require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe "Configliere::Encrypted" do before do @config = :secret => 'encrypt_me', :normal_param => 'normal' @config.use :encrypted @config.define :secret, :encrypted => true @config[:encrypt_pass] = 'pass' end describe 'defines encrypted params' do it 'with :encrypted => true' do @config.send(:encrypted_params).should include(:secret) end it 'but not if :encrypted => false' do @config.define :another_param, :encrypted => false @config.send(:encrypted_params).should_not include(:another_param) @config.send(:encrypted_params).should include(:secret) end it 'only if :encrypted is given' do @config.send(:encrypted_params).should_not include(:missing_param) end end describe 'the encrypt_pass' do it 'will take an environment variable if any exists' do @config[:encrypt_pass] = nil ENV.should_receive(:[]).with('ENCRYPT_PASS').at_least(:once).and_return('monkey') @config.send(:export) @config.send(:instance_variable_get, "@encrypt_pass").should == 'monkey' end it 'will take an internal value if given, and remove it' do @config[:encrypt_pass] = 'hello' @config.send(:export) @config.send(:instance_variable_get, "@encrypt_pass").should == 'hello' @config[:encrypt_pass].should be_nil @config.has_key?(:encrypt_pass).should_not be_true end end describe 'encrypts' do it 'all params with :encrypted' do Configliere::Crypter.should_receive(:encrypt).with('encrypt_me', 'pass').and_return('ok_encrypted') @config.send(:export).should == { :normal_param => 'normal', :encrypted_secret => 'ok_encrypted'} end it 'fails unless encrypt_pass is set' do # create the config but don't set an encrypt_pass @config = :secret => 'encrypt_me', :normal_param => 'normal' @config.use :encrypted lambda{ @config.send(:encrypted, @config[:secret]) }.should raise_error('Missing encryption password!') end end describe 'decrypts' do it 'all params marked encrypted' do @config.delete :secret @config.defaults :encrypted_secret => 'decrypt_me' Configliere::Crypter.should_receive(:decrypt).with('decrypt_me', 'pass').and_return('ok_decrypted') @config.send(:resolve_encrypted!) @config.should == { :normal_param => 'normal', :secret => 'ok_decrypted' } end end describe 'loading a file' do before do @encrypted_str = "KohCTcXr1aAulopntmZ8f5Gqa7PzsBmz+R2vFGYrAeg=\n" end it 'encrypts' do Configliere::Crypter.should_receive(:encrypt).and_return(@encrypted_str) FileUtils.stub(:mkdir_p) File.should_receive(:open).and_yield([]) YAML.should_receive(:dump).with({ :normal_param => "normal", :encrypted_secret => @encrypted_str })! '/fake/file' end it 'decrypts' do @hsh = { :loaded_param => "loaded", :encrypted_secret => @encrypted_str } File.stub(:open) YAML.should_receive(:load).and_return(@hsh) 'file.yaml' @config.resolve! @config.should_not include(:encrypted_secret) @config.should == { :loaded_param => "loaded", :secret => 'decrypt_me', :normal_param => 'normal' } end end describe '#resolve!' do it 'calls super and returns self' do Configliere::ParamParent.class_eval do def resolve!() dummy ; end ; end @config.should_receive(:dummy) @config.resolve!.should equal(@config) Configliere::ParamParent.class_eval do def resolve!() self ; end ; end end it 'removes the encrypt_pass from sight' do @config[:encrypt_pass] = 'hello' @config.resolve! @config.send(:instance_variable_get, "@encrypt_pass").should == 'hello' @config[:encrypt_pass].should be_nil @config.has_key?(:encrypt_pass).should_not be_true end end describe '#validate!' do it 'calls super and returns self' do Configliere::ParamParent.class_eval do def validate!() dummy ; end ; end @config.should_receive(:dummy) @config.validate!.should equal(@config) Configliere::ParamParent.class_eval do def validate!() self ; end ; end end end end