test class names must start with Test # * Implementation files must be stored in lib/ # * Implementation files must match up with a test file named # test_.*.rb # # Strategy: # # 1. Find all files and associate them from impl <-> test. # 2. Run all tests. # 3. Scan for failures. # 4. Detect changes in ANY (ruby?. file, rerun all failures + changed files. # 5. Until 0 defects, goto 3. # 6. When 0 defects, goto 2. class Autotest RUBY19 = defined? Encoding T0 = 0 ALL_HOOKS = [ :all_good, :died, :green, :initialize, :post_initialize, :interrupt, :quit, :ran_command, :red, :reset, :run_command, :updated, :waiting ] def self.options @@options ||= {} end def options self.class.options end HOOKS = { |h,k| h[k] = [] } unless defined? WINDOZE then WINDOZE = /mswin|mingw/ =~ RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] SEP = WINDOZE ? '&' : ';' end @@discoveries = [] def self.parse_options args = ARGV require 'optparse' options = { :args => args.dup } do |opts| opts.banner = <<-BANNER.gsub(/^ /, '') Continuous testing for your ruby app. Autotest automatically tests code that has changed. It assumes the code is in lib, and tests are in tests. Autotest uses plugins to control what happens. You configure plugins with require statements in the .autotest file in your project base directory, and a default configuration for all your projects in the .autotest file in your home directory. Usage: autotest [options] BANNER opts.on "-f", "--fast-start", "Do not run full tests at start" do options[:no_full_after_start] = true end opts.on("-c", "--no-full-after-failed", "Do not run all tests on red->green") do options[:no_full_after_failed] = true end opts.on "-v", "--verbose", "Be annoyingly verbose (debugs .autotest)." do options[:verbose] = true end opts.on "-q", "--quiet", "Be quiet." do options[:quiet] = true end opts.on("-r", "--rc CONF", String, "Override path to config file") do |o| options[:rc] = Array(o) end opts.on("-s", "--style STYLE", String, "Manually specify test style. (default: autodiscover)") do |style| options[:style] = Array(style) end opts.on("-w", "--warnings", "Turn on ruby warnings") do $-w = true end opts.on "-h", "--help", "Show this." do puts opts exit 1 end end.parse! args Autotest.options.merge! options options end ## # Calculates the autotest runner to use to run the tests. # # Can be overridden with --style, otherwise uses ::autodiscover. def self.runner style = options[:style] || Autotest.autodiscover target = Autotest unless style.empty? then mod = "autotest/#{style.join "_"}" puts "loading #{mod}" begin require mod rescue LoadError abort "Autotest style #{mod} doesn't seem to exist. Aborting." end target = Autotest.const_get( {|s| s.capitalize}.join) end target end ## # Add a proc to the collection of discovery procs. See # +autodiscover+. def self.add_discovery &proc @@discoveries << proc end ## # Automatically find all potential autotest runner styles by # searching your loadpath, vendor/plugins, and rubygems for # "autotest/discover.rb". If found, that file is loaded and it # should register discovery procs with autotest using # +add_discovery+. That proc should return one or more strings # describing the user's current environment. Those styles are then # combined to dynamically invoke an autotest plugin to suite your # environment. That plugin should define a subclass of Autotest with # a corresponding name. # # === Process: # # 1. All autotest/discover.rb files loaded. # 2. Those procs determine your styles (eg ["rails", "rspec"]). # 3. Require file by sorting styles and joining (eg 'autotest/rails_rspec'). # 4. Invoke run method on appropriate class (eg # # === Example autotest/discover.rb: # # Autotest.add_discovery do # "rails" if File.exist? 