module Furnace module Transform module Generic class LabelNormalize include AST::Visitor def transform(ast, method) # Find the minimal label in each operation sub-tree. # It's the operation entry point. visit ast # Traverse operations in reverse order and bypass all jump_target's, # recording the forwarded address in label_map. label_map = {} last_real_operation = nil ast.children.reverse.each do |child| if child.type == :jump_target label = last_real_operation else label = child.metadata[:label] last_real_operation = label end label_map[child.metadata[:label]] = label end # Remove jump_target's. ast.children.reject! { |c| c.type == :jump_target } # Find all jumpable labels and substitute the addresses to forward # through jump_target's. target_map = [] ast.children.each do |child| if child.type == :jump || child.type == :jump_if forwarded_target = label_map[child.children[0]] child.children[0] = forwarded_target target_map << forwarded_target end end [ ast, target_map, method ] end def on_any(node) return if node.type == :root child_nodes = { |c| c.is_a? AST::Node } new_label = { |c| c.metadata[:label] }.compact.min node.metadata[:label] = new_label if new_label child_nodes.each { |c| c.metadata.delete :label } end end end end end