Given /^I setup the example (\w+) app for testing$/ do |app| @app = app system "cp -r examples/#{app}_app tmp/aruba/#{app}_app" And "I cd to \"#{app}_app\"" end Given /^I clean the generated assets$/ do FileUtils.rm_rf "tmp/aruba/#{@app}_app/public/assets" end When /^I wait (\d+) seconds$/ do |seconds| sleep(seconds.to_i) end When /^I stop the process$/ do process = processes.first pid = process[1].instance_variable_get("@process").pid Process.kill("INT", pid) end Then /^the hello asset should be compiled$/ do files = Dir["tmp/aruba/#{@app}_app/public/assets/*.js"] files.count.should eq 1 file = files.first include("console.log('Hello')") end Then /^the goodbye asset should be compiled$/ do files = Dir["tmp/aruba/#{@app}_app/public/assets/*.js"] files.count.should eq 1 file = files.first include("console.log('Goodbye')") end