--- title: Home in_menu: true sort_info: 1 --- ## Overview If you want to get started with kramdown, have a look at the [installation page](installation.html) to see how you can install it on your system. Then look through the [documentation](documentation.html) for finding information about how to actually use kramdown and its parsers/converters. The [syntax page](syntax.html) provides a detailed description of the superset of Markdown which kramdown supports. {tikz:: path: overview.png img_attr: {style: 'background:transparent'} libraries: [mindmap, trees, arrows] transparent: true resolution: 300 100 opts: | mindmap, concept color=black, text=white, root concept/.append style={font=\Large}, level 1 concept/.append style={font=\Large, minimum size=2.6cm}, level 2 concept/.append style={font=\Large}, } \node[concept, font=\Large] (lib) {kramdown's internal representation} child[concept color=orange, grow=140, ->] {node[concept] (i-kramdown) {kramdown}} child[concept color=orange, grow=180] {node[concept] (i-html) {HTML}} child[concept color=orange, grow=220] {node[concept] (i-markdown) {Markdown}} child[concept color=green!50!black, grow=40] {node[concept] (o-html) {HTML}} child[concept color=green!50!black, grow=0] {node[concept] (o-kramdown) {kramdown}} child[concept color=green!50!black, grow=-40] { node[concept] (o-latex) {\LaTeX} child[grow=0] { node[concept] (o-latex-pdf) {PDF} } } child[concept color=green!50!black, grow=-40] {node[concept] {\LaTeX}} ; \draw [dash pattern=on 0pt off 2pt,line width=5pt,arrows=-angle 60,shorten >=15pt,shorten <=10pt,color=orange] (i-kramdown) edge(lib) (i-markdown) edge(lib) (i-html) edge (lib); \draw [dash pattern=on 0pt off 2pt,line width=5pt,arrows=-angle 60,shorten >=10pt,shorten <=15pt,color=green!50!black] (lib) edge(o-html) (lib) edge (o-kramdown) (lib) edge (o-latex); {tikz} {: style="text-align: center"} ## Bugs, Forums, Mailing Lists If you have found a bug, you should [report it here][bug_report]. Also, there are [forums][forum] and [mailing lists][ml] available if you have any questions! [bug_report]: http://rubyforge.org/tracker/?atid=28673&group_id=7403&func=browse [forum]: http://rubyforge.org/forum/?group_id=7403 [ml]: http://rubyforge.org/mail/?group_id=7403 ## Thanks kramdown would not be possible without the prior work of many other people. I want to thank everyone involved with making Markdown such a nice markup language and especially the developers of other Markdown implementations because kramdown borrowed many ideas from existing packages. ## Author * Thomas Leitner * e-Mail: * GPG Key-Id: 0xB2D0A854 [PHP Markdown Extra]: http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/ [Maruku]: http://maruku.rubyforge.org [BlueCloth]: http://www.deveiate.org/projects/BlueCloth --- name:intro ## Welcome to the kramdown site **kramdown** (sic, not Kramdown or KramDown, just kramdown) is a *free* GPL-licensed [Ruby](http://www.ruby-lang.org) library for parsing and converting a superset of Markdown. It is completely written in Ruby, supports standard Markdown (with some minor modifications) and various extensions that have been made popular by the [PHP Markdown Extra] package and [Maruku]. It is probably the fastest pure-Ruby Markdown converter available (January 2011), being about 4x faster than [Maruku] and about 5x faster than [BlueFeather].

The latest version of kramdown is 0.13.1 and it was released on 2011-01-22.

[PHP Markdown Extra]: http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/ [Maruku]: http://maruku.rubyforge.org [BlueFeather]: http://ruby.morphball.net/bluefeather/index_en.html