module Jets::Cfn::Resource::ApiGateway::BasePath class Role < Jets::Cfn::Base extend Memoist include Jets::AwsServices def definition { BasePathRole: { Type: "AWS::IAM::Role", Properties: { # RoleName: role_name, Path: "/", AssumeRolePolicyDocument: { Version: "2012-10-17", Statement: [{ Effect: "Allow", Principal: {Service: [""]}, Action: ["sts:AssumeRole"]} ] }, Policies: [ PolicyName: "base-path-mapping-policy", # cannot be empty PolicyDocument: policy_document, ] }, } } end def policy_document project_namespace = Jets.project_namespace default_policy_statements = Jets.application.config.default_iam_policy # Array of Hashes apigateway = [{ Action: [ "apigateway:*" ], Effect: "Allow", Resource: "arn:aws:apigateway:#{}::/restapis/*", # scoped to all restapis because this changes },{ Action: [ "apigateway:*" ], Effect: "Allow", Resource: "arn:aws:apigateway:#{}::/domainnames/*", # scoped to all restapis because this changes }] cloudformation = [{ Action: ["cloudformation:DescribeStacks"], Effect: "Allow", Resource: "arn:aws:cloudformation:#{}:#{}:stack/#{project_namespace}*", }] # Combine the statements { Version: '2012-10-17', Statement: default_policy_statements + apigateway + cloudformation } end # Duplicated in rest_api/change_detection.rb, base_path/role.rb, rest_api/routes.rb def rest_api_id stack_name = Jets::Names.parent_stack_name return "RestApi" unless stack_exists?(stack_name) stack = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: stack_name).stacks.first api_gateway_stack_arn = lookup(stack[:outputs], "ApiGateway") # resources = cfn.describe_stack_resources(stack_name: api_gateway_stack_arn).stack_resources stack = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: api_gateway_stack_arn).stacks.first rest_api_id = lookup(stack[:outputs], "RestApi") end memoize :rest_api_id end end