require 'octothorpe' require 'pod4/basic_model' require 'pod4/null_interface' describe 'WeirdModel' do ## # We define a model class to test, since in normal operation we would never use Model directly, # and since it needs an inner Interface. # # We define an inner class based on the genuinely existing, non-mock NullInterface class; and # then define expectations on it. When we do this, Rspec fails to pass the call on to the object, # unless we specifically say `.and_call_original` instead of `.and_return`. # # This is actually quite nice, but more than a little confusing when you see it for the first # time. Its use isn't spelled out in the RSpec docs AFAICS. # let(:weird_model_class) do Pod4::BasicModel do set_interface, :name, :price, :groups, []) def fake_an_alert(*args) add_alert(*args) #protected method end def reset_alerts; @alerts = []; end end end let(:model) { } describe 'Model.set_interface' do it 'requires an Interface object' do expect( weird_model_class ).to respond_to(:set_interface).with(1).argument end # it 'sets interface' - covered by the interface test end ## describe 'Model.interface' do it 'is the interface object' do expect( weird_model_class.interface ).to be_a_kind_of NullInterface expect( weird_model_class.interface.id_fld ).to eq :id end end ## describe '#new' do it 'takes an optional ID' do expect{ }.not_to raise_exception expect{ }.not_to raise_exception end it 'sets the ID attribute' do expect( ).to eq 23 end it 'sets the status to empty' do expect( ).to eq :empty end it 'initializes the alerts attribute' do expect( ).to eq([]) end it 'doesn''t freak out if the ID is not an integer' do expect{"france") }.not_to raise_exception expect("france").model_id ).to eq "france" end end ## describe '#interface' do it 'returns the interface set in the class definition, again' do expect( ).to be_a_kind_of NullInterface expect( ).to eq :id end end ## describe '#alerts' do it 'returns the list of alerts against the model' do cm = cm.fake_an_alert(:warning, :foo, 'one') cm.fake_an_alert(:error, :bar, 'two') expect( cm.alerts.size ).to eq 2 expect({|a| a.message} ).to match_array(%w|one two|) end end ## describe '#add_alert' do # add_alert is a protected method, which is only supposed to be called # within the validate method of a subclass of Method. So we test it by # calling our alert faking method it 'requires type, message or type, field, message' do expect{ model.fake_an_alert }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ model.fake_an_alert(nil) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ model.fake_an_alert('foo') }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ model.fake_an_alert(:error, 'foo') }.not_to raise_exception expect{ model.fake_an_alert(:warning, :name, 'bar') }. not_to raise_exception end it 'only allows valid types' do [:brian, :werning, nil, :alert, :danger].each do |l| expect{ model.fake_an_alert(l, 'foo') }.to raise_exception ArgumentError end [:warning, :error, :success, :info].each do |l| expect{ model.fake_an_alert(l, 'foo') }.not_to raise_exception end end it 'creates an Alert and adds it to @alerts' do lurch = 'Dnhhhhhh' model.fake_an_alert(:error, :price, lurch) expect( model.alerts.size ).to eq 1 expect( model.alerts.first ).to be_a_kind_of Pod4::Alert expect( model.alerts.first.message ).to eq lurch end it 'sets @model_status if the type is worse than @model_status' do model.fake_an_alert(:warning, :price, 'xoo') expect( model.model_status ).to eq :warning model.fake_an_alert(:success, :price, 'flom') expect( model.model_status ).to eq :warning model.fake_an_alert(:info, :price, 'flom') expect( model.model_status ).to eq :warning model.fake_an_alert(:error, :price, 'qar') expect( model.model_status ).to eq :error model.fake_an_alert(:warning, :price, 'drazq') expect( model.model_status ).to eq :error end it 'ignores a new alert if identical to an existing one' do lurch = 'Dnhhhhhh' 2.times { model.fake_an_alert(:error, :price, lurch) } expect( model.alerts.size ).to eq 2 end end ## describe '#clear_alerts' do before do model.fake_an_alert(:error, "bad stuff") model.clear_alerts end it 'resets the @alerts array' do expect( model.alerts ).to eq([]) end it 'sets model_status to :okay' do expect( model.model_status ).to eq :okay end end ## describe '#raise_exceptions' do it 'is also known as .or_die' do cm = expect( cm.method(:raise_exceptions) ).to eq( cm.method(:or_die) ) end it 'raises ValidationError if model status is :error' do model.fake_an_alert(:error, :price, 'qar') expect{ model.raise_exceptions }.to raise_exception Pod4::ValidationError end it 'does nothing if model status is not :error' do expect{ model.raise_exceptions }.not_to raise_exception model.fake_an_alert(:info, :price, 'qar') expect{ model.raise_exceptions }.not_to raise_exception model.fake_an_alert(:success, :price, 'qar') expect{ model.raise_exceptions }.not_to raise_exception model.fake_an_alert(:warning, :price, 'qar') expect{ model.raise_exceptions }.not_to raise_exception end end ## end