5D82B7D4-FFCD-4413-AADC-6F2BA0E56BF3engutf8datasetdatasetStanford Geospatial CenterMetadata Analyst650-723-2746Branner Earth Sciences LibraryMitchell Building, 2nd Floor397 Panama MallStanfordCalifornia94305USbrannerlibrary@stanford.edupointOfContact2013-09-17ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification2007geometryOnlycomposite4054326EPSG7.11.2Digital Map of Village Boundaries of Goa, India, 20012013-03-13publicationML InfoMap (Firm)originatorML InfoMap (Firm)91 11 41688592124-A Katwaria SaraiNew Delhi110 016INmanosi@mlinfomap.compublishermapDigitalVillage boundaries of Goa linked to Census 2001. Map includes data for 358 villages, 44 towns, 2 districts, and 1 state. This layer is part of the Village Map of India which includes socio-demographic and economic Census data for 2001 at the Village level.Village level demographic analysis.ML Infomap. (2013) Digital Map of Village Boundaries of Goa, India, 2001. ML Infomap.completedLahiri, ManosiML Infomap Pvt. Ltd.91 11 41688592124-A,Katwaria SaraiNew Delhi110016INmanosi@mlinfomap.compointOfContactasNeededGoa (geonames.org/1271157)Mandrem (geonames.org/1263840)Nuvem (geonames.org/1261111)Anjuna (geonames.org/1278566)Raia (geonames.org/1259017)Curtorim (geonames.org/1273783)Usgao (geonames.org/1253672)Siroda (geonames.org/1256069)Panaji (geonames.org/1260607)Margao (geonames.org/1264588)Mormugao (geonames.org/1263494)placegeonames2012-10-29revision3.1http://www.geonames.org2001temporalLiteracySex ratioPopulationStatisticsAdministrative and political divisionsthemelcsh2011-04-26revisionhttp://id.loc.gov/authorities.subjects.htmlDownloadable DatarestrictedrestrictedData may not be distributed, copied, or made available to users outside of the Stanford University Network. Data may not used for commercial purposes. Users should acknowledge ML Infomap in any derivative works. Please contact brannerlibrary@stanford.edu for more information.
Village Map of IndiaVillageMap of India2013-03-13publicationML InfoMap (Firm)91 11 41688592124-A Katwaria SaraiNew Delhi110 016INmanosi@mlinfomap.comoriginatorML InfoMap (Firm)91 11 41688592124-A Katwaria SaraiNew Delhi110 016INmanosi@mlinfomap.compublisherlargerWorkCitationvector200000engutf8boundariessocietyMicrosoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS Census Abstract 20012001-01-01T00:00:002001-12-31T00:00:00true73.67674.3373214.8990415.80079Census demographic & socio-economic data includedfalseengtrueFeature Catalog for Digital Map of Village Boundaries of Goa, India, 20012013-03-13publicationa3e7174a-7af9-4e2a-b9aa-c7483d9edf7eML InfoMap (Firm)originatorShapefileStanford Geospatial Center650-723-2746Branner Earth Sciences LibraryMitchell Bldg. 2nd floor397 Panama MallStanfordCalifornia94305USbrannerlibrary@stanford.edudistributorMB0.919datasetCoastal boundary aligned with imagery, no gaps in polygon, no topological errors, aggregate and % figures verifiedCensus 2001 data release for some attribute30-50 metresCensus operations across India2001-01-01T00:00:00Village demographic profile of India 2001Village demographic profile of India 20012001-01-01publicationRegistrar General and Census Commissioner of IndiaoriginatormapDigitalFeature Catalog for Digital Map of Village Boundaries of Goa, India, 2001Literacy; Sex ratio; Population; Statistics; Administrative and political divisions2013eng; USML InfoMap (Firm)GOAAdministrative UnitfalseFIDInternal feature number.EsriEsriOIDShapeFeature geometry.EsriEsriGeometryTOT_NM_HHTotal number of householdCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_AGLBTotal Agricultural LabourersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_CULTMale CultivatorsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleT_MRG_CULTTotal Marginal workers as cultivatorsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_MRWTotal Marginal workers other workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_ILLTTotal IlliteratesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_LITTotal literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_SCFemale scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_STTotal scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_MFHHMale Household industry workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleNAMEName of villageCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaStringNameVillage NamesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaM_POPMale populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_MNWFemale Main WorkersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_MFHHTotal Household industry workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_CULTTotal CultivatorsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_MRG_OTHMale Marginal workers as other workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleT_MRG_OTHTotal Marginal workers as other workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_MRG_HHFemale Marginal workers household industry workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_MRG_HHMale Marginal workers household industry workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_NNWFemale Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_NNWMale Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_NNWTotal Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_MRG_OTHFemale Marginal workers as other workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_MRG_CULTFemale Marginal workers as cultivatorsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleT_MRG_HHTotal Marginal workers household industry workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_MRG_AGLBFemale Marginal workers as agricultural labourersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_MRG_AGLBMale Marginal workers as agricultural labourersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleT_MRG_AGLBTotal Marginal workers as agricultural labourersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_MRWFemale Marginal workers other workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_WMale Total WorkersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_WTotal WorkersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_SCTotal scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_WFemale Total WorkersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_POPFemale populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_ILLTFemale IlliteratesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_POPTotal populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleLEVELVillage or TownCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaStringVillage, TownVillage as Rural and Town as Urban settlementsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaF_MFHHFemale Household industry workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_MNWMale Main WorkersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_STMale scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_OTH_WTotal other workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleSTATE_UTName of State/Union TerritoryCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaStringState/Union TerritoryState/Union Territory NameCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaM_OTH_WMale other workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_SCMale scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_CULTFemale CultivatorsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_AGLBMale Agricultural LabourersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleVILLAGE_IDUnique identification numberML InfomapML InfomapDoubleM_ILLTMale IlliteratesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_MRWMale Marginal workers other workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_LITMale literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_MRG_CULTMale Marginal workers as cultivatorsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleM_L6Male population below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleC_CODE01Census code of village in 2001Census of IndiaCensus of IndiaStringCensus CodeCensus Code of villageCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaSUB_DISTRIName of Sub DistrictCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaStringSub DistrictSub District NamesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaF_STFemale scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_L6Female population below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleDISTRICTName of DistrictCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaStringDistrictDistrict NamesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaTOT_MNWTotal Main WorkersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_OTH_WFemale other workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_LITFemale literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_L6Total population below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleF_AGLBFemale Agricultural LabourersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDouble