# Sidekiq::Throttled

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Concurrency and threshold throttling for [Sidekiq][sidekiq].

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

``` ruby
gem "sidekiq-throttled"

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install sidekiq-throttled

## Usage

Add somewhere in your app's bootstrap (e.g. `config/initializers/sidekiq.rb` if
you are using Rails):

``` ruby
require "sidekiq/throttled"

Once you've done that you can include `Sidekiq::Throttled::Worker` to your
job classes and configure throttling:

``` ruby
class MyWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  include Sidekiq::Throttled::Worker

  sidekiq_options :queue => :my_queue

    # Allow maximum 10 concurrent jobs of this class at a time.
    :concurrency => { :limit => 10 },
    # Allow maximum 1K jobs being processed within one hour window.
    :threshold => { :limit => 1_000, :period => 1.hour }

  def perform
    # ...

### Dynamic throttling

You can throttle jobs dynamically with `:key_suffix` option:

``` ruby
class MyWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  include Sidekiq::Throttled::Worker

  sidekiq_options :queue => :my_queue

    # Allow maximum 10 concurrent jobs per user at a time.
    :concurrency => { :limit => 10, :key_suffix => -> (user_id) { user_id } }

  def perform(user_id)
    # ...

You can also supply dynamic values for limits and periods by supplying a proc
for these values. The proc will be evaluated at the time the job is fetched
and will receive the same arguments that are passed to the job.

``` ruby
class MyWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  include Sidekiq::Throttled::Worker

  sidekiq_options :queue => :my_queue

    # Allow maximum 1000 concurrent jobs of this class at a time for VIPs and 10 for all other users.
    :concurrency => {
      :limit      => ->(user_id) { User.vip?(user_id) ? 1_000 : 10 },
      :key_suffix => ->(user_id) { User.vip?(user_id) ? "vip" : "std" }
    # Allow 1000 jobs/hour to be processed for VIPs and 10/day for all others
    :threshold   => {
      :limit      => ->(user_id) { User.vip?(user_id) ? 1_000 : 10 },
      :period     => ->(user_id) { User.vip?(user_id) ? 1.hour : 1.day },
      :key_suffix => ->(user_id) { User.vip?(user_id) ? "vip" : "std" }

  def perform(user_id)
    # ...

**NB** Don't forget to specify `:key_suffix` and make it return different values
if you are using dynamic limit/period options. Otherwise you risk getting into
some trouble.

## Supported Ruby Versions

This library aims to support and is [tested against][travis] the following Ruby

* Ruby 2.2.x
* Ruby 2.3.x

## Supported Sidekiq Versions

This library aims to support work with following [Sidekiq][sidekiq] versions:

* Sidekiq 4.0.x
* Sidekiq 4.1.x

## Contributing

* Fork sidekiq-throttled on GitHub
* Make your changes
* Ensure all tests pass (`bundle exec rake`)
* Send a pull request
* If we like them we'll merge them
* If we've accepted a patch, feel free to ask for commit access!

## Copyright

Copyright (c) 2015-2016 SensorTower Inc.
See LICENSE.md for further details.

[travis]: http://travis-ci.org/sensortower/sidekiq-throttled
[sidekiq]: https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq