/* * Copyright 2016-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** @file algos.c * @brief Hexagon grid algorithms */ #include "algos.h" #include <assert.h> #include <float.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "alloc.h" #include "baseCells.h" #include "bbox.h" #include "faceijk.h" #include "geoCoord.h" #include "h3Index.h" #include "h3api.h" #include "linkedGeo.h" #include "polygon.h" #include "vertexGraph.h" /* * Return codes from hexRange and related functions. */ #define HEX_RANGE_SUCCESS 0 #define HEX_RANGE_PENTAGON 1 #define HEX_RANGE_K_SUBSEQUENCE 2 #define MAX_ONE_RING_SIZE 7 #define HEX_HASH_OVERFLOW -1 #define POLYFILL_BUFFER 12 /** * Directions used for traversing a hexagonal ring counterclockwise around * {1, 0, 0} * * <pre> * _ * _/ \\_ * / \\5/ \\ * \\0/ \\4/ * / \\_/ \\ * \\1/ \\3/ * \\2/ * </pre> */ static const Direction DIRECTIONS[6] = {J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT}; /** * Direction used for traversing to the next outward hexagonal ring. */ static const Direction NEXT_RING_DIRECTION = I_AXES_DIGIT; /** * New digit when traversing along class II grids. * * Current digit -> direction -> new digit. */ static const Direction NEW_DIGIT_II[7][7] = { {CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT}, {K_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT}, {J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT}, {JK_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT}, {I_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT}, {IK_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT}, {IJ_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT}}; /** * New traversal direction when traversing along class II grids. * * Current digit -> direction -> new ap7 move (at coarser level). */ static const Direction NEW_ADJUSTMENT_II[7][7] = { {CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT}}; /** * New traversal direction when traversing along class III grids. * * Current digit -> direction -> new ap7 move (at coarser level). */ static const Direction NEW_DIGIT_III[7][7] = { {CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT}, {K_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT}, {J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT}, {JK_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT}, {I_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT}, {IK_AXES_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT}, {IJ_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT}}; /** * New traversal direction when traversing along class III grids. * * Current digit -> direction -> new ap7 move (at coarser level). */ static const Direction NEW_ADJUSTMENT_III[7][7] = { {CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, J_AXES_DIGIT, JK_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, K_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, IK_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT}, {CENTER_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, I_AXES_DIGIT, CENTER_DIGIT, IJ_AXES_DIGIT}}; /** * Maximum number of cells that result from the kRing algorithm with the given * k. Formula source and proof: https://oeis.org/A003215 * * @param k k value, k >= 0. */ int H3_EXPORT(maxKringSize)(int k) { return 3 * k * (k + 1) + 1; } /** * Produce cells within grid distance k of the origin cell. * * k-ring 0 is defined as the origin cell, k-ring 1 is defined as k-ring 0 and * all neighboring cells, and so on. * * Output is placed in the provided array in no particular order. Elements of * the output array may be left zero, as can happen when crossing a pentagon. * * @param origin origin cell * @param k k >= 0 * @param out zero-filled array which must be of size maxKringSize(k) */ void H3_EXPORT(kRing)(H3Index origin, int k, H3Index* out) { H3_EXPORT(kRingDistances)(origin, k, out, NULL); } /** * Produce cells and their distances from the given origin cell, up to * distance k. * * k-ring 0 is defined as the origin cell, k-ring 1 is defined as k-ring 0 and * all neighboring cells, and so on. * * Output is placed in the provided array in no particular order. Elements of * the output array may be left zero, as can happen when crossing a pentagon. * * @param origin origin cell * @param k k >= 0 * @param out zero-filled array which must be of size maxKringSize(k) * @param distances NULL or a zero-filled array which must be of size * maxKringSize(k) */ void H3_EXPORT(kRingDistances)(H3Index origin, int k, H3Index* out, int* distances) { // Optimistically try the faster hexRange algorithm first const bool failed = H3_EXPORT(hexRangeDistances)(origin, k, out, distances); if (failed) { const int maxIdx = H3_EXPORT(maxKringSize)(k); // Fast algo failed, fall back to slower, correct algo // and also wipe out array because contents untrustworthy memset(out, 0, maxIdx * sizeof(H3Index)); if (distances == NULL) { distances = H3_MEMORY(calloc)(maxIdx, sizeof(int)); if (!distances) { // TODO: Return an error code when this is not void return; } _kRingInternal(origin, k, out, distances, maxIdx, 0); H3_MEMORY(free)(distances); } else { memset(distances, 0, maxIdx * sizeof(int)); _kRingInternal(origin, k, out, distances, maxIdx, 0); } } } /** * Internal helper function called recursively for kRingDistances. * * Adds the origin cell to the output set (treating it as a hash set) * and recurses to its neighbors, if needed. * * @param origin Origin cell * @param k Maximum distance to move from the origin * @param out Array treated as a hash set, elements being either * H3Index or 0. * @param distances Scratch area, with elements paralleling the out array. * Elements indicate ijk distance from the origin cell to * the output cell * @param maxIdx Size of out and scratch arrays (must be maxKringSize(k)) * @param curK Current distance from the origin */ void _kRingInternal(H3Index origin, int k, H3Index* out, int* distances, int maxIdx, int curK) { if (origin == 0) return; // Put origin in the output array. out is used as a hash set. int off = origin % maxIdx; while (out[off] != 0 && out[off] != origin) { off = (off + 1) % maxIdx; } // We either got a free slot in the hash set or hit a duplicate // We might need to process the duplicate anyways because we got // here on a longer path before. if (out[off] == origin && distances[off] <= curK) return; out[off] = origin; distances[off] = curK; // Base case: reached an index k away from the origin. if (curK >= k) return; // Recurse to all neighbors in no particular order. for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int rotations = 0; _kRingInternal(h3NeighborRotations(origin, DIRECTIONS[i], &rotations), k, out, distances, maxIdx, curK + 1); } } /** * Returns the hexagon index neighboring the origin, in the direction dir. * * Implementation note: The only reachable case where this returns 0 is if the * origin is a pentagon and the translation is in the k direction. Thus, * 0 can only be returned if origin is a pentagon. * * @param origin Origin index * @param dir Direction to move in * @param rotations Number of ccw rotations to perform to reorient the * translation vector. Will be modified to the new number of * rotations to perform (such as when crossing a face edge.) * @return H3Index of the specified neighbor or H3_NULL if deleted k-subsequence * distortion is encountered. */ H3Index h3NeighborRotations(H3Index origin, Direction dir, int* rotations) { H3Index out = origin; for (int i = 0; i < *rotations; i++) { dir = _rotate60ccw(dir); } int newRotations = 0; int oldBaseCell = H3_GET_BASE_CELL(out); Direction oldLeadingDigit = _h3LeadingNonZeroDigit(out); // Adjust the indexing digits and, if needed, the base cell. int r = H3_GET_RESOLUTION(out) - 1; while (true) { if (r == -1) { H3_SET_BASE_CELL(out, baseCellNeighbors[oldBaseCell][dir]); newRotations = baseCellNeighbor60CCWRots[oldBaseCell][dir]; if (H3_GET_BASE_CELL(out) == INVALID_BASE_CELL) { // Adjust for the deleted k vertex at the base cell level. // This edge actually borders a different neighbor. H3_SET_BASE_CELL(out, baseCellNeighbors[oldBaseCell][IK_AXES_DIGIT]); newRotations = baseCellNeighbor60CCWRots[oldBaseCell][IK_AXES_DIGIT]; // perform the adjustment for the k-subsequence we're skipping // over. out = _h3Rotate60ccw(out); *rotations = *rotations + 1; } break; } else { Direction oldDigit = H3_GET_INDEX_DIGIT(out, r + 1); Direction nextDir; if (isResClassIII(r + 1)) { H3_SET_INDEX_DIGIT(out, r + 1, NEW_DIGIT_II[oldDigit][dir]); nextDir = NEW_ADJUSTMENT_II[oldDigit][dir]; } else { H3_SET_INDEX_DIGIT(out, r + 1, NEW_DIGIT_III[oldDigit][dir]); nextDir = NEW_ADJUSTMENT_III[oldDigit][dir]; } if (nextDir != CENTER_DIGIT) { dir = nextDir; r--; } else { // No more adjustment to perform break; } } } int newBaseCell = H3_GET_BASE_CELL(out); if (_isBaseCellPentagon(newBaseCell)) { int alreadyAdjustedKSubsequence = 0; // force rotation out of missing k-axes sub-sequence if (_h3LeadingNonZeroDigit(out) == K_AXES_DIGIT) { if (oldBaseCell != newBaseCell) { // in this case, we traversed into the deleted // k subsequence of a pentagon base cell. // We need to rotate out of that case depending // on how we got here. // check for a cw/ccw offset face; default is ccw if (_baseCellIsCwOffset( newBaseCell, baseCellData[oldBaseCell].homeFijk.face)) { out = _h3Rotate60cw(out); } else { // See cwOffsetPent in testKRing.c for why this is // unreachable. out = _h3Rotate60ccw(out); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE } alreadyAdjustedKSubsequence = 1; } else { // In this case, we traversed into the deleted // k subsequence from within the same pentagon // base cell. if (oldLeadingDigit == CENTER_DIGIT) { // Undefined: the k direction is deleted from here return H3_NULL; } else if (oldLeadingDigit == JK_AXES_DIGIT) { // Rotate out of the deleted k subsequence // We also need an additional change to the direction we're // moving in out = _h3Rotate60ccw(out); *rotations = *rotations + 1; } else if (oldLeadingDigit == IK_AXES_DIGIT) { // Rotate out of the deleted k subsequence // We also need an additional change to the direction we're // moving in out = _h3Rotate60cw(out); *rotations = *rotations + 5; } else { // Should never occur return H3_NULL; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE } } } for (int i = 0; i < newRotations; i++) out = _h3RotatePent60ccw(out); // Account for differing orientation of the base cells (this edge // might not follow properties of some other edges.) if (oldBaseCell != newBaseCell) { if (_isBaseCellPolarPentagon(newBaseCell)) { // 'polar' base cells behave differently because they have all // i neighbors. if (oldBaseCell != 118 && oldBaseCell != 8 && _h3LeadingNonZeroDigit(out) != JK_AXES_DIGIT) { *rotations = *rotations + 1; } } else if (_h3LeadingNonZeroDigit(out) == IK_AXES_DIGIT && !alreadyAdjustedKSubsequence) { // account for distortion introduced to the 5 neighbor by the // deleted k subsequence. *rotations = *rotations + 1; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < newRotations; i++) out = _h3Rotate60ccw(out); } *rotations = (*rotations + newRotations) % 6; return out; } /** * hexRange produces indexes within k distance of the origin index. * Output behavior is undefined when one of the indexes returned by this * function is a pentagon or is in the pentagon distortion area. * * k-ring 0 is defined as the origin index, k-ring 1 is defined as k-ring 0 and * all neighboring indexes, and so on. * * Output is placed in the provided array in order of increasing distance from * the origin. * * @param origin Origin location. * @param k k >= 0 * @param out Array which must be of size maxKringSize(k). * @return 0 if no pentagon or pentagonal distortion area was encountered. */ int H3_EXPORT(hexRange)(H3Index origin, int k, H3Index* out) { return H3_EXPORT(hexRangeDistances)(origin, k, out, NULL); } /** * hexRange produces indexes within k distance of the origin index. * Output behavior is undefined when one of the indexes returned by this * function is a pentagon or is in the pentagon distortion area. * * k-ring 0 is defined as the origin index, k-ring 1 is defined as k-ring 0 and * all neighboring indexes, and so on. * * Output is placed in the provided array in order of increasing distance from * the origin. The distances in hexagons is placed in the distances array at * the same offset. * * @param origin Origin location. * @param k k >= 0 * @param out Array which must be of size maxKringSize(k). * @param distances Null or array which must be of size maxKringSize(k). * @return 0 if no pentagon or pentagonal distortion area was encountered. */ int H3_EXPORT(hexRangeDistances)(H3Index origin, int k, H3Index* out, int* distances) { // Return codes: // 1 Pentagon was encountered // 2 Pentagon distortion (deleted k subsequence) was encountered // Pentagon being encountered is not itself a problem; really the deleted // k-subsequence is the problem, but for compatibility reasons we fail on // the pentagon. // k must be >= 0, so origin is always needed int idx = 0; out[idx] = origin; if (distances) { distances[idx] = 0; } idx++; if (H3_EXPORT(h3IsPentagon)(origin)) { // Pentagon was encountered; bail out as user doesn't want this. return HEX_RANGE_PENTAGON; } // 0 < ring <= k, current ring int ring = 1; // 0 <= direction < 6, current side of the ring int direction = 0; // 0 <= i < ring, current position on the side of the ring int i = 0; