require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' describe Progress do let(:count){ 165 } before :each do @io = Progress.instance_variable_set(:@io, @io) def Progress.time_to_print?; true; end end def io_pop s = @io.truncate(0) s end def io_pop_no_eta io_pop.sub(/ \(ETA: \d+.\)$/, '') end def verify_output_before_step(i, count) io_pop.should =~ /#{Regexp.quote(i == 0 ? '......' : '%5.1f' % (i / count.to_f * 100.0))}/ end def verify_output_after_stop io_pop.should =~ /100\.0.*\n$/ end describe 'direct usage' do describe 'procedural' do it "should show valid output when called as Progress.start" do Progress.start('Test', count) count.times do |i| verify_output_before_step(i, count) Progress.step end Progress.stop verify_output_after_stop end it "should show valid output when called as Progress" do Progress('Test', count) count.times do |i| verify_output_before_step(i, count) Progress.step end Progress.stop verify_output_after_stop end it "should show valid output when called without title" do Progress(count) count.times do |i| verify_output_before_step(i, count) Progress.step end Progress.stop verify_output_after_stop end end describe 'block' do it "should show valid output when called as Progress.start" do Progress.start('Test', count) do count.times do |i| verify_output_before_step(i, count) Progress.step end end verify_output_after_stop end it "should show valid output when called as Progress" do Progress('Test', count) do count.times do |i| verify_output_before_step(i, count) Progress.step end end verify_output_after_stop end it "should show valid output when called without title" do Progress(count) do count.times do |i| verify_output_before_step(i, count) Progress.step end end verify_output_after_stop end end end describe 'integrity' do it "should not raise errors on extra Progress.stop" do proc{ 10.times_with_progress('10') do Progress.start 'simple' do Progress.start 'procedural' Progress.stop Progress.stop end Progress.stop end Progress.stop }.should_not raise_error end it "should return result from block" do Progress.start('Test') do 'qwerty' end.should == 'qwerty' end it "should return result from step" do Progress.start do Progress.step{ 'qwerty' }.should == 'qwerty' end end it "should return result from set" do Progress.start do Progress.set(1){ 'qwerty' }.should == 'qwerty' end end it "should return result from nested block" do [1, 2, 3].with_progress('a').map do |a| [1, 2, 3].with_progress('b').map do |b| a * b end end.should == [[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6], [3, 6, 9]] end it "should kill progress on cycle break" do 2.times do catch(:lalala) do 2.times_with_progress('A') do |a| io_pop.should == "A: ......\n" 2.times_with_progress('B') do |b| io_pop.should == "A: ...... > B: ......\n" throw(:lalala) end end end io_pop.should == "A: ......\n\n" end end [[2, 200], [20, 20], [200, 2]].each do |_a, _b| it "should allow enclosed progress [#{_a}, #{_b}]" do _a.times_with_progress('A') do |a| io_pop_no_eta.should == "A: #{a == 0 ? '......' : '%5.1f%%'}\n" % [a / _a.to_f * 100.0] _b.times_with_progress('B') do |b| io_pop_no_eta.should == "A: #{a == 0 && b == 0 ? '......' : '%5.1f%%'} > B: #{b == 0 ? '......' : '%5.1f%%'}\n" % [(a + b / _b.to_f) / _a.to_f * 100.0, b / _b.to_f * 100.0] end io_pop_no_eta.should == "A: %5.1f%% > B: 100.0%%\n" % [(a + 1) / _a.to_f * 100.0] end io_pop.should == "A: 100.0%\nA: 100.0%\n\n" end it "should not overlap outer progress if inner exceeds [#{_a}, #{_b}]" do _a.times_with_progress('A') do |a| io_pop_no_eta.should == "A: #{a == 0 ? '......' : '%5.1f%%'}\n" % [a / _a.to_f * 100.0] Progress.start('B', _b) do (_b * 2).times do |b| io_pop_no_eta.should == "A: #{a == 0 && b == 0 ? '......' : '%5.1f%%'} > B: #{b == 0 ? '......' : '%5.1f%%'}\n" % [(a + [b / _b.to_f, 1].min) / _a.to_f * 100.0, b / _b.to_f * 100.0] Progress.step end end io_pop_no_eta.should == "A: %5.1f%% > B: 200.0%%\n" % [(a + 1) / _a.to_f * 100.0] end io_pop.should == "A: 100.0%\nA: 100.0%\n\n" end it "should allow step with block to validly count custom progresses [#{_a}, #{_b}]" do a_step = 99 Progress.start('A', _a * 100) do io_pop_no_eta.should == "A: ......\n" _a.times do |a| Progress.step(a_step) do _b.times_with_progress('B') do |b| io_pop_no_eta.should == "A: #{a == 0 && b == 0 ? '......' : '%5.1f%%'} > B: #{b == 0 ? '......' : '%5.1f%%'}\n" % [(a * a_step + b / _b.to_f * a_step) / (_a * 100).to_f * 100.0, b / _b.to_f * 100.0] end io_pop_no_eta.should == "A: %5.1f%% > B: 100.0%\n" % [(a + 1) * a_step.to_f / (100.0 * _a.to_f) * 100.0] end io_pop_no_eta.should == "A: %5.1f%%\n" % [(a + 1) * a_step.to_f / (100.0 * _a.to_f) * 100.0] end Progress.step _a end io_pop.should == "A: 100.0%\nA: 100.0%\n\n" end end end describe Enumerable do before :each do @a = 0...1000 end describe 'with_progress' do it "should not break each" do with, without = [], [] @a.with_progress.each{ |n| with << n } @a.each{ |n| without << n } with.should == without end it "should not break find" do @a.with_progress('Hello').find{ |n| n == 100 }.should == @a.find{ |n| n == 100 } @a.with_progress('Hello').find{ |n| n == 10000 }.should == @a.find{ |n| n == 10000 } default = proc{ 'default' } @a.with_progress('Hello').find(default){ |n| n == 10000 }.should == @a.find(default){ |n| n == 10000 } end it "should not break map" do @a.with_progress('Hello').map{ |n| n * n }.should =={ |n| n * n } end it "should not break grep" do @a.with_progress('Hello').grep(100).should == @a.grep(100) end it "should not break each_cons" do without_progress = [] @a.each_cons(3){ |values| without_progress << values } with_progress = [] @a.with_progress('Hello').each_cons(3){ |values| with_progress << values } without_progress.should == with_progress end describe "with_progress.with_progress" do it "should not change existing instance" do wp = @a.with_progress('hello') proc{ wp.with_progress('world') }.should_not change(wp, :title) end it "should create new instance with different title when called on WithProgress" do wp = @a.with_progress('hello') wp_wp = wp.with_progress('world') wp.title.should == 'hello' wp_wp.title.should == 'world' wp_wp.should_not == wp wp_wp.enumerable.should == wp.enumerable end end describe "calls to each" do class CallsToEach include Enumerable COUNT = 100 end def init_calls_to_each @enum = @objects = 10.times.to_a @enum.should_receive(:each).once{ |&block| @objects.each(&block) } end it "should call each only one time for object with length" do init_calls_to_each @enum.should_receive(:length).and_return(10) got = [] @enum.with_progress.each{ |o| got << o }.should == @enum got.should == @objects end it "should call each only one time for object without length" do init_calls_to_each got = [] @enum.with_progress.each{ |o| got << o }.should == @enum got.should == @objects end it "should call each only one time for String" do @objects = ('a'..'z').map{ |c| "#{c}\n" } str = @objects.join('') str.should_not_receive(:length) str.should_receive(:each).once{ |&block| @objects.each(&block) } got = [] str.with_progress.each{ |o| got << o }.should == str got.should == @objects end end end end describe Integer do describe 'with times_with_progress' do it "should not break times" do ii = 0 count.times_with_progress('Test') do |i| i.should == ii ii += 1 end end it "should show valid output for each_with_progress" do count.times_with_progress('Test') do |i| verify_output_before_step(i, count) end verify_output_after_stop end it "should show valid output for each_with_progress without title" do count.times_with_progress do |i| verify_output_before_step(i, count) end verify_output_after_stop end end end end