'config/environment.rb' # end # def self.autodiscover require 'rubygems' # *sigh* # # This is needed for rspec's hacky discovery mechanism. For some # reason rspec2 added generators that create # "autotest/discover.rb" right in the project directory instead of # keeping it in the rspec gem and properly deciding that the # project is an rspec based project or not. See the url for more # details: # # # # For the record, the sane way to do it is the bacon way: # # "Since version 1.0, there is autotest support. You need to tag # your test directories (test/ or spec/) by creating an .bacon # file there. Autotest then will find it." # # I'm submitting a counter-patch to rspec to fix stuff properly, # but for now I'm stuck with this because their brokenness is # documented in multiple books. # # I'm removing this code once a sane rspec goes out. hacky_discovery = Gem::Specification.any? { |s| =~ /^rspec/ } $: << '.' if hacky_discovery Gem.find_files("autotest/discover").each do |f| load f end # call all discovery procs and determine the style to use{ |proc| }.flatten.compact.sort.uniq end ## # Initialize and run the system. def end attr_writer :known_files attr_accessor(:completed_re, :extra_class_map, :extra_files, :failed_results_re, :files_to_test, :find_order, :interrupted, :latest_results, :last_mtime, :libs, :order, :output, :prefix, :results, :sleep, :tainted, :testlib, :find_directories, :unit_diff, :wants_to_quit) alias tainted? tainted ## # Initialize the instance and then load the user's .autotest file, if any. def initialize # these two are set directly because they're wrapped with # add/remove/clear accessor methods @exception_list = [] @test_mappings = [] @child = nil self.completed_re = /\d+ tests, \d+ assertions, \d+ failures, \d+ errors(, \d+ skips)?/ self.extra_class_map = {} self.extra_files = [] self.failed_results_re = /^\s+\d+\) (?:Failure|Error):\n(.*?)\((.*?)\)/ self.files_to_test = new_hash_of_arrays self.find_order = [] self.known_files = nil self.libs = %w[. lib test].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) self.order = :random self.output = $stderr self.prefix = nil self.sleep = 1 self.testlib = "test/unit" specified_directories = ARGV.reject { |arg| arg.start_with?("-") } # options are not directories self.find_directories = specified_directories.empty? ? ['.'] : specified_directories self.unit_diff = nil self.latest_results = nil # file in /lib -> run test in /test self.add_mapping(/^lib\/.*\.rb$/) do |filename, _| possible = File.basename(filename).gsub '_', '_?' # ' stupid emacs files_matching %r%^test/.*#{possible}$% end # file in /test -> run it self.add_mapping(/^test.*\/test_.*rb$/) do |filename, _| filename end default_configs = [File.expand_path('~/.autotest'), './.autotest'] configs = options[:rc] || default_configs configs.each do |f| load f if File.exist? f end end ## # Repeatedly run failed tests, then all tests, then wait for changes # and carry on until killed. def run hook :initialize hook :post_initialize reset add_sigint_handler self.last_mtime = if options[:no_full_after_start] loop do begin # ^c handler get_to_green if tainted? and not options[:no_full_after_failed] then rerun_all_tests else hook :all_good end wait_for_changes rescue Interrupt break if wants_to_quit reset end end hook :quit rescue Exception => err hook(:died, err) or raise err end ## # Keep running the tests after a change, until all pass. def get_to_green begin run_tests wait_for_changes unless all_good end until all_good end ## # Look for files to test then run the tests and handle the results. def run_tests new_mtime = self.find_files_to_test return unless new_mtime self.last_mtime = new_mtime cmd = self.make_test_cmd self.files_to_test return if cmd.empty? hook :run_command, cmd puts cmd unless options[:quiet] old_sync = $stdout.sync $stdout.sync = true self.results = [] line = [] begin open "| #{cmd}", "r" do |f| until f.eof? do c = f.getc or break if RUBY19 then print c else putc c end line << c if c == ?\n then self.results << if RUBY19 then line.join else line.pack "c*" end line.clear end end end ensure $stdout.sync = old_sync end hook :ran_command self.results = self.results.join handle_results self.results end ############################################################ # Utility Methods, not essential to reading of logic ## # Installs a sigint handler. def add_sigint_handler trap 'INT' do Process.kill "KILL", @child if @child if self.interrupted then self.wants_to_quit = true else unless hook :interrupt then puts "Interrupt a second time to quit" self.interrupted = true Kernel.sleep 1.5 end raise Interrupt, nil # let the run loop catch it end end end ## # Installs a sigquit handler def add_sigquit_handler trap 'QUIT' do restart end end def restart Process.kill "KILL", @child if @child cmd = [$0, *options[:args]] index = $LOAD_PATH.index RbConfig::CONFIG["sitelibdir"] if index then extra = $LOAD_PATH[0...index] cmd = [Gem.ruby, "-I", extra.join(":")] + cmd end puts cmd.join(" ") if options[:verbose] exec(*cmd) end ## # If there are no files left to test (because they've all passed), # then all is good. def all_good files_to_test.empty? end ## # Convert a path in a string, s, into a class name, changing # underscores to CamelCase, etc. def path_to_classname s sep = File::SEPARATOR f = s.sub(/^test#{sep}/, '').sub(/\.rb$/, '').split sep f = { |path| path.split(/_|(\d+)/).map { |seg| seg.capitalize }.join } f = { |path| path =~ /^Test/ ? path : "Test#{path}" } f.join '::' end ## # Returns a hash mapping a file name to the known failures for that # file. def consolidate_failures failed filters = new_hash_of_arrays class_map = Hash[*self.find_order.grep(/^test/).map { |f| # TODO: ugly [path_to_classname(f), f] }.flatten] class_map.merge! self.extra_class_map failed.each do |method, klass| if class_map.has_key? klass then filters[class_map[klass]] << method else output.puts "Unable to map class #{klass} to a file" end end filters end ## # Find the files to process, ignoring temporary files, source # configuration management files, etc., and return a Hash mapping # filename to modification time. def find_files result = {} targets = self.find_directories + self.extra_files self.find_order.clear targets.each do |target| order = [] Find.find target do |f| Find.prune if f =~ self.exceptions Find.prune if f =~ /^\.\/tmp/ # temp dir, used by isolate next unless File.file? f next if f =~ /(swp|~|rej|orig)$/ # temporary/patch files next if f =~ /(,v)$/ # RCS files next if f =~ /\/\.?#/ # Emacs autosave/cvs merge files filename = f.sub(/^\.\//, '') result[filename] = File.stat(filename).mtime rescue next order << filename end self.find_order.push(*order.sort) end result end ## # Find the files which have been modified, update the recorded # timestamps, and use this to update the files to test. Returns # the latest mtime of the files modified or nil when nothing was # modified. def find_files_to_test files = find_files updated = { |filename, mtime| self.last_mtime < mtime } # nothing to update or initially run unless updated.empty? || self.last_mtime.to_i == 0 then p updated if options[:verbose] hook :updated, updated end { |f,m| test_files_for f }.flatten.uniq.each do |filename| self.files_to_test[filename] # creates key with default value end if updated.empty? then nil else files.values.max end end ## # Check results for failures, set the "bar" to red or green, and if # there are failures record this. def handle_results results results = results.gsub(/\e\[\d+m/, '') # strip ascii color failed = results.scan self.failed_results_re completed = results[self.completed_re] if completed then completed = completed.scan(/(\d+) (\w+)/).map { |v, k| [k, v.to_i] } self.latest_results = Hash[*completed.flatten] self.files_to_test = consolidate_failures failed color = self.files_to_test.empty? ? :green : :red hook color unless $TESTING else self.latest_results = nil end self.tainted = true unless self.files_to_test.empty? end ## # Lazy accessor for the known_files hash. def known_files unless @known_files then @known_files = Hash[* { |f| [f, true] }.flatten] end @known_files end ## # Returns the base of the ruby command. def ruby_cmd "#{prefix}#{ruby} -I#{libs} -rubygems" end ## # Generate the commands to test the supplied files def make_test_cmd files_to_test cmds = [] full, partial = reorder(files_to_test).partition { |k,v| v.empty? } diff = self.unit_diff diff = " | #{diff}" if diff and diff !~ /^\|/ unless full.empty? then classes = {|k,v| k}.flatten.uniq classes.unshift testlib classes = classes.join " " cmds << "#{ruby_cmd} -e \"%w[#{classes}].each { |f| require f }\"#{diff}" end partial.each do |klass, methods| regexp = Regexp.union(*methods).source cmds << "#{ruby_cmd} #{klass} -n \"/^(#{regexp})$/\"#{diff}" end cmds.join "#{SEP} " end def new_hash_of_arrays { |h,k| h[k] = [] } end def reorder files_to_test case self.order when :alpha then files_to_test.sort_by { |k,v| k } when :reverse then files_to_test.sort_by { |k,v| k }.reverse when :random then max = files_to_test.size files_to_test.sort_by { |k,v| rand max } when :natural then (self.find_order & files_to_test.keys).map { |f| [f, files_to_test[f]] } else raise "unknown order type: #{self.order.inspect}" end end ## # Rerun the tests from cold (reset state) def rerun_all_tests reset run_tests hook :all_good if all_good end ## # Clear all state information about test failures and whether # interrupts will kill autotest. def reset self.files_to_test.clear self.find_order.clear self.interrupted = false self.known_files = nil self.last_mtime = T0 self.tainted = false self.wants_to_quit = false hook :reset end ## # Determine and return the path of the ruby executable. def ruby ruby = ENV['RUBY'] ruby ||= File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) ruby.gsub! File::SEPARATOR, File::ALT_SEPARATOR if File::ALT_SEPARATOR return ruby end ## # Return the name of the file with the tests for filename by finding # a +test_mapping+ that matches the file and executing the mapping's # proc. def test_files_for filename result = @test_mappings.find { |file_re, ignored| filename =~ file_re } p :test_file_for => [filename, result.first] if result and $DEBUG result = result.nil? ? [] : [, $~)].flatten output.puts "No tests matched #{filename}" if (options[:verbose] or $TESTING) and result.empty? { |f| known_files[f] } end ## # Sleep then look for files to test, until there are some. def wait_for_changes hook :waiting Kernel.sleep self.sleep until find_files_to_test end ############################################################ # File Mappings: ## # Returns all known files in the codebase matching +regexp+. def files_matching regexp { |k| k =~ regexp } end ## # Adds a file mapping, optionally prepending the mapping to the # front of the list if +prepend+ is true. +regexp+ should match a # file path in the codebase. +proc+ is passed a matched filename and # Regexp.last_match. +proc+ should return an array of tests to run. # # For example, if test_helper.rb is modified, rerun all tests: # # at.add_mapping(/test_helper.rb/) do |f, _| # at.files_matching(/^test.*rb$/) # end def add_mapping regexp, prepend = false, &proc if prepend then @test_mappings.unshift [regexp, proc] else @test_mappings.push [regexp, proc] end nil end ## # Removed a file mapping matching +regexp+. def remove_mapping regexp @test_mappings.delete_if do |k,v| k == regexp end nil end ## # Clears all file mappings. This is DANGEROUS as it entirely # disables autotest. You must add at least one file mapping that # does a good job of rerunning appropriate tests. def clear_mappings @test_mappings.clear nil end ############################################################ # Exceptions: ## # Adds +regexp+ to the list of exceptions for find_file. This must # be called _before_ the exceptions are compiled. def add_exception regexp raise "exceptions already compiled" if defined? @exceptions @exception_list << regexp nil end ## # Removes +regexp+ to the list of exceptions for find_file. This # must be called _before_ the exceptions are compiled. def remove_exception regexp raise "exceptions already compiled" if defined? @exceptions @exception_list.delete regexp nil end ## # Clears the list of exceptions for find_file. This must be called # _before_ the exceptions are compiled. def clear_exceptions raise "exceptions already compiled" if defined? @exceptions @exception_list.clear nil end ## # Return a compiled regexp of exceptions for find_files or nil if no # filtering should take place. This regexp is generated from # +exception_list+. def exceptions unless defined? @exceptions then @exceptions = if @exception_list.empty? then nil else Regexp.union(*@exception_list) end end @exceptions end ############################################################ # Hooks: ## # Call the event hook named +name+, passing in optional args # depending on the hook itself. # # Returns false if no hook handled the event. # # === Hook Writers! # # This executes all registered hooks until one returns truthy. # Pay attention to the return value of your block! def hook name, *args deprecated = { # none currently } if deprecated[name] and not HOOKS[name].empty? then warn "hook #{name} has been deprecated, use #{deprecated[name]}" end HOOKS[name].any? { |plugin| plugin[self, *args] } end ## # Add the supplied block to the available hooks, with the given # name. def self.add_hook name, &block HOOKS[name] << block end add_hook :died do |at, err| warn "Unhandled exception: #{err}" warn err.backtrace.join("\n ") warn "Quitting" end end