module Usman
module Api
module V1
class DocsController < DocsBaseController
def register
set_title("Register API")
@request_type = "POST"
@end_point = "/api/v1/register"
@description = <<-eos
This API will register the user and the device and will send an OTP for verification.
This API can also be used for user login.
If the user is already registered, verifying the OTP will get the user logged in (return API token)
@input_headers = {
"Content-Type" => { value: "application/json", description: "The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json. This is to make sure that a valid json is returned. The default encoding is UTF-8. " }
@input_params = {
country_id: { mandatory: true, description: "Country ID is an integer. You may get it from Countries API", example: "100", default: "" },
city_id: { mandatory: false, description: "City ID is an integer. You may get it from Cities API", example: "1030", default: "" },
dialing_prefix: { mandatory: true, description: "International Dialing Prefix for countries", example: "+971", default: "" },
mobile_number: { mandatory: true, description: "Mobile Number without Dialing Prefix", example: "If your mobile number is +971 54 312 9876, pass '543129876' without spaces.", default: "" },
uuid: { mandatory: true, description: "Universal Unique Identifier. iOS or Android will give you this programatically.", example: "", default: "" },
device_token: { mandatory: true, description: "Device Token is a unique token for your device", example: "", default: "" },
device_name: { mandatory: false, description: "The name of your Device", example: "Apple iPhone", default: "" },
device_type: { mandatory: false, description: "", example: "The kind of device you have", default: "iPhone 7 plus" },
operating_system: { mandatory: false, description: "Operating System Name", example: "", default: "" },
software_version: { mandatory: false, description: "Software / OS Version", example: "", default: "" }
@example_path = "usman/api/v1/docs/"
@examples = ["pos_case_1", "pos_case_2", "pos_case_3", "neg_case_1", "neg_case_2", "neg_case_3"]
render 'kuppayam/api/docs/show'
def resend_otp
set_title("Resend OTP API")
@request_type = "POST"
@end_point = "/api/v1/resend_otp"
@description = <<-eos
This API will resend the OTP for verification
@warning = "A maximum of 3 attempt is allowed for resending the OTP. 6th request will block the device."
@input_headers = {
"Content-Type" => { value: "application/json", description: "The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json. This is to make sure that a valid json is returned. The default encoding is UTF-8. " }
@input_params = {
uuid: { mandatory: true, description: "Universal Unique Identifier. iOS or Android will give you this programatically.", example: "", default: "" },
dialing_prefix: { mandatory: true, description: "International Dialing Prefix for countries", example: "+971", default: "" },
mobile_number: { mandatory: true, description: "Mobile Number without Dialing Prefix", example: "If your mobile number is +971 54 312 9876, pass '543129876' without spaces.", default: "" }
@example_path = "usman/api/v1/docs/"
@examples = ["pos_case_1", "neg_case_1", "neg_case_2", "neg_case_3", "neg_case_4"]
render 'kuppayam/api/docs/show'
def verify_otp
set_title("Verify OTP API")
@request_type = "POST"
@end_point = "/api/v1/verify_otp"
@description = <<-eos
This API verify the OTP.
It will return the API token for further communication if the user & device has already been registered.
If not, API token is returned in the positive response of Accpet T&C API
@input_headers = {
"Content-Type" => { value: "application/json", description: "The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json. This is to make sure that a valid json is returned. The default encoding is UTF-8. " }
@input_params = {
otp: { mandatory: true, description: "One Time Password you have received via SMS. (Five Digit)", example: "", default: "" },
uuid: { mandatory: true, description: "Universal Unique Identifier. iOS or Android will give you this programatically.", example: "", default: "" },
dialing_prefix: { mandatory: true, description: "International Dialing Prefix for countries", example: "+971", default: "" },
mobile_number: { mandatory: true, description: "Mobile Number without Dialing Prefix", example: "If your mobile number is +971 54 312 9876, pass '543129876' without spaces.", default: "" }
@example_path = "usman/api/v1/docs/"
@examples = ["pos_case_1", "pos_case_2", "neg_case_1", "neg_case_2", "neg_case_3", "neg_case_4"]
render 'kuppayam/api/docs/show'
def accept_tac
set_title("Accept T&C API")
@request_type = "POST"
@end_point = "/api/v1/accept_tac"
@description = <<-eos
This API record the acceptance of the terms and condition and will finish the registration of user & device.
It will return API token which can be used for further communication.
@info = "The user will have to accept terms and conditions everytime he registers a new device"
@input_headers = {
"Content-Type" => { value: "application/json", description: "The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json. This is to make sure that a valid json is returned. The default encoding is UTF-8. " }
@input_params = {
uuid: { mandatory: true, description: "Universal Unique Identifier. iOS or Android will give you this programatically.", example: "", default: "" },
dialing_prefix: { mandatory: true, description: "International Dialing Prefix for countries", example: "+971", default: "" },
mobile_number: { mandatory: true, description: "Mobile Number without Dialing Prefix", example: "If your mobile number is +971 54 312 9876, pass '543129876' without spaces.", default: "" }
@example_path = "usman/api/v1/docs/"#
@examples = ["pos_case_1", "neg_case_1", "neg_case_2", "neg_case_3"]
render 'kuppayam/api/docs/show'
def create_profile
set_title("Create Profile API")
@request_type = "POST"
@end_point = "/api/v1/create_profile"
@description = <<-eos
This API will create a profile for a newly registered user
@input_headers = {
"Content-Type" => { value: "application/json", description: "The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json. This is to make sure that a valid json is returned. The default encoding is UTF-8. " },
"Authorization" => { value: "Token token=\"87b01adbba90824b57add8cc06ad8738\"", description: "Put the API Token here. This is must for creating a profile. You need to register with your mobile number and verify the otp before you could create a profile" }
@input_params = {
uuid: { mandatory: true, description: "Universal Unique Identifier. iOS or Android will give you this programatically.", example: "", default: "" },
dialing_prefix: { mandatory: true, description: "International Dialing Prefix for countries", example: "+971", default: "" },
mobile_number: { mandatory: true, description: "Mobile Number without Dialing Prefix", example: "If your mobile number is +971 54 312 9876, pass '543129876' without spaces.", default: "" }
@example_path = "usman/api/v1/docs/"#
@examples = ["pos_case_1", "neg_case_1", "neg_case_2", "neg_case_3"]
render 'kuppayam/api/docs/show'
def update_profile
set_title("Update Profile API")
@request_type = "POST"
@end_point = "/api/v1/update_profile"
@description = <<-eos
This API will update the profile details.
Note the the user id is not passed but the API token in header.
@input_headers = {
"Content-Type" => { value: "application/json", description: "The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json. This is to make sure that a valid json is returned. The default encoding is UTF-8. " },
"Authorization" => { value: "Token token=\"87b01adbba90824b57add8cc06ad8738\"", description: "Put the API Token here. This is must for creating a profile. You need to register with your mobile number and verify the otp before you could create a profile" }
@input_params = {
uuid: { mandatory: true, description: "Universal Unique Identifier. iOS or Android will give you this programatically.", example: "", default: "" },
dialing_prefix: { mandatory: true, description: "International Dialing Prefix for countries", example: "+971", default: "" },
mobile_number: { mandatory: true, description: "Mobile Number without Dialing Prefix", example: "If your mobile number is +971 54 312 9876, pass '543129876' without spaces.", default: "" }
@example_path = "usman/api/v1/docs/"#
@examples = ["pos_case_1", "neg_case_1", "neg_case_2", "neg_case_3"]
render 'kuppayam/api/docs/show'
def get_profile_info
set_title("Get Profile Info API")
@request_type = "GET"
@end_point = "/api/v1/profile_info"
@description = <<-eos
This API will return the details of the profile requested including profile picture urls
@input_headers = {
"Content-Type" => { value: "application/json", description: "The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json. This is to make sure that a valid json is returned. The default encoding is UTF-8. " },
"Authorization" => { value: "Token token=\"87b01adbba90824b57add8cc06ad8738\"", description: "Put the API Token here. You shall get the API token after registering your device" }
@input_params = {}
@example_path = "usman/api/v1/docs/"
@examples = ["pos_case_1", "neg_case_1", "neg_case_2"]
render 'kuppayam/api/docs/show'
def upload_profile_picture_base64
set_title("Upload Profile Picture API (base64)")
@request_type = "POST"
@end_point = "/api/v1/profile/profile_picture_base64"
@description = <<-eos
This APi will upload an image to a profile and will set it as the profile picture.
It accept an image embeded in a json with base64 encoding.
@warning = "The image has to be base64 encoded."
@input_headers = {
"Content-Type" => { value: "application/json", description: "The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json. This is to make sure that a valid json is returned. The default encoding is UTF-8. " },
"Authorization" => { value: "Token token=\"87b01adbba90824b57add8cc06ad8738\"", description: "Put the API Token here. You shall get the API token after registering your device" }
@input_params = {}
@example_path = "usman/api/v1/docs/"
@examples = ["pos_case_1", "neg_case_1", "neg_case_2"]
render 'kuppayam/api/docs/show'
def upload_profile_picture
set_title("Upload Profile Picture API")
@request_type = "POST"
@end_point = "/api/v1/profile/upload_profile_picture"
@description = <<-eos
This APi will upload an image to a profile and will set it as the profile picture.
It accept an image in binary format
@input_headers = {
"Content-Type" => { value: "application/json", description: "The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json. This is to make sure that a valid json is returned. The default encoding is UTF-8. " },
"Authorization" => { value: "Token token=\"87b01adbba90824b57add8cc06ad8738\"", description: "Put the API Token here. You shall get the API token after registering your device" }
@input_params = {}
@example_path = "usman/api/v1/docs/"
@examples = ["pos_case_1", "neg_case_1", "neg_case_2", "neg_case_3"]
render 'kuppayam/api/docs/show'
def delete_profile_picture
set_title("Delete Profile Picture API")
@request_type = "DELETE"
@end_point = "/api/v1/profile/profile_picture"
@description = <<-eos
This API will delete the profile picture
@input_headers = {
"Content-Type" => { value: "application/json", description: "The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json. This is to make sure that a valid json is returned. The default encoding is UTF-8. " },
"Authorization" => { value: "Token token=\"87b01adbba90824b57add8cc06ad8738\"", description: "Put the API Token here. You shall get the API token after registering your device" }
@input_params = {}
@example_path = "usman/api/v1/docs/"
@examples = ["pos_case_1", "neg_case_1", "neg_case_2"]
render 'kuppayam/api/docs/show'