# General bounds for expected EUI values # Commercial building reference: https://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/pdf/reference/US%20National%20Median%20Table.pdf # Residential building reference: https://www.eia.gov/consumption/residential/data/2015/c&e/pdf/ce1.1.pdf # Converting between SI & Imperial EUI units: https://eddysantosa.com/eui/ # You may adjust these values for the s in your FeatureFile. The references above may be useful guidelines EUI: IP: Units: "kBtu/ft2/yr" Single-Family Detached: min: 10 max: 60 Single-Family Attached: min: 10 max: 60 Multifamily (2 to 4 units): min: 20 max: 75 Multifamily (5 or more units): min: 10 max: 60 Office: min: 40 max: 75 Laboratory: min: 100 max: 150 Nonrefrigerated warehouse: min: 10 max: 40 Food sales: min: 50 max: 250 Public order and safety: min: 40 max: 75 Outpatient health care: min: 50 max: 100 Refrigerated warehouse: min: 75 max: 100 Religious worship: min: 20 max: 40 Public assembly: min: 40 max: 60 Education: min: 40 max: 100 Food service: min: 200 max: 500 Inpatient health care: min: 200 max: 300 Nursing: min: 50 max: 100 Lodging: min: 50 max: 100 Strip shopping mall: min: 80 max: 120 Enclosed mall: min: 50 max: 75 Retail other than mall: min: 40 max: 75 Service: min: 30 max: 75 Mixed use: min: 10 max: 75 SI: Units: "kWh/m2/yr" Single-Family Detached: min: 30 max: 200 Single-Family Attached: min: 30 max: 200 Multifamily (2 to 4 units): min: 63 max: 237 Multifamily (5 or more units): min: 30 max: 200 Office: min: 126 max: 237 Laboratory: min: 315 max: 475 Nonrefrigerated warehouse: min: 31 max: 126 Food sales: min: 157 max: 789 Public order and safety: min: 126 max: 237 Outpatient health care: min: 157 max: 315 Refrigerated warehouse: min: 236 max: 315 Religious worship: min: 63 max: 126 Public assembly: min: 126 max: 190 Education: min: 126 max: 315 Food service: min: 630 max: 1577 Inpatient health care: min: 630 max: 946 Nursing: min: 157 max: 315 Lodging: min: 157 max: 315 Strip shopping mall: min: 252 max: 379 Enclosed mall: min: 157 max: 237 Retail other than mall: min: 126 max: 237 Service: min: 94 max: 237 Mixed use: min: 31 max: 789