#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/network/format' # A class with all of the necessary # hooks. class FormatRenderer def self.to_multiple_my_format(list) end def self.from_multiple_my_format(text) end def self.from_my_format(text) end def to_my_format end end describe Puppet::Network::Format do describe "when initializing" do it "should require a name" do expect { Puppet::Network::Format.new }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should be able to provide its name" do expect(Puppet::Network::Format.new(:my_format).name).to eq(:my_format) end it "should always convert its name to a downcased symbol" do expect(Puppet::Network::Format.new(:My_Format).name).to eq(:my_format) end it "should be able to set its downcased mime type at initialization" do format = Puppet::Network::Format.new(:my_format, :mime => "Foo/Bar") expect(format.mime).to eq("foo/bar") end it "should default to text plus the name of the format as the mime type" do expect(Puppet::Network::Format.new(:my_format).mime).to eq("text/my_format") end it "should fail if unsupported options are provided" do expect { Puppet::Network::Format.new(:my_format, :foo => "bar") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "instances" do before do @format = Puppet::Network::Format.new(:my_format) end it "should support being confined" do expect(@format).to respond_to(:confine) end it "should not be considered suitable if confinement conditions are not met" do @format.confine :true => false expect(@format).not_to be_suitable end it "should be able to determine if a class is supported" do expect(@format).to respond_to(:supported?) end it "should consider a class to be supported if it has the individual and multiple methods for rendering and interning" do expect(@format).to be_supported(FormatRenderer) end it "should default to its required methods being the individual and multiple methods for rendering and interning" do expect(Puppet::Network::Format.new(:foo).required_methods.sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }).to eq([:intern_method, :intern_multiple_method, :render_multiple_method, :render_method].sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }) end it "should consider a class supported if the provided class has all required methods present" do format = Puppet::Network::Format.new(:foo) [:intern_method, :intern_multiple_method, :render_multiple_method, :render_method].each do |method| format.expects(:required_method_present?).with { |name, klass, type| name == method and klass == String }.returns true end expect(format).to be_required_methods_present(String) end it "should consider a class not supported if any required methods are missing from the provided class" do format = Puppet::Network::Format.new(:foo) format.stubs(:required_method_present?).returns true format.expects(:required_method_present?).with { |name, *args| name == :intern_method }.returns false expect(format).not_to be_required_methods_present(String) end it "should be able to specify the methods required for support" do expect(Puppet::Network::Format.new(:foo, :required_methods => [:render_method, :intern_method]).required_methods).to eq([:render_method, :intern_method]) end it "should only test for required methods if specific methods are specified as required" do format = Puppet::Network::Format.new(:foo, :required_methods => [:intern_method]) format.expects(:required_method_present?).with { |name, klass, type| name == :intern_method } format.required_methods_present?(String) end it "should not consider a class supported unless the format is suitable" do @format.expects(:suitable?).returns false expect(@format).not_to be_supported(FormatRenderer) end it "should always downcase mimetypes" do @format.mime = "Foo/Bar" expect(@format.mime).to eq("foo/bar") end it "should support having a weight" do expect(@format).to respond_to(:weight) end it "should default to a weight of of 5" do expect(@format.weight).to eq(5) end it "should be able to override its weight at initialization" do expect(Puppet::Network::Format.new(:foo, :weight => 1).weight).to eq(1) end it "should default to its extension being equal to its name" do expect(Puppet::Network::Format.new(:foo).extension).to eq("foo") end it "should support overriding the extension" do expect(Puppet::Network::Format.new(:foo, :extension => "bar").extension).to eq("bar") end [:intern_method, :intern_multiple_method, :render_multiple_method, :render_method].each do |method| it "should allow assignment of the #{method}" do expect(Puppet::Network::Format.new(:foo, method => :foo).send(method)).to eq(:foo) end end end describe "when converting between instances and formatted text" do before do @format = Puppet::Network::Format.new(:my_format) @instance = FormatRenderer.new end it "should have a method for rendering a single instance" do expect(@format).to respond_to(:render) end it "should have a method for rendering multiple instances" do expect(@format).to respond_to(:render_multiple) end it "should have a method for interning text" do expect(@format).to respond_to(:intern) end it "should have a method for interning text into multiple instances" do expect(@format).to respond_to(:intern_multiple) end it "should return the results of calling the instance-specific render method if the method is present" do @instance.expects(:to_my_format).returns "foo" expect(@format.render(@instance)).to eq("foo") end it "should return the results of calling the class-specific render_multiple method if the method is present" do @instance.class.expects(:to_multiple_my_format).returns ["foo"] expect(@format.render_multiple([@instance])).to eq(["foo"]) end it "should return the results of calling the class-specific intern method if the method is present" do FormatRenderer.expects(:from_my_format).with("foo").returns @instance expect(@format.intern(FormatRenderer, "foo")).to equal(@instance) end it "should return the results of calling the class-specific intern_multiple method if the method is present" do FormatRenderer.expects(:from_multiple_my_format).with("foo").returns [@instance] expect(@format.intern_multiple(FormatRenderer, "foo")).to eq([@instance]) end it "should fail if asked to render and the instance does not respond to 'to_'" do expect { @format.render("foo") }.to raise_error(NotImplementedError) end it "should fail if asked to intern and the class does not respond to 'from_'" do expect { @format.intern(String, "foo") }.to raise_error(NotImplementedError) end it "should fail if asked to intern multiple and the class does not respond to 'from_multiple_'" do expect { @format.intern_multiple(String, "foo") }.to raise_error(NotImplementedError) end it "should fail if asked to render multiple and the instance does not respond to 'to_multiple_'" do expect { @format.render_multiple(["foo", "bar"]) }.to raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end end