# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 # Copyright (C) 2014-2020 MongoDB Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module Mongo module CRUD class Operation # Instantiate the operation. # # @param [ Hash ] spec The operation specification. # @param [ Hash ] outcome_spec The outcome specification. # If not provided, outcome is taken out of operation specification. # # @since 2.0.0 def initialize(crud_test, spec, outcome_spec = nil) @crud_test = crud_test @spec = IceNine.deep_freeze(spec) @name = spec['name'] if spec['arguments'] @arguments = BSON::ExtJSON.parse_obj(spec['arguments']) else @arguments = {} end @outcome = Outcome.new(outcome_spec || spec) end attr_reader :spec # The operation name. # # @return [ String ] name The operation name. # # @since 2.0.0 attr_reader :name attr_reader :arguments attr_reader :outcome def object @spec['object'] || 'collection' end # Which collection to verify results from. # Returns the collection name specified on the operation, or # the collection name for the entire spec file. def verify_collection_name if outcome && outcome.collection_name outcome.collection_name else @spec['collection_name'] || 'crud_spec_test' end end # Whether the operation is expected to have results. # # @example Whether the operation is expected to have results. # operation.has_results? # # @return [ true, false ] If the operation is expected to have results. # # @since 2.0.0 def has_results? !(name == 'aggregate' && pipeline.find {|op| op.keys.include?('$out') }) end # Execute the operation. # # @example Execute the operation. # operation.execute # # @param [ Collection ] collection The collection to execute the operation on. # # @return [ Result, Array ] The result of executing the operation. # # @since 2.0.0 def execute(target) op_name = ::Utils.underscore(name) if target.is_a?(Mongo::Database) op_name = "db_#{op_name}" elsif target.is_a?(Mongo::Client) op_name = "client_#{op_name}" end send(op_name, target, Context.new) end def database_options if opts = @spec['databaseOptions'] ::Utils.convert_operation_options(opts) else nil end end def collection_options ::Utils.convert_operation_options(@spec['collectionOptions']) end private # read operations def aggregate(collection, context) collection.aggregate(arguments['pipeline'], transformed_options(context)).to_a end def db_aggregate(database, context) database.aggregate(arguments['pipeline'], transformed_options(context)).to_a end def count(collection, context) collection.count(arguments['filter'], transformed_options(context)) end def count_documents(collection, context) collection.count_documents(arguments['filter'], transformed_options(context)) end def distinct(collection, context) collection.distinct(arguments['fieldName'], arguments['filter'], transformed_options(context)) end def estimated_document_count(collection, context) collection.estimated_document_count(transformed_options(context)) end def find(collection, context) opts = transformed_options(context) if arguments['modifiers'] opts = opts.merge(modifiers: BSON::Document.new(arguments['modifiers'])) end if read_preference collection = collection.with(read: read_preference) end collection.find(arguments['filter'], opts).to_a end def find_one(collection, context) find(collection, context).first end def watch(collection, context) collection.watch end def db_watch(database, context) database.watch end def client_watch(client, context) client.watch end def download(fs_bucket, context) stream = fs_bucket.open_download_stream(arguments['id']) stream.read end def download_by_name(fs_bucket, context) stream = fs_bucket.open_download_stream_by_name(arguments['filename']) stream.read end def map_reduce(collection, context) view = Mongo::Collection::View.new(collection) mr = Mongo::Collection::View::MapReduce.new(view, arguments['map'].javascript, arguments['reduce'].javascript) mr.to_a end # write operations def bulk_write(collection, context) result = collection.bulk_write(requests, transformed_options(context)) return_doc = {} return_doc['deletedCount'] = result.deleted_count || 0 return_doc['insertedIds'] = result.inserted_ids if result.inserted_ids return_doc['insertedCount'] = result.inserted_count || 0 return_doc['upsertedId'] = result.upserted_id if arguments['upsert'] return_doc['upsertedIds'] = result.upserted_ids if result.upserted_ids return_doc['upsertedCount'] = result.upserted_count || 0 return_doc['matchedCount'] = result.matched_count || 0 return_doc['modifiedCount'] = result.modified_count || 0 return_doc end def delete_many(collection, context) result = collection.delete_many(arguments['filter'], transformed_options(context)) { 'deletedCount' => result.deleted_count } end def delete_one(collection, context) result = collection.delete_one(arguments['filter'], transformed_options(context)) { 'deletedCount' => result.deleted_count } end def insert_many(collection, context) result = collection.insert_many(arguments['documents'], transformed_options(context)) { 'insertedIds' => result.inserted_ids } end def insert_one(collection, context) result = collection.insert_one(arguments['document'], transformed_options(context)) { 'insertedId' => result.inserted_id } end def replace_one(collection, context) result = collection.replace_one(arguments['filter'], arguments['replacement'], transformed_options(context)) update_return_doc(result) end def update_many(collection, context) result = collection.update_many(arguments['filter'], arguments['update'], transformed_options(context)) update_return_doc(result) end def update_one(collection, context) result = collection.update_one(arguments['filter'], arguments['update'], transformed_options(context)) update_return_doc(result) end def find_one_and_delete(collection, context) collection.find_one_and_delete(arguments['filter'], transformed_options(context)) end def find_one_and_replace(collection, context) collection.find_one_and_replace(arguments['filter'], arguments['replacement'], transformed_options(context)) end def find_one_and_update(collection, context) collection.find_one_and_update(arguments['filter'], arguments['update'], transformed_options(context)) end # ddl def client_list_databases(client, context) client.list_databases end def client_list_database_names(client, context) client.list_databases({}, true) end def client_list_database_objects(client, context) client.list_mongo_databases end def db_list_collections(database, context) database.list_collections end def db_list_collection_names(database, context) database.collection_names end def db_list_collection_objects(database, context) database.collections end def create_collection(database, context) opts = transformed_options(context) database[arguments.fetch('collection')] .create( { session: opts[:session], encrypted_fields: opts[:encrypted_fields], validator: opts[:validator], }.compact ) end def rename(collection, context) collection.client.use(:admin).command({ renameCollection: "#{collection.database.name}.#{collection.name}", to: "#{collection.database.name}.#{arguments['to']}" }) end def drop(collection, context) opts = transformed_options(context) collection.drop(encrypted_fields: opts[:encrypted_fields]) end def drop_collection(database, context) opts = transformed_options(context) database[arguments.fetch('collection')].drop(encrypted_fields: opts[:encrypted_fields]) end def create_index(collection, context) # The Ruby driver method uses `key` while the createIndexes server # command and the test specifiecation use 'keys`. opts = BSON::Document.new(options) if opts.key?(:keys) opts[:key] = opts.delete(:keys) end session = opts.delete(:session) collection.indexes(session: session && context.send(session)).create_many([opts]) end def drop_index(collection, context) unless options.keys == %i(name) raise "Only name is allowed when dropping the index" end name = options[:name] collection.indexes.drop_one(name) end def list_indexes(collection, context) collection.indexes.to_a end # special def assert_collection_exists(client, context) c = client.use(dn = arguments.fetch('database')) unless c.database.collection_names.include?(cn = arguments.fetch('collection')) raise "Collection #{cn} does not exist in database #{dn}, but must" end end def assert_collection_not_exists(client, context) c = client.use(dn = arguments.fetch('database')) if c.database.collection_names.include?(cn = arguments.fetch('collection')) raise "Collection #{cn} exists in database #{dn}, but must not" end end def assert_index_exists(client, context) c = client.use(dn = arguments.fetch('database')) coll = c[cn = arguments.fetch('collection')] unless coll.indexes.map { |doc| doc['name'] }.include?(ixn = arguments.fetch('index')) raise "Index #{ixn} does not exist in collection #{cn} in database #{dn}, but must" end end def assert_index_not_exists(client, context) c = client.use(dn = arguments.fetch('database')) coll = c[cn = arguments.fetch('collection')] begin if coll.indexes.map { |doc| doc['name'] }.include?(ixn = arguments.fetch('index')) raise "Index #{ixn} exists in collection #{cn} in database #{dn}, but must not" end rescue Mongo::Error::OperationFailure => e if e.to_s =~ /ns does not exist/ # Success. else raise end end end def configure_fail_point(client, context) fp = arguments.fetch('failPoint') $disable_fail_points ||= [] $disable_fail_points << [ fp, ClusterConfig.instance.primary_address, ] client.use('admin').database.command(fp) end # options & arguments def options out = {} # Most tests have an "arguments" key which is a hash of options to # be provided to the operation. The command monitoring unacknowledged # bulk write test is an exception in that it has an "options" key # with the options. arguments.merge(arguments['options'] || {}).each do |spec_k, v| ruby_k = ::Utils.underscore(spec_k).to_sym ruby_k = { min: :min_value, max: :max_value, show_record_id: :show_disk_loc }[ruby_k] || ruby_k if respond_to?("transform_#{ruby_k}", true) v = send("transform_#{ruby_k}", v) end out[ruby_k] = v end out end def requests arguments['requests'].map do |request| case request.keys.first when 'insertOne' then { insert_one: request['insertOne']['document'] } when 'updateOne' then update = request['updateOne'] { update_one: { filter: update['filter'], update: update['update'] } } when 'name' then bulk_request(request) end end end def bulk_request(request) op_name = ::Utils.underscore(request['name']) args = ::Utils.shallow_snakeize_hash(request['arguments']) if args[:document] unless args.keys == [:document] raise "If :document is given, it must be the only key" end args = args[:document] end { op_name => args } end def upsert arguments['upsert'] end def transform_return_document(v) ::Utils.underscore(v).to_sym end def update arguments['update'] end def transform_read_preference(v) ::Utils.snakeize_hash(v) end def read_preference transform_read_preference(@spec['read_preference']) end def update_return_doc(result) return_doc = {} return_doc['upsertedId'] = result.upserted_id if arguments['upsert'] return_doc['upsertedCount'] = result.upserted_count return_doc['matchedCount'] = result.matched_count return_doc['modifiedCount'] = result.modified_count if result.modified_count return_doc end def transformed_options(context) opts = options.dup if opts[:session] opts[:session] = case opts[:session] when 'session0' unless context.session0 raise "Trying to use session0 but it is not in context" end context.session0 when 'session1' unless context.session1 raise "Trying to use session1 but it is not in context" end context.session1 else raise "Invalid session name '#{opts[:session]}'" end end opts end end end end