# # ActiveFacts Vocabulary Input. # Read a NORMA file into an ActiveFacts vocabulary # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # # This code uses variables prefixed with x_ when they refer to Rexml nodes. # Every node having an id="..." is indexed in @x_by_id[] hash before processing. # As we build ActiveFacts objects to match, we index those in @by_id[]. # Both these hashes may be looked up by any of the ref="..." values in the file. # require 'nokogiri' require 'activefacts/metamodel' module Nokogiri module XML class Node def elements children.select{|n| Nokogiri::XML::Element === n } end end end end module ActiveFacts module Input # Compile a NORMA (.orm) file to an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # Invoke as # afgen -- .orm # This parser uses Rexml so it's very slow. class ORM module Gravity %w{NW N NE W C E SW S SE}.each_with_index { |dir, i| const_set(dir, i) } end DataTypeMapping = { "FixedLengthText" => "Char", "VariableLengthText" => "String", "LargeLengthText" => "Text", "SignedIntegerNumeric" => "Signed Integer(32)", "SignedSmallIntegerNumeric" => "Signed Integer(16)", "SignedLargeIntegerNumeric" => "Signed Integer(64)", "UnsignedIntegerNumeric" => "Unsigned Integer(32)", "UnsignedTinyIntegerNumeric" => "Unsigned Integer(8)", "UnsignedSmallIntegerNumeric" => "Unsigned Integer(16)", "UnsignedLargeIntegerNumeric" => "Unsigned Integer(64)", "AutoCounterNumeric" => "Auto Counter", "FloatingPointNumeric" => "Real(64)", "SinglePrecisionFloatingPointNumeric" => "Real(32)", "DoublePrecisionFloatingPointNumeric" => "Real(32)", "DecimalNumeric" => "Decimal", "MoneyNumeric" => "Money", "FixedLengthRawData" => "Blob", "VariableLengthRawData" => "Blob", "LargeLengthRawData" => "Blob", "PictureRawData" => "Image", "OleObjectRawData" => "Blob", "AutoTimestampTemporal" => "Auto Time Stamp", "TimeTemporal" => "Time", "DateTemporal" => "Date", "DateAndTimeTemporal" => "Date Time", "TrueOrFalseLogical" => "Boolean", "YesOrNoLogical" => "Boolean", "RowIdOther" => "Guid", "ObjectIdOther" => "Guid" } RESERVED_WORDS = %w{ and but each each either false if maybe no none not one or some that true where } private def self.readfile(filename, *options) if File.basename(filename, '.orm') == "-" self.read(STDIN, "", options) else File.open(filename) {|file| self.read(file, filename, *options) } end end def self.read(file, filename = "stdin", *options) ORM.new(file, filename, *options).read end def initialize(file, filename = "stdin", *options) @file = file @filename = filename @options = options end public def read #:nodoc: begin @document = Nokogiri::XML(@file) rescue => e puts "Failed to parse XML in #{@filename}: #{e.inspect}" end # Find the Vocabulary and do some setup: root = @document.root #p((root.methods-0.methods).sort.grep(/name/)) if root.name == "ORM2" && root.namespace.prefix == "ormRoot" x_models = root.xpath('orm:ORMModel') throw "No vocabulary found" unless x_models.size == 1 @x_model = x_models[0] elsif root.name == "ORMModel" p @document.children.map(&:name) @x_model = @document.children[0] else throw "NORMA model not found in #{@filename}" end read_vocabulary @vocabulary end private def read_vocabulary @constellation = ActiveFacts::API::Constellation.new(ActiveFacts::Metamodel) vocabulary_name = @x_model['Name'] @vocabulary = @constellation.Vocabulary(vocabulary_name) # Find all elements having an "id" attribute and index them x_identified = @x_model.xpath(".//*[@id]") @x_by_id = x_identified.inject({}){|h, x| id = x['id'] h[id] = x h } # Everything we build will be indexed here: @by_id = {} list_subtypes read_entity_types read_value_types read_fact_types read_nested_types read_subtypes read_roles complete_nested_types read_constraints read_instances if @options.include?("instances") read_diagrams if @options.include?("diagrams") end def id_of(x) x['id'][1..-1] end def read_entity_types # get and process all the entity types: entity_types = [] x_entity_types = @x_model.xpath("orm:Objects/orm:EntityType") x_entity_types.each do |x| id = x['id'] name = (x['Name'] || "").gsub(/\s+/,' ').gsub(/-/,'_').strip name = nil if name.size == 0 entity_type = @by_id[id] = trace :orm, "Asserting new EntityType #{name.inspect}" do @vocabulary.valid_entity_type_name(name) || @constellation.EntityType(@vocabulary, name, :concept => id_of(x)) end entity_types << entity_type independent = x['IsIndependent'] entity_type.is_independent = true if independent && independent == 'true' personal = x['IsPersonal'] entity_type.pronoun = 'personal' if personal && personal == 'true' # x_pref = x.xpath("orm:PreferredIdentifier")[0] # if x_pref # pi_id = x_pref['ref'] # @pref_id_for[pi_id] = x # end end end def read_value_types # Now the value types: value_types = [] x_value_types = @x_model.xpath("orm:Objects/orm:ValueType") @value_type_id_read = {} x_value_types.each{|x| next if x['IsImplicitBooleanValue'] value_types << read_value_type(x) } end def read_value_type x id = x['id'] return if @value_type_id_read[id] # Don't read the same value type twice @value_type_id_read[id] = true name = (x['Name'] || "").gsub(/\s+/,' ').gsub(/-/,'_').strip name = nil if name.size == 0 cdt = x.xpath('orm:ConceptualDataType')[0] scale = cdt['Scale'] scale = scale != "" && scale.to_i length = cdt['Length'] length = length != "" && length.to_i length = nil if length <= 0 base_type = @x_by_id[cdt['ref']] type_name = "#{base_type.name}" type_name.sub!(/^orm:/,'') type_name.sub!(/DataType\Z/,'') if t = DataTypeMapping[type_name] existing = @constellation.ObjectType[[@vocabulary.identifying_role_values, t]] if !existing || existing.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType) # There's no type conflict, so use the mapped name. type_name = t end end trace :orm, "Using #{type_name.inspect} as supertype for new #{name}" if !length and type_name =~ /\(([0-9]+)\)/ length = $1.to_i end type_name = type_name.sub(/\(([0-9]*)\)/,'') subtype_roles = x.xpath("orm:PlayedRoles/orm:SubtypeMetaRole") value_super_type = nil if !subtype_roles.empty? subtype_role_id = subtype_roles[0]['ref'] subtype_role = @x_by_id[subtype_role_id] subtyping_fact_roles = subtype_role.parent supertype_id = subtyping_fact_roles.xpath("orm:SupertypeMetaRole/orm:RolePlayer")[0]['ref'] x_supertype = @x_by_id[supertype_id] read_value_type x_supertype unless @value_type_id_read[supertype_id] supertype = @by_id[supertype_id] supertype_name = x_supertype['Name'] raise "Supertype of #{name} is post-defined but recursiving processing failed" unless supertype raise "Supertype #{supertype_name} of #{name} is not a value type" unless supertype.kind_of? ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType trace :orm, "Asserting new ValueType #{supertype_name.inspect} for supertype" do value_super_type = @vocabulary.valid_value_type_name(supertype_name) || @constellation.ValueType(@vocabulary, supertype_name, :concept => id_of(x_supertype)) end else # REVISIT: Need to handle standard types better here: value_super_type = if type_name != name trace :orm, "Asserting new ValueType #{type_name.inspect} for supertype" do @vocabulary.valid_value_type_name(type_name) || @constellation.ValueType(@vocabulary.identifying_role_values, type_name, :concept => :new) end else nil end end vt = trace :orm, "Asserting new ValueType #{name.inspect}" do @by_id[id] = @vocabulary.valid_value_type_name(name) || @constellation.ValueType(@vocabulary.identifying_role_values, name, :concept => id_of(x)) end vt.supertype = value_super_type vt.length = length if length vt.scale = scale if scale && scale != 0 independent = x['IsIndependent'] vt.is_independent = true if independent && independent == 'true' personal = x['IsPersonal'] vt.pronoun = 'personal' if personal && personal == 'true' x_vr = x.xpath("orm:ValueRestriction/orm:ValueConstraint") x_vr.each{|vr| x_ranges = vr.xpath("orm:ValueRanges/orm:ValueRange") next if x_ranges.size == 0 vt.value_constraint = @by_id[vr['id']] = @constellation.ValueConstraint(id_of(vr)) x_ranges.each{|x_range| v_range = value_range(x_range) ar = @constellation.AllowedRange(vt.value_constraint, v_range) } } vt end def assert_value(val, string) if val @constellation.Value(val.to_s, string, nil) else nil end end def value_range(x_range) min = x_range['MinValue'] max = x_range['MaxValue'] strings = is_literal_string(min) || is_literal_string(max) # ValueRange takes a minimum and/or a maximum Bound, each takes value and whether inclusive @constellation.ValueRange( min.length > 0 ? @constellation.Bound(assert_value(min, strings), true) : nil, max.length > 0 ? @constellation.Bound(assert_value(max, strings), true) : nil) end def read_fact_types # Handle the fact types: facts = [] @x_facts = @x_model.xpath("orm:Facts/orm:Fact") trace :orm, "Reading fact types" do @x_facts.each{|x| id = x['id'] name = x['Name'] || x['_Name'] name = "" if !name name = "" if !name || name.size == 0 # Note that the new metamodel doesn't have a name for a facttype unless it's objectified trace :orm, "FactType #{name || id}" facts << @by_id[id] = fact_type = @constellation.FactType(id_of(x)) } end end def list_subtypes @x_subtypes = @x_model.xpath("orm:Facts/orm:SubtypeFact") if @document.namespaces['xmlns:oialtocdb'] oialtocdb = @document.xpath("ormRoot:ORM2/oialtocdb:MappingCustomization") @x_mappings = oialtocdb.xpath(".//oialtocdb:AssimilationMappings/oialtocdb:AssimilationMapping/oialtocdb:FactType") else @x_mappings = [] end end def read_subtypes # Handle the subtype fact types: facts = [] trace :orm, "Reading sub-types" do @x_subtypes.each do |x| id = x['id'] name = (x['Name'] || x['_Name'] || '').gsub(/\s+/,' ').gsub(/-/,'_').strip name = nil if name.size == 0 trace :orm, "FactType #{name || id}" x_subtype_role = x.xpath('orm:FactRoles/orm:SubtypeMetaRole')[0] subtype_role_id = x_subtype_role['id'] subtype_id = x_subtype_role.xpath('orm:RolePlayer')[0]['ref'] subtype = @by_id[subtype_id] # REVISIT: Provide a way in the metamodel of handling Partition, (and mapping choices that vary for each supertype?) x_supertype_role = x.xpath('orm:FactRoles/orm:SupertypeMetaRole')[0] supertype_role_id = x_supertype_role['id'] supertype_id = x_supertype_role.xpath('orm:RolePlayer')[0]['ref'] supertype = @by_id[supertype_id] throw "For Subtype fact #{name}, the supertype #{supertype_id} was not found" if !supertype throw "For Subtype fact #{name}, the subtype #{subtype_id} was not found" if !subtype trace :orm, "#{subtype.name} is a subtype of #{supertype.name}" # We already handled ValueType subtyping: next if subtype.kind_of? ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType or supertype.kind_of? ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType inheritance_fact = @constellation.TypeInheritance(subtype, supertype, :concept => id_of(x)) if x["IsPrimary"] == "true" or # Old way x["PreferredIdentificationPath"] == "true" # Newer trace :orm, "#{supertype.name} is primary supertype of #{subtype.name}" inheritance_fact.provides_identification = true end mapping = @x_mappings.detect{ |m| m['ref'] == id } mapping_choice = mapping ? mapping.parent['AbsorptionChoice'] : 'Absorbed' inheritance_fact.assimilation = mapping_choice.downcase.sub(/partition/, 'partitioned') if mapping_choice != 'Absorbed' facts << @by_id[id] = inheritance_fact # Create the new Roles so we can find constraints on them: subtype_role = @by_id[subtype_role_id] = @constellation.Role(inheritance_fact, 0, :object_type => subtype, :concept => id_of(x_subtype_role)) supertype_role = @by_id[supertype_role_id] = @constellation.Role(inheritance_fact, 1, :object_type => supertype, :concept => id_of(x_supertype_role)) # Create readings, so constraints can be verbalised for example: rs = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) @constellation.RoleRef(rs, 0, :role => subtype_role) @constellation.RoleRef(rs, 1, :role => supertype_role) @constellation.Reading(inheritance_fact, 0, :role_sequence => rs, :text => "{0} is a kind of {1}", :is_negative => false) @constellation.Reading(inheritance_fact, 1, :role_sequence => rs, :text => "{0} is a subtype of {1}", :is_negative => false) rs2 = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) @constellation.RoleRef(rs2, 0, :role => supertype_role) @constellation.RoleRef(rs2, 1, :role => subtype_role) n = 'aeioh'.include?(subtype_role.object_type.name.downcase[0]) ? 1 : 0 @constellation.Reading(inheritance_fact, 2+n, :role_sequence => rs2, :text => "{0} is a {1}", :is_negative => false) @constellation.Reading(inheritance_fact, 3-n, :role_sequence => rs2, :text => "{0} is an {1}", :is_negative => false) end end end def read_nested_types # Process NestedTypes, but ignore ones having a NestedPredicate with IsImplied="true" # We'll ignore the fact roles (and constraints) that implied objectifications have. # This happens for all ternaries and higher order facts @nested_types = [] x_nested_types = @x_model.xpath("orm:Objects/orm:ObjectifiedType") trace :orm, "Reading objectified types" do x_nested_types.each{|x| id = x['id'] name = (x['Name'] || "").gsub(/\s+/,' ').gsub(/-/,'_').strip name = nil if name.size == 0 x_fact_type = x.xpath('orm:NestedPredicate')[0] is_implied = x_fact_type['IsImplied'] == "true" fact_id = x_fact_type['ref'] fact_type = @by_id[fact_id] next unless fact_type # "Nested fact #{fact_id} not found; objectification of a derived fact type?" trace :orm, "NestedType #{name} is #{id}, nests #{fact_type.concept.guid}" @nested_types << @by_id[id] = nested_type = @vocabulary.valid_entity_type_name(name) || @constellation.EntityType(@vocabulary, name, :concept => id_of(x)) independent = x['IsIndependent'] nested_type.is_independent = true if independent && independent == 'true' && !is_implied nested_type.concept.implication_rule = 'objectification' if is_implied nested_type.fact_type = fact_type } end end def complete_nested_types @nested_types.each do |nested_type| nested_type.create_link_fact_types end end def read_roles trace :orm, "Reading roles and readings" do @x_facts.each{|x| id = x['id'] fact_type = @by_id[id] fact_name = x['Name'] || x['_Name'] || '' #fact_name.gsub!(/\s/,'') fact_name = nil if fact_name == '' x_fact_roles = x.xpath('orm:FactRoles/*') # Deal with FactRoles (Roles): trace :orm, "Reading fact roles" do x_fact_roles.each{|x| name = (x['Name'] || "").gsub(/\s+/,' ').gsub(/-/,'_').strip name = nil if name.size == 0 # _IsMandatory = x['_IsMandatory'] # _Multiplicity = x['_Multiplicity] id = x['id'] rp = x.xpath('orm:RolePlayer')[0] raise "Invalid ORM file; fact has missing player (RolePlayer id=#{id})" unless rp ref = rp['ref'] # Find the object_type that plays the role: object_type = @by_id[ref] # Skip implicit roles added by NORMA to make unaries into binaries. # This would make constraints over the deleted roles impossible, # so as a SPECIAL CASE we index the unary role by the id of the # implicit role. That means care is needed when handling unary FTs. if (ox = @x_by_id[ref]) && ox['IsImplicitBooleanValue'] x_other_role = x.parent.xpath('orm:Role').reject{|x_role| x_role == x }[0] other_role_id = x_other_role["id"] other_role = @by_id[other_role_id] trace :orm, "Indexing unary FT role #{other_role_id} by implicit boolean role #{id}" @by_id[id] = other_role # The role name of the ignored role is the one that applies: role_name = x['Name'] other_role.role_name = role_name if role_name && role_name != '' @by_id.delete(ref) # and de-index it from our list next end if !object_type throw "RolePlayer for '#{name}' #{ref} in fact type #{x.parent.parent['_Name']} was not found" end trace :orm, "#{@vocabulary.name}, RoleName=#{x['Name'].inspect} played by object_type=#{object_type.name}" throw "Role is played by #{object_type.class} not ObjectType" if !(@constellation.vocabulary.object_type(:ObjectType) === object_type) trace :orm, "Creating role #{name} nr#{fact_type.all_role.size} of #{fact_type.concept.guid} played by #{object_type.name}" role = @by_id[id] = @constellation.Role(fact_type, fact_type.all_role.size, :object_type => object_type, :concept => id_of(x)) role.role_name = name if name && name != object_type.name trace :orm, "Fact #{fact_name} (id #{fact_type.concept.guid}) role #{x['Name']} is played by #{object_type.name}, role is #{role.concept.guid}" x_vr = x.xpath("orm:ValueRestriction/orm:RoleValueConstraint") x_vr.each{|vr| x_ranges = vr.xpath("orm:ValueRanges/orm:ValueRange") next if x_ranges.size == 0 role.role_value_constraint = @by_id[vr['id']] = @constellation.ValueConstraint(id_of(vr)) x_ranges.each{|x_range| v_range = value_range(x_range) ar = @constellation.AllowedRange(role.role_value_constraint, v_range) } } trace :orm, "Adding Role #{role.role_name || role.object_type.name} to #{fact_type.describe}" #fact_type.add_role(role) trace :orm, "Role #{role} is #{id}" } end # Deal with Readings: trace :orm, "Reading fact readings" do x_reading_orders = x.xpath('orm:ReadingOrders/*') x_reading_orders.each{|x| x_role_sequence = x.xpath('orm:RoleSequence/*') x_readings = x.xpath('orm:Readings/orm:Reading/orm:Data') # Build an array of the Roles needed: role_array = x_role_sequence.map{|x| @by_id[x['ref']] } trace :orm, "Reading #{x_readings.map(&:text).inspect}" role_sequence = get_role_sequence(role_array) #role_sequence.all_role_ref.each_with_index{|rr, i| # # REVISIT: rr.leading_adjective = ...; Add adjectives here # } x_readings.each_with_index{|x, i| reading = @constellation.Reading(fact_type, fact_type.all_reading.size, :is_negative => false) reading.role_sequence = role_sequence # REVISIT: The downcase here only needs to be the initial letter of each word, but be safe: reading.text = extract_adjectives(x.text, role_sequence) } } end } end end def extract_adjectives(text, role_sequence) all_role_refs = role_sequence.all_role_ref.sort_by{|rr| rr.ordinal} (0...all_role_refs.size).each{|i| role_ref = all_role_refs[i] role = role_ref.role word = '\b[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]+\b' leading_adjectives_re = "#{word}-+(?: +#{word})*" trailing_adjectives_re = "(?:#{word} +)*-+#{word}" role_with_adjectives_re = %r| ?(#{leading_adjectives_re})? *\{#{i}\} *(#{trailing_adjectives_re})? ?| # A hyphenated pre-bound reading looks like this: # {0} has pre-- bound {1} text.gsub!(role_with_adjectives_re) { # REVISIT: Don't want to strip all spaces here any more: #puts "text=#{text.inspect}, la=#{$1.inspect}, ta=#{$2.inspect}" if $1 || $2 la = ($1||'').gsub(/\s+/,' ') # Strip duplicate spaces ta = ($2||'').gsub(/\s+/,' ') # When we have "aaa-bbb" we want "aaa bbb" # When we have "aaa- bbb" we want "aaa bbb" # When we have "aaa-- bbb" we want "aaa-bbb" la = la.sub(/(-)?- ?/,'\1').strip ta = ta.sub(/ ?(-)?-/,'\1').strip #puts "Setting leading adj #{la.inspect} from #{text.inspect} for #{role_ref.role.object_type.name}" if la != "" # REVISIT: Dunno what's up here, but removing the "if" test makes this chuck exceptions: role_ref.leading_adjective = la if la != "" role_ref.trailing_adjective = ta if ta != "" #puts "Reading '#{text}' has role #{i} adjectives '#{la}' '#{ta}'" if la != "" || ta != "" " {#{i}} " } } text.sub!(/\s\s*/, ' ') # Compress extra spaces text.strip! text.downcase! # Check for reserved words and object type names *after* downcasing elided = '' text.gsub!(/( |[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)+|-?\b[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\b-?|\{\d\})|./) do |w| case w when /[A-Za-z]/ if RESERVED_WORDS.include?(w) $stderr.puts "Masking reserved word '#{w}' in reading '#{text}'" next "_#{w}" elsif @constellation.ObjectType[[[@vocabulary.name], w]] $stderr.puts "Masking object type name '#{w}' in reading '#{text}'" next "_#{w}" elsif all_role_refs.detect{|rr| rr.role.role_name == w} $stderr.puts "Masking role name '#{w}' in reading '#{text}'" next "_#{w}" end next w when /\{\d\}/ next w when / / next w else elided << w next '' end end $stderr.puts "Elided illegal characters '#{elided}' from reading #{text.inspect}" unless elided.empty? text end def get_role_sequence(role_array) # puts "Getting RoleSequence [#{role_array.map{|r| "#{r.object_type.name} (role #{r.concept.guid})" }*", "}]" # Look for an existing RoleSequence # REVISIT: This searches all role sequences. Perhaps we could narrow it down first instead? role_sequence = @constellation.RoleSequence.values.detect{|c| #puts "Checking RoleSequence [#{c.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.object_type.name}*", "}]" role_array == c.all_role_ref.sort_by{|rr| rr.ordinal}.map{|rr| rr.role } } # puts "Found matching RoleSequence!" if role_sequence return role_sequence if role_sequence # Make a new RoleSequence: role_sequence = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) unless role_sequence role_array.each_with_index do |r, i| role_ref = @constellation.RoleRef(role_sequence, i) role_ref.role = r end role_sequence end def map_roles(x_roles, why = nil) role_array = x_roles.map do |x| id = x['ref'] role = @by_id[id] if (why && !role) # We didn't make Implied objects, so some constraints are unconnectable x_role = @x_by_id[id] x_player = x_role.xpath('orm:RolePlayer')[0] x_object = @x_by_id[x_player['ref']] x_nests = nil if (x_object.name.to_s == 'ObjectifiedType') x_nests = x_object.xpath('orm:NestedPredicate')[0] implied = x_nests['IsImplied'] # x_fact is the fact of which the role player is an objectification, not the fact this role belongs to x_fact = @x_by_id[x_nests['ref']] end # This might have been a role of an ImpliedFact, which makes it safe to ignore. next if 'ImpliedFact' == x_role.parent.parent.name # Talk about why this wasn't found - this shouldn't happen. if (!x_nests || !implied) #puts "="*60 # We skip creating TypeInheritance implied fact types for ValueType inheritance return nil if x_role.name = 'orm:SubtypeMetaRole' or x_role.name = 'orm:SupertypeMetaRole' raise "Skipping #{why}, #{x_role.name} #{id} not found" if (x_nests) puts "Role is on #{implied ? "implied " : ""}objectification #{x_object}" puts "which objectifies #{x_fact}" end puts x_object.to_s end end role end return nil if role_array.include?