module FHIR class ClientReply @@validation_rules = JSON.parse('..', File.dirname(File.absolute_path(__FILE__))), 'fhir_api_validation.json'), 'r:UTF-8', &:read)) @@path_regexes = { '[type]' => "(#{FHIR::RESOURCES.join('|')})", '[id]' => FHIR::PRIMITIVES['id']['regex'], '[vid]' => FHIR::PRIMITIVES['id']['regex'], '[name]' => "([A-Za-z\-]+)" } @@rfs1123 = /\A\s* (?:(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)\s*,\s*)? (\d{1,2})\s+ (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s+ (\d{2,})\s+ (\d{2})\s* :\s*(\d{2})\s* (?::\s*(\d{2}))?\s+ ([+-]\d{4}| UT|GMT|EST|EDT|CST|CDT|MST|MDT|PST|PDT|[A-IK-Z])/ix @@header_regexes = { 'Content-Type' =>"(#{FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_XML.gsub('+', '\\\+')}|#{FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON.gsub('+', '\\\+')})(([ ;]+)(charset)([ =]+)(UTF-8|utf-8))?"), 'Accept' =>"(#{FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_XML.gsub('+', '\\\+')}|#{FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON.gsub('+', '\\\+')})"), 'Prefer' =>'(return=minimal|return=representation)'), 'ETag' =>'(W\/)?"[\dA-Za-z]+"'), 'If-Modified-Since' => @@rfs1123, 'If-Match' =>'(W\/)?"[\dA-Za-z]+"'), 'If-None-Match' =>'(W\/)?"[\dA-Za-z]+"'), 'If-None-Exist' =>'([\w\-]+(=[\w\-.:\/\|]*)?(&[\w\-]+(=[\w\-.:\/\|]*)?)*)?'), 'Location' =>"http(s)?:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9\/\\-\\.]+\/#{@@path_regexes['[type]']}\/#{@@path_regexes['[id]']}\/_history\/#{@@path_regexes['[vid]']}"), 'Last-Modified' => @@rfs1123 } # { # :method => :get, # :url => '$everything', # :path => 'Patient/123/$everything' # :headers => {}, # :payload => nil # body of request goes here in POST # } attr_accessor :request # { # :code => '200', # :headers => {}, # :body => '{xml or json here}' # } attr_accessor :response attr_accessor :resource # a FHIR resource attr_accessor :resource_class # class of the :resource def initialize(request, response) @request = request @response = response end def code @response[:code].to_i unless @response.nil? end def id return nil if @resource_class.nil? (self_link || @request[:url]) =~ %r{(?<=#{}\/)([^\/]+)} Regexp.last_match(1) end def version version = nil link = self_link if link && link.include?('_history/') begin tokens = link.split('_history/') version = tokens.last.split('/').first rescue version = nil end end version end def self_link (@response[:headers]['content-location'] || @response[:headers]['location']) unless @response.nil? || @response[:headers].nil? end def body @response[:body] unless @response.nil? end def to_hash hash = {} hash['request'] = @request hash['response'] = @response hash end def is_valid? validate.empty? end def validate errors = [] @@validation_rules.each do |rule| next unless rule['verb'] == @request[:method].to_s.upcase rule_match = false rule['path'].each do |path| rule_regex = path.gsub('/', '(\/)').gsub('?', '\?') @@path_regexes.each do |token, regex| rule_regex.gsub!(token, regex) end rule_match = true if =~ @request[:path] end next unless rule_match # check the request headers errors << validate_headers("#{rule['interaction'].upcase} REQUEST", @request[:headers], rule['request']['headers']) # check the request body errors << validate_body("#{rule['interaction'].upcase} REQUEST", @request[:payload], rule['request']['body']) # check the response codes unless rule['response']['status'].include?(@response[:code].to_i) errors << "#{rule['interaction'].upcase} RESPONSE: Invalid response code: #{@response[:code]}" end next unless @response[:code].to_i < 400 # check the response headers errors << validate_headers("#{rule['interaction'].upcase} RESPONSE", @response[:headers], rule['response']['headers']) # check the response body errors << validate_body("#{rule['interaction'].upcase} RESPONSE", @response[:body], rule['response']['body']) end errors.flatten end def validate_headers(name, headers, header_rules) errors = [] header_rules.each do |header, present| value = headers[header] if present == true if value errors << "#{name}: Malformed value for header #{header}: #{value}" unless @@header_regexes[header] =~ value else errors << "#{name}: Missing header: #{header}" end elsif present == 'optional' && value errors << "#{name}: Malformed value for optional header #{header}: #{value}" unless @@header_regexes[header] =~ value # binding.pry if !(@@header_regexes[header] =~ value) elsif !value.nil? errors << "#{name}: Should not have header: #{header}" end end errors end def validate_body(name, body, body_rules) errors = [] if body && body_rules if body_rules['types'] body_type_match = false begin content = FHIR.from_contents(body) body_rules['types'].each do |type| body_type_match = true if content.resourceType == type body_type_match = true if type == 'Resource' && FHIR::RESOURCES.include?(content.resourceType) end rescue FHIR.logger.warn "ClientReply was unable to validate response body: #{body}" end errors << "#{name}: Body does not match allowed types: #{body_rules['types'].join(', ')}" unless body_type_match end if body_rules['regex'] regex =['regex']) errors << "#{name}: Body does not match regular expression: #{body_rules['regex']}" unless regex =~ body end elsif body && !body_rules errors "#{name}: Body not allowed" end errors end private :validate_headers, :validate_body end end