Given /^todo_legacy's bin directory is in my path/ do add_to_path(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','..','test','apps','todo_legacy','bin'))) end Given /^todo's bin directory is in my path/ do add_to_path(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','..','test','apps','todo','bin'))) end Given /^the todo app is coded to avoid sorted help commands$/ do ENV['TODO_SORT_HELP'] = 'manually' end Given /^the todo app is coded to avoid wrapping text$/ do ENV['TODO_WRAP_HELP_TEXT'] = 'one_line' end Given /^the todo app is coded to wrap text only for tty$/ do ENV['TODO_WRAP_HELP_TEXT'] = 'tty_only' end Given /^the todo app is coded to hide commands without description$/ do ENV['HIDE_COMMANDS_WITHOUT_DESC'] = 'true' end Given /^a clean home directory$/ do FileUtils.rm_rf File.join(ENV['HOME'],'gli_test_todo.rc') end Then /^the config file should contain a section for each command and subcommand$/ do config =['HOME'],'gli_test_todo.rc')) do |file| YAML::load(file) end expect(config.keys).to include(:flag) expect(config[:flag]).to eq('foo') config[:flag].tap do |flag| if flag.respond_to?(:encoding) expect( eq('UTF-8') end end expect(config.keys).to include(:switch) expect(config[:switch]).to eq(true) expect(config.keys).to include(:otherswitch) expect(config[:otherswitch]).to eq(false) expect(config.keys).to include('commands') %w(chained chained2 create first list ls second).map(&:to_sym).each do |command_name| expect(config['commands'].keys).to include(command_name) end expect(config['commands'][:create].keys).to include('commands') expect(config['commands'][:create]['commands']).to include(:tasks) expect(config['commands'][:create]['commands']).to include(:contexts) expect(config['commands'][:list].keys).to include('commands') expect(config['commands'][:list]['commands']).to include(:tasks) expect(config['commands'][:list]['commands']).to include(:contexts) end Given /^a config file that specifies defaults for some commands with subcommands$/ do @config = { 'commands' => { :list => { 'commands' => { :tasks => { :flag => 'foobar', }, :contexts => { :otherflag => 'crud', }, } } } }['HOME'],'gli_test_todo.rc'),'w') do |file| file.puts @config.to_yaml end end Then /^I should see the defaults for '(.*)' from the config file in the help$/ do |command_path| if command_path == 'list tasks' step %{the output should match /--flag.*default: foobar/} expect(unescape(all_output)).not_to match(/#{unescape("--otherflag.*default: crud")}/m) elsif command_path == 'list contexts' step %{the output should match /--otherflag.*default: crud/} expect(unescape(all_output)).not_to match(/#{unescape("--flag.*default: foobar")}/m) else raise "Don't know how to test for command path #{command_path}" end end Given /^the todo app is coded to use verbatim formatting$/ do ENV['TODO_WRAP_HELP_TEXT'] = 'verbatim' end Given(/^my terminal is (\d+) characters wide$/) do |terminal_width| ENV['COLUMNS'] = terminal_width.to_s end Given(/^my app is configured for "(.*?)" synopses$/) do |synopsis| ENV['SYNOPSES'] = synopsis end