(nil) get_role_sequence(role_array) end def read_constraints @constraints_by_rs = {} read_mandatory_constraints read_uniqueness_constraints read_exclusion_constraints read_subset_constraints read_ring_constraints read_equality_constraints read_frequency_constraints read_residual_mandatory_constraints end def read_mandatory_constraints x_mandatory_constraints = @x_model.xpath("orm:Constraints/orm:MandatoryConstraint") @mandatory_constraints_by_rs = {} @mandatory_constraint_rs_by_id = {} trace :orm, "Scanning mandatory constraints" do x_mandatory_constraints.each{|x| name = x["Name"] || '' name = nil if name.size == 0 # As of Feb 2008, all NORMA ValueTypes have an implied mandatory constraint. next if x.xpath("orm:ImpliedByObjectType").size > 0 x_roles = x.xpath("orm:RoleSequence/orm:Role") role_sequence = map_roles(x_roles, "mandatory constraint #{name}") next if !role_sequence trace :orm, "New MC #{x['Name']} over #{role_sequence.describe}" @mandatory_constraints_by_rs[role_sequence] = x @mandatory_constraint_rs_by_id[x['id']] = role_sequence } end end # Mandatory constraints that didn't get merged with an exclusion constraint or a uniqueness constraint are simple mandatories def read_residual_mandatory_constraints trace :orm, "Processing non-absorbed mandatory constraints" do @mandatory_constraints_by_rs.each { |role_sequence, x| id = x['id'] # Create a simply-mandatory PresenceConstraint for each mandatory constraint name = x["Name"] || '' name = nil if name.size == 0 #puts "Residual Mandatory #{name}: #{role_sequence.to_s}" if (players = role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.object_type}).uniq.size > 1 join_over, = *ActiveFacts::Metamodel.plays_over(role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role}, :proximate) raise "Mandatory join constraint #{name} has incompatible players #{players.map{|o| o.name}.inspect}" unless join_over if players.detect{|p| p != join_over} trace :query, "subtyping step simple mandatory constraint #{name} over #{join_over.name}" players.each_with_index do |player, i| next if player != join_over # REVISIT: We don't need to make a subtyping step here (from join_over to player) end end end pc = @constellation.PresenceConstraint(id_of(x)) pc.vocabulary = @vocabulary pc.name = name pc.role_sequence = role_sequence pc.is_mandatory = true pc.min_frequency = 1 pc.max_frequency = nil pc.is_preferred_identifier = false (@constraints_by_rs[role_sequence] ||= []) << pc @by_id[id] = pc } end end def read_uniqueness_constraints x_uniqueness_constraints = @x_model.xpath("orm:Constraints/orm:UniquenessConstraint") trace :orm, "Reading uniqueness constraints" do x_uniqueness_constraints.each{|x| name = x["Name"] || '' name = nil if name.size == 0 uc_id = x["id"] x_pi = x.xpath("orm:PreferredIdentifierFor")[0] pi = x_pi ? @by_id[eref = x_pi['ref']] : nil # Skip uniqueness constraints on implied object_types next if x_pi && !pi # Get the RoleSequence: x_roles = x.xpath("orm:RoleSequence/orm:Role") next if x_roles.size == 0 role_sequence = map_roles(x_roles, "uniqueness constraint #{name}") next if !role_sequence #puts "uc: #{role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr|rr.role.fact_type.default_reading}*', '}" # Check for a query if (fact_types = role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.fact_type}).uniq.size > 1 join_over, = *ActiveFacts::Metamodel.plays_over(role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role}, :counterpart) players = role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.object_type.name}.uniq unless join_over if x.xpath("orm:RoleSequence/orm:JoinRule").size > 0 $stderr.puts "Ignoring Join #{name} because its query is not understood" next end raise "Uniqueness join constraint #{name} has incompatible players #{players.inspect}" end subtyping = players.size > 1 ? 'subtyping ' : '' # REVISIT: Create the Query, the Variable for join_over, and steps from each role_ref to join_over trace :query, "#{subtyping}join uniqueness constraint over #{join_over.name} in #{fact_types.map(&:default_reading)*', '}" end # There is an implicit uniqueness constraint when any object plays a unary. Skip it. if (x_roles.size == 1 && (id = x_roles[0]['ref']) && (x_role = @x_by_id[id]) && (nodes = x_role.parent.elements).size == 2 && (sibling = nodes[1]) && (ib_id = sibling.elements[0]['ref']) && (ib = @x_by_id[ib_id]) && ib['IsImplicitBooleanValue']) unary_identifier = true end mc_id = nil if (mc = @mandatory_constraints_by_rs[role_sequence]) # Remove absorbed mandatory constraints, leaving residual ones. trace :orm, "Absorbing MC #{mc['Name']} over #{role_sequence.describe}" @mandatory_constraints_by_rs.delete(role_sequence) mc_id = mc['id'] @mandatory_constraint_rs_by_id.delete(mc['id']) elsif (fts = role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.fact_type}.uniq).size == 1 and fts[0].entity_type # this uniqueness constraint is an internal UC on an objectified fact type, # so the covered roles are always mandatory (wrt the OFT) # That is, the phantom roles are mandatory, even if the visible roles are not. mc = true else trace :orm, "No MC to absorb over #{role_sequence.describe}" end # A TypeInheritance fact type has a uniqueness constraint on each role. # If this UC is on the supertype and identifies the subtype, it's preferred: is_supertype_constraint = (rr = role_sequence.all_role_ref.single) && (role = rr.role) && (fact_type = role.fact_type) && fact_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance) && role.object_type == fact_type.supertype && fact_type.provides_identification pc = @constellation.PresenceConstraint(id_of(x)) pc.vocabulary = @vocabulary pc.name = name pc.role_sequence = role_sequence pc.is_mandatory = true if mc pc.min_frequency = mc ? 1 : 0 pc.max_frequency = 1 pc.is_preferred_identifier = true if pi || unary_identifier || is_supertype_constraint trace :orm, "#{name} covers #{role_sequence.describe} has min=#{pc.min_frequency}, max=1, preferred=#{pc.is_preferred_identifier.inspect}" trace :orm, role_sequence.all_role_ref.to_a[0].role.fact_type.describe + " is subject to " + pc.describe if role_sequence.all_role_ref.all?{|r| r.role.fact_type.is_a? ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance } (@constraints_by_rs[role_sequence] ||= []) << pc @by_id[uc_id] = pc @by_id[mc_id] = pc if mc_id } end end def subtype_step(query, ti) subtype_node = query.all_variable.detect{|jn| jn.object_type == ti.subtype } || @constellation.Variable(query, query.all_variable.size, :object_type => ti.subtype) supertype_node = query.all_variable.detect{|jn| jn.object_type == ti.supertype } || @constellation.Variable(query, query.all_variable.size, :object_type => ti.supertype) step = @constellation.Step(:guid => :new, :fact_type => ti) rs = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) @constellation.RoleRef(rs, 0, :role => ti.subtype_role) sub_play = @constellation.Play(:step => step, :variable => subtype_node, :role => ti.subtype_role) @constellation.RoleRef(rs, 1, :role => ti.supertype_role) sup_play = @constellation.Play(:step => step, :variable => supertype_node, :role => ti.supertype_role, :is_input => true) trace :query, "New subtyping step #{step.describe}" step end # Make as many steps as it takes to get from subtype to supertype def subtype_steps(query, subtype, supertype) primary_ti = nil other_ti = nil subtype.all_type_inheritance_as_subtype.each do |ti| next unless ti.supertype.supertypes_transitive.include? supertype if ti.provides_identification primary_ti ||= ti else other_ti ||= ti end end ti = primary_ti || other_ti # Make supertype steps first: (ti.supertype == supertype ? [] : subtype_steps(query, ti.supertype, supertype)) + [subtype_step(query, ti)] end # If there's a query, build it and return a new RoleSequence containing the projected roles: def query_over_role_sequence(role_sequence, join_over, joined_roles, end_points) # Skip if there's no query here (sequence join nor end-point subset join) role_refs = role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order if !join_over and !role_refs.detect{|rr| rr.role.object_type != end_points[rr.ordinal]} # No sequence join nor end_point join here return role_sequence end # A RoleSequence for the actual query end-points replacement_rs = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) query = @constellation.Query(:new) variable = nil query_role = nil role_refs.zip(joined_roles||[]).each_with_index do |(role_ref, joined_role), i| # Each role_ref is to an object joined via joined_role to variable (or which will be the variable) # Create a variable for the actual end-point (supertype of the constrained roles) end_point = end_points[i] unless end_point raise "In #{constraint_type} #{name}, there is a faulty or non-translated query" end trace :query, "Variable #{query.all_variable.size} is for #{end_point.name}" end_node = @constellation.Variable(query, query.all_variable.size, :object_type => end_point) # We're going to rewrite the constraint to constrain the supertype roles, but assume they're the same: role_node = end_node end_role = role_ref.role # Create subtyping steps at the end-point, if needed: projecting_play = nil constrained_play = nil if (subtype = role_ref.role.object_type) != end_point trace :query, "Making subtyping steps from #{subtype.name} to #{end_point.name}" do # There may be more than one supertyping level. Make the steps: subtyping_steps = subtype_steps(query, subtype, end_point) step = subtyping_steps[0] #constrained_play = subtyping_steps[-1].all_play.detect{|p| p.role.object_type == end_point} subtyping_steps.detect{|s| constrained_play = s.all_play.detect{|p| p.role.object_type == end_point}} # Replace the constrained role and node with the supertype ones: end_node = query.all_variable.detect{|jn| jn.object_type == end_point } #projecting_play = step.all_play.detect{|p| p.role.object_type == subtype} subtyping_steps.detect{|s| projecting_play = s.all_play.detect{|p| p.role.object_type == subtype}} end_role = step.fact_type.all_role.detect{|r| r.object_type == end_point } role_node = query.all_variable.detect{|jn| jn.object_type == role_ref.role.object_type } end end if end_role.object_type != end_node.object_type raise "Internal error in #{constraint_type} #{name}: making illegal reference to variable, end role mismatch" end if join_over if !variable # Create the Variable when processing the first role trace :query, "Variable #{query.all_variable.size} is over #{join_over.name}" variable = @constellation.Variable(query, query.all_variable.size, :object_type => join_over) end trace :query, "Making step from #{end_point.name} to #{join_over.name}" do rs = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) # Detect the fact type over which we're stepping (may involve objectification) raise "Internal error in #{constraint_type} #{name}: making illegal reference to variable, object type mismatch" if role_ref.role.object_type != role_node.object_type step = @constellation.Step(:guid => :new, :fact_type => joined_role.fact_type) @constellation.RoleRef(rs, 0, :role => role_ref.role) role_play = @constellation.Play(:step => step, :variable => role_node, :role => role_ref.role, :is_input => true) # Make the projected RoleRef: rr = @constellation.RoleRef(replacement_rs, replacement_rs.all_role_ref.size, :role => role_ref.role, :play => role_play) raise "Internal error in #{constraint_type} #{name}: making illegal reference to variable, joined_role mismatch" if joined_role.object_type != variable.object_type @constellation.RoleRef(rs, 1, :role => joined_role) join_play = @constellation.Play(:step => step, :variable => variable, :role => joined_role) trace :query, "New step #{step.describe}" end else trace :query, "Need step for non-join_over role #{end_point.name} #{role_ref.describe} in #{role_ref.role.fact_type.default_reading}" if (roles = role_ref.role.fact_type.all_role.to_a).size > 1 # Here we have an end join (step already created) but no sequence join if variable raise "Internal error in #{constraint_type} #{name}: making illegal step" if role_ref.role.object_type != role_node.object_type step = @constellation.Step(:guid => :new, :fact_type => role_ref.role.fact_type) join_play = @constellation.Play(:step => step, :variable => variable, :role => query_role, :is_input => true) role_play = @constellation.Play(:step => step, :variable => role_node, :role => role_ref.role) # Make the projected RoleRef: rr = @constellation.RoleRef(replacement_rs, replacement_rs.all_role_ref.size, :role => role_ref.role, :play => role_play) roles -= [query_role, role_ref.role] roles.each do |incidental_role| jn = @constellation.Variable(query, query.all_variable.size, :object_type => incidental_role.object_type) play = @constellation.Play(:step => step, :variable => jn, :role => incidental_role, :step => step) end else if role_sequence.all_role_ref.size > 1 variable = role_node query_role = role_ref.role # Make the projected RoleRef: rr = @constellation.RoleRef(replacement_rs, replacement_rs.all_role_ref.size, :role => constrained_play.role, :play => constrained_play) else # We enter this fact type (requiring that a role be played) but don't exit it. # I think this can only happen where we have subtyping steps, above. # There's no query in this role sequence, so we'd drop off the bottom without doing the right things. Why? # Without this case, Supervision.orm omits "that runs Company" from the exclusion constraint, and I'm not sure why. # I think the "then" code causes it to drop out the bottom without making the step (which is otherwise made in every case, see CompanyDirectorEmployee for example) step = @constellation.Step(:guid => :new, :fact_type => role_ref.role.fact_type) # p constrained_play.role.object_type.name # p projecting_play.role.object_type.name # debugger role_play = @constellation.Play(:step => step, :variable => role_node, :role => role_ref.role, :is_input => true) # Make the projected RoleRef: rr = @constellation.RoleRef(replacement_rs, replacement_rs.all_role_ref.size, :role => constrained_play.role, :play => constrained_play) # role_ref.role.fact_type.all_role.each do |role| # next if role == role_play.role # next if role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.role == role} # jn = @constellation.Variable(query, query.all_variable.size, :object_type => role.object_type) # play = @constellation.Play(:step => step, :variable => jn, :role => role) # if role == role_ref.role # # Make the projected RoleRef: # rr = @constellation.RoleRef(replacement_rs, replacement_rs.all_role_ref.size, :role => role, :play => play) # end # end end end else # Unary fact type, make a Step from and to the constrained_play step = @constellation.Step(:guid => :new, :fact_type => role_ref.role.fact_type) play = @constellation.Play(:step => step, :variable => constrained_play.variable, :role => role_ref.role, :is_input => true) # Make the projected RoleRef: rr = @constellation.RoleRef(replacement_rs, replacement_rs.all_role_ref.size, :role => role_ref.role, :play => play) end end end raise "hell" if replacement_rs.all_role_ref.size != role_sequence.all_role_ref.size # Thoroughly check that this is a valid query query.validate trace :query, "Query has projected nodes #{replacement_rs.describe}" replacement_rs end # Equality and subset join constraints involve two or more role sequences, # and the respective roles from each sequence must be compatible, # Compatibility might involve subtyping steps but not objectification steps # to the respective end-point (constrained object type). # Also, all roles in each sequence constitute a join over a single # object type, which might involve subtyping or objectification steps. # def make_queries(constraint_type, name, role_sequences) begin # Get the object types constrained for each position in the role sequences. # Supertyping steps may be needed to reach them. end_points = [] # An array of the common supertype for matching role_refs across the sequences end_step_needed = [] # An array of booleans indicating whether any role_sequence requires subtyping steps role_sequences[0].all_role_ref.size.times do |i| role_refs = role_sequences.map{|rs| rs.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.ordinal == i}} if (fact_types = role_refs.map{|rr| rr.role.fact_type}).uniq.size == 1 # $stderr.puts(role_sequences.map{|rs| rs.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.fact_type.describe(rr.role)}}.inspect) raise "In #{constraint_type} #{name} role sequence #{i}, there is a faulty join involving just 1 fact type: '#{fact_types[0].default_reading}'" end if (players = role_refs.map{|rr| rr.role.object_type}).uniq.size == 1 # All roles in this set are played by the same object type end_point = players[0] end_step_needed[i] = false else # Can the players be joined using subtyping steps? common_supertypes = players[1..-1]. inject(players[0].supertypes_transitive) do |remaining, player| remaining & player.supertypes_transitive end end_point = common_supertypes[0] raise "constrained roles of #{constraint_type} #{name} are incompatible (#{players.map(&:name)*', '})" if common_supertypes.size == 0 end_step_needed[i] = true end end_points[i] = end_point end # For each role_sequence, find the object type over which the join is implied (nil if no join) sequence_join_over = [] if role_sequences[0].all_role_ref.size > 1 # There are queries within each sequence. sequence_join_over = [] sequence_joined_roles = [] role_sequences.map do |rs| join_over, joined_roles = *ActiveFacts::Metamodel.plays_over(rs.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role}) sequence_join_over << join_over sequence_joined_roles << joined_roles end end # If there are no queries, we can drop out here. if sequence_join_over.compact.empty? && !end_step_needed.detect{|e| e} return true end trace :query, "#{constraint_type} join constraint #{name} over #{role_sequences.map{|rs|rs.describe}*', '}" query = nil trace :query, "#{constraint_type} join constraint #{name} constrains #{ end_points.zip(end_step_needed).map{|(p,j)| (p ? p.name : 'NULL')+(j ? ' & subtypes':'')}*', ' }#{ if role_sequences[0].all_role_ref.size > 1 ", joined over #{ sequence_join_over.zip(sequence_joined_roles).map{|o, roles| (o ? o.name : '(none)') + (roles ? " to (#{roles.map{|role| role ? role.fact_type.default_reading : 'null'}*','})" : '') }*', '}" else '' end }" do # There may be one query per role sequence: role_sequences.zip(sequence_join_over||[], sequence_joined_roles||[]).map do |role_sequence, join_over, joined_roles| position = role_sequences.index(role_sequence) replacement_rs = query_over_role_sequence(role_sequence, join_over, joined_roles, end_points) if role_sequence != replacement_rs role_sequences[position] = replacement_rs end end return true end rescue => e debugger if trace :debug $stderr.puts "// #{e.to_s}: #{e.backtrace[0]}" return false end end def read_exclusion_constraints x_exclusion_constraints = @x_model.xpath("orm:Constraints/orm:ExclusionConstraint") trace :orm, "Reading #{x_exclusion_constraints.size} exclusion constraints" do x_exclusion_constraints.each{|x| id = x['id'] name = x["Name"] || '' name = nil if name.size == 0 x_mandatory = (m = x.xpath("orm:ExclusiveOrMandatoryConstraint")[0]) && @x_by_id[mc_id = m['ref']] role_sequences = x.xpath("orm:RoleSequences/orm:RoleSequence").map{|x_rs| x_role_refs = x_rs.xpath("orm:Role") map_roles( x_role_refs , # .map{|xr| @x_by_id[xr['ref']] }, "exclusion constraint #{name}" ) } if x_mandatory # Remove absorbed mandatory constraints, leaving residual ones. mc_rs = @mandatory_constraint_rs_by_id[mc_id] @mandatory_constraint_rs_by_id.delete(mc_id) @mandatory_constraints_by_rs.delete(mc_rs) end if role_sequences.compact.size != role_sequences.size # Role sequence missing; includes a derived fact type role trace :orm, "skipped exclusion constraint #{id}, missing role sequence" next end unless make_queries('exclusion', name+(x_mandatory ? '/'+x_mandatory['Name'] : ''), role_sequences) trace :orm, "skipped exclusion constraint #{id}, can't make_queries" next end ec = @constellation.SetExclusionConstraint(id_of(x)) ec.vocabulary = @vocabulary ec.name = name # ec.enforcement = role_sequences.each_with_index do |rs, i| @constellation.SetComparisonRoles(ec, i, :role_sequence => rs) end ec.is_mandatory = true if x_mandatory @by_id[id] = ec @by_id[mc_id] = ec if mc_id } end end def read_equality_constraints x_equality_constraints = @x_model.xpath("orm:Constraints/orm:EqualityConstraint") trace :orm, "Reading equality constraints" do x_equality_constraints.each{|x| id = x['id'] name = x["Name"] || '' name = nil if name.size == 0 role_sequences = x.xpath("orm:RoleSequences/orm:RoleSequence").map{|x_rs| x_role_refs = x_rs.xpath("orm:Role") map_roles( x_role_refs , # .map{|xr| @x_by_id[xr['ref']] }, "equality constraint #{name}" ) } # Role sequence missing; includes a derived fact type role next if role_sequences.compact.size != role_sequences.size next unless make_queries('equality', name, role_sequences) ec = @constellation.SetEqualityConstraint(id_of(x)) ec.vocabulary = @vocabulary ec.name = name # ec.enforcement = role_sequences.each_with_index do |rs, i| @constellation.SetComparisonRoles(ec, i, :role_sequence => rs) end @by_id[id] = ec } end end def read_subset_constraints x_subset_constraints = @x_model.xpath("orm:Constraints/orm:SubsetConstraint") trace :orm, "Reading subset constraints" do x_subset_constraints.each{|x| id = x['id'] name = x["Name"] || '' name = nil if name.size == 0 role_sequences = x.xpath("orm:RoleSequences/orm:RoleSequence").map{|x_rs| x_role_refs = x_rs.xpath("orm:Role") map_roles( x_role_refs , # .map{|xr| @x_by_id[xr['ref']] }, "equality constraint #{name}" ) } next if role_sequences.compact.size != role_sequences.size # Role sequence missing; includes a derived fact type role next unless make_queries('subset', name, role_sequences) ec = @constellation.SubsetConstraint(id_of(x)) ec.vocabulary = @vocabulary ec.name = name # ec.enforcement = ec.subset_role_sequence = role_sequences[0] ec.superset_role_sequence = role_sequences[1] @by_id[id] = ec } end end def read_ring_constraints x_ring_constraints = @x_model.xpath("orm:Constraints/orm:RingConstraint") trace :orm, "Reading ring constraints" do x_ring_constraints.each{|x| id = x['id'] name = x["Name"] || '' name = nil if name.size == 0 ring_type = x["Type"] from, to = *x.xpath("orm:RoleSequence/orm:Role"). map do |xr| @by_id[xr['ref']] end next unless from && to # Roles missing; covers a derived fact type if from.object_type != to.object_type join_over, = *ActiveFacts::Metamodel.plays_over([from, to], :counterpart) raise "Ring constraint has incompatible players #{from.object_type.name}, #{to.object_type.name}" if !join_over trace :query, "join ring constraint over #{join_over.name}" end rc = @constellation.RingConstraint(id_of(x)) rc.vocabulary = @vocabulary rc.name = name # rc.enforcement = rc.role = from rc.other_role = to rc.ring_type = ring_type.gsub(/PurelyReflexive/,'Reflexive') @by_id[id] = rc } end end def read_frequency_constraints x_frequency_constraints = @x_model.xpath("orm:Constraints/orm:FrequencyConstraint") trace :orm, "Reading frequency constraints" do x_frequency_constraints.each do |x_frequency_constraint| id = x_frequency_constraint['id'] min_frequency = x_frequency_constraint["MinFrequency"].to_i min_frequency = nil if min_frequency == 0 max_frequency = x_frequency_constraint["MaxFrequency"].to_i max_frequency = nil if max_frequency == 0 x_roles = x_frequency_constraint.xpath("orm:RoleSequence/orm:Role") role = @by_id[x_roles[0]["ref"]] role_sequence = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) role_ref = @constellation.RoleRef(role_sequence, 0, :role => role) next unless role # Role missing; belongs to a derived fact type trace :orm, "FrequencyConstraint(min #{min_frequency.inspect} max #{max_frequency.inspect} over #{role.fact_type.describe(role)} #{id} role ref = #{x_roles[0]["ref"]}" @by_id[id] = @constellation.PresenceConstraint( id_of(x_frequency_constraint), :vocabulary => @vocabulary, :name => name = x_frequency_constraint["Name"] || '', :role_sequence => role_sequence, :is_mandatory => false, :min_frequency => min_frequency, :max_frequency => max_frequency, :is_preferred_identifier => false ) end end end def read_instances trace :orm, "Reading sample data" do population = @constellation.Population(@vocabulary, "sample", :concept => :new) # Value instances first, then entities then facts: x_values = @x_model.xpath("orm:Objects/orm:ValueType/orm:Instances/orm:ValueTypeInstance/orm:Value") #pp x_values.map{|v| [ v.parent['id'], v.text ] } trace :orm, "Reading sample values" do x_values.each{|v| id = v.parent['id'] # Get details of the ValueType: xvt = v.parent.parent.parent vt_id = xvt['id'] vtname = xvt['Name'] || '' #vtname.gsub!(/\s/,'') vtname = nil if vtname.size == 0 vt = @by_id[vt_id] throw "ValueType #{vtname} not found" unless vt i = @constellation.Instance(id_of(v.parent), :population => population, :object_type => vt, :value => [v.text, is_literal_string(v.text), nil]) @by_id[id] = i # show_xmlobj(v) } end # Use the "id" attribute of EntityTypeInstance x_entities = @x_model.xpath("orm:Objects/orm:EntityType/orm:Instances/orm:EntityTypeInstance") #pp x_entities # x_entities.each{|v| show_xmlobj(v) } last_et_id = nil last_et = nil et = nil trace :orm, "Reading sample entities" do x_entities.each{|v| id = v['id'] # Get details of the EntityType: xet = v.parent.parent et_id = xet['id'] if (et_id != last_et_id) etname = xet['Name'] || '' #etname.gsub!(/\s/,'') etname = nil if etname.size == 0 last_et = et = @by_id[et_id] last_et_id = et_id throw "EntityType #{etname} not found" unless et end instance = @constellation.Instance(id_of(v), :population => population, :object_type => et, :value => nil) @by_id[id] = instance trace :orm, "Made new EntityType #{etname}" } end # The EntityType instances have implicit facts for the PI facts. # These are in the ORM file, but instead of using those, # We create implicit PI facts after all the instances. entity_count = 0 pi_fact_count = 0 trace :orm, "Creating identifying facts for entities" do x_entities.each do |v| id = v['id'] instance = @by_id[id] et = @by_id[v.parent.parent['id']] next unless (preferred_id = et.preferred_identifier) trace :orm, "Create identifying facts using #{preferred_id}" # Collate the referenced objects by role: role_instances = v.elements[0].elements.inject({}){|h, v| etri = @x_by_id[v['ref']] x_role_id = etri.parent.parent['id'] role = @by_id[x_role_id] object = @by_id[object_id = etri['ref']] h[role] = object h } # Create an instance of each required fact type, for compound identification: identifying_fact_types = preferred_id.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map { |rr| rr.role.fact_type }.uniq identifying_fact_types. each do |ft| trace :orm, "For FactType #{ft}" do fact = @constellation.Fact(:new, :population => population, :fact_type => ft) fact_roles = ft.all_role.map do |role| if role.object_type == et object = instance else object = role_instances[role] trace :orm, "instance for role #{role} is #{object}" end @constellation.RoleValue(:instance => object, :population => population, :fact => fact, :role => role) end end pi_fact_count += 1 end entity_count += 1 end end trace :orm, "Created #{pi_fact_count} facts to identify #{entity_count} entities" # Use the "ref" attribute of FactTypeRoleInstance: x_fact_roles = @x_model.xpath("orm:Facts/orm:Fact/orm:Instances/orm:FactTypeInstance/orm:RoleInstances/orm:FactTypeRoleInstance") # REVISIT: This presumably duplicates the identifying fact instances for the above entities. Hmmm. last_id = nil fact = nil fact_roles = [] trace :orm, "Reading sample facts" do x_fact_roles.each do |v| fact_type_id = v.parent.parent.parent.parent['id'] id = v.parent.parent['id'] fact_type = @by_id[fact_type_id] throw "Fact type #{fact_type_id} not found" unless fact_type # Create initial and subsequent Fact objects: fact = @constellation.Fact(:new, :population => population, :fact_type => fact_type) unless fact && last_id == id last_id = id # REVISIT: This doesn't handle instances of objectified fact types (where a RoleValue.instance objectifies Fact) x_role_instance = @x_by_id[v['ref']] x_role_id = x_role_instance.parent.parent['id'] role = @by_id[x_role_id] throw "Role not found for instance #{x_role_id}" unless role instance_id = x_role_instance['ref'] instance = @by_id[instance_id] throw "Instance not found for FactRole #{instance_id}" unless instance @constellation.RoleValue(:instance => instance, :population => population, :fact => fact, :role => role) end end end end def read_diagrams x_diagrams = @document.root.xpath("ormDiagram:ORMDiagram") trace :orm, "Reading diagrams" do x_diagrams.each do |x| name = (x["Name"] || '').strip diagram = @constellation.ORMDiagram(@vocabulary, name) trace :diagram, "Starting to read diagram #{name}" shapes = x.xpath("ormDiagram:Shapes/*") trace :orm, "Reading shapes" do shapes.map do |x_shape| x_subject = x_shape.xpath("ormDiagram:Subject")[0] subject = @by_id[x_subject["ref"]] is_expanded = v = x_shape['IsExpanded'] and v == 'true' bounds = x_shape['AbsoluteBounds'] case shape_type = x_shape.name when 'FactTypeShape' if subject read_fact_type_shape diagram, x_shape, is_expanded, bounds, subject # else REVISIT: probably a derived fact type end when 'ExternalConstraintShape', 'FrequencyConstraintShape' # REVISIT: The offset might depend on the constraint type. This is right for subset and other round ones. location = convert_location(bounds, Gravity::C) shape = @constellation.ConstraintShape( :guid => id_of(x_shape), :orm_diagram => diagram, :location => location, :is_expanded => is_expanded, :constraint => subject ) when 'RingConstraintShape' # REVISIT: The offset might depend on the ring constraint type. This is right for basic round ones. location = convert_location(bounds, Gravity::C) shape = @constellation.RingConstraintShape( :guid => id_of(x_shape), :orm_diagram => diagram, :location => location, :is_expanded => is_expanded, :constraint => subject ) shape.fact_type_shape = subject.role.fact_type.all_fact_type_shape.to_a[0] when 'ModelNoteShape' # REVISIT: Add model notes when 'ObjectTypeShape' location = convert_location(bounds, Gravity::C) # $stderr.puts "#{subject.name}: bounds=#{bounds} -> location = (#{location.x}, #{location.y})" shape = @constellation.ObjectTypeShape( :guid => id_of(x_shape), :orm_diagram => diagram, :location => location, :is_expanded => is_expanded, :object_type => subject, :location => location ) else raise "Unknown shape #{x_shape.name}" end end end end end end def read_fact_type_shape diagram, x_shape, is_expanded, bounds, fact_type display_role_names_setting = v = x_shape["DisplayRoleNames"] and case v when 'Off'; 'false' when 'On'; 'true' else nil end rotation_setting = v = x_shape['DisplayOrientation'] and case v when 'VerticalRotatedLeft'; 'left' when 'VerticalRotatedRight'; 'right' else nil end # Location of a fact type is the centre of the row of role boxes offs_x = 11 offs_y = -12 if fact_type.entity_type offs_x -= 12 offs_y -= 9 if !fact_type.entity_type.concept.implication_rule # .implication_rule_name == 'objectification' end location = convert_location(bounds, Gravity::S, offs_x, offs_y) # $stderr.puts "#{fact_type.describe}: bounds=#{bounds} -> location = (#{location.x}, #{location.y})" trace :orm, "REVISIT: Can't place rotated fact type correctly on diagram yet" if rotation_setting trace :orm, "fact type at #{location.x},#{location.y} has display_role_names_setting=#{display_role_names_setting.inspect}, rotation_setting=#{rotation_setting.inspect}" shape = @constellation.FactTypeShape( :guid => id_of(x_shape), :orm_diagram => diagram, :location => location, :is_expanded => is_expanded, :display_role_names_setting => display_role_names_setting, :rotation_setting => rotation_setting, :fact_type => fact_type ) # Create RoleDisplay objects if necessary x_role_display = x_shape.xpath("ormDiagram:RoleDisplayOrder/ormDiagram:Role") # print "Fact type '#{fact_type.preferred_reading.expand}' (#{fact_type.all_role.map{|r|r.object_type.name}*' '})" if x_role_display.size > 0 trace :orm, " has roleDisplay (#{x_role_display.map{|rd| @by_id[rd['ref']].object_type.name}*','})'" x_role_display.each_with_index do |rd, ordinal| role_display = @constellation.RoleDisplay(shape, ordinal, :role => @by_id[rd['ref']]) end else # Decide whether to create all RoleDisplay objects for this fact type, which is in role order # Omitting this here might lead to incomplete RoleDisplay sequences, # because each RoleNameShape or ValueConstraintShape creates just one. trace :orm, " has no roleDisplay" end relative_shapes = x_shape.xpath('ormDiagram:RelativeShapes/*') relative_shapes.each do |xr_shape| location = convert_location(xr_shape['AbsoluteBounds']) case xr_shape.name when 'ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShape' @constellation.ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShape(:guid => id_of(xr_shape), :fact_type_shape => shape, :orm_diagram => diagram, :location => location, :is_expanded => false) when 'ReadingShape' begin @constellation.ReadingShape(:guid => id_of(xr_shape), :fact_type_shape => shape, :orm_diagram => diagram, :location => location, :is_expanded => false, :reading => fact_type.preferred_reading) rescue =>e debugger @constellation.ReadingShape(:guid => id_of(xr_shape), :fact_type_shape => shape, :orm_diagram => diagram, :location => location, :is_expanded => false, :reading => fact_type.preferred_reading) end when 'RoleNameShape' role = @by_id[xr_shape.xpath("ormDiagram:Subject")[0]['ref']] role_display = role_display_for_role(shape, x_role_display, role) trace :orm, "Fact type '#{fact_type.preferred_reading.expand}' has #{xr_shape.name}" @constellation.RoleNameShape( :guid => id_of(xr_shape), :orm_diagram => diagram, :location => location, :is_expanded => false, :role_display => role_display ) when 'ValueConstraintShape' vc_subject_id = xr_shape.xpath("ormDiagram:Subject")[0]['ref'] constraint = @by_id[vc_subject_id] trace :orm, "Fact type '#{fact_type.preferred_reading.expand}' has #{xr_shape.name} for #{constraint.inspect}" role_display = role_display_for_role(shape, x_role_display, constraint.role) trace :orm, "ValueConstraintShape is on #{role_display.ordinal}'th role (by #{x_role_display.size > 0 ? 'role_display' : 'fact roles'})" @constellation.ValueConstraintShape( :guid => id_of(xr_shape), :orm_diagram => diagram, :location => location, :is_expanded => false, :constraint => constraint, :object_type_shape => nil, # This constraint is relative to a Fact Type, so must be on a role :role_display => role_display ) else raise "Unknown relative shape #{xr_shape.name}" end end end # Find or create the RoleDisplay for this role in this fact_type_shape, given (possibly empty) x_role_display nodes: def role_display_for_role(fact_type_shape, x_role_display, role) if x_role_display.size == 0 # There's no x_role_display, which means the roles are in displayed # the same order as in the fact type. However, we need a RoleDisplay # to attach a ReadingShape or ValueConstraintShape, so make them all. fact_type_shape.fact_type.all_role.each{|r| @constellation.RoleDisplay(fact_type_shape, r.ordinal, :role => r) } role_ordinal = fact_type_shape.fact_type.all_role_in_order.index(role) else role_ordinal = x_role_display.map{|rd| @by_id[rd['ref']]}.index(role) end role_display = @constellation.RoleDisplay(fact_type_shape, role_ordinal, :role => role) end DIAGRAM_SCALE = 96*1.5 def convert_location(bounds, gravity = Gravity::C, xoffs = 0, yoffs = 0) return nil unless bounds # Bounds is top, left, width, height in inches bf = bounds.split(/, /).map{|b|b.to_f} sizefrax = [ [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 2], [0, 2], [1, 2], [2, 2], ] x = (DIAGRAM_SCALE * (bf[0]+bf[2]*sizefrax[gravity][0]/2)).round + xoffs y = (DIAGRAM_SCALE * (bf[1]+bf[3]*sizefrax[gravity][1]/2)).round + yoffs @constellation.Location(x, y) end # Detect numeric data and denote it as a string: def is_literal_string(value) value =~ /[^ \d.]/ end def read_rest puts "Reading Implied Facts (not yet)" =begin x_implied_facts = @x_model.xpath("orm:Facts/orm:ImpliedFact") pp x_implied_facts =end puts "Reading Data Types (not yet)" =begin x_datatypes = @x_model.xpath("orm:DataTypes/*") pp x_datatypes =end puts "Reading Reference Mode Kinds (not yet)" =begin x_refmodekinds = @x_model.xpath("orm:ReferenceModeKinds/*") pp x_refmodekinds =end end def show_xmlobj(x, indent = "") parentage = [] p = x while (p) parentage.unshift(p) p = p.parent end #parentage = parentage.shift puts "#{indent}#{x.name} object has heritage {" parentage.each{|p| next if REXML::Document === p puts "#{indent}\t#{p.name}#{ }#{(n = p['Name']) ? " Name='#{n}'" : "" }#{(id = p['id']) ? " #{id}" : "" }#{(ref = p['ref']) ? " -> #{ref}" : "" }#{/\S/ === ((text = p.text)) ? " "+text.inspect : "" }" show_xmlobj(@x_by_id[ref], "\t#{indent}") if ref } puts "#{indent}}" end end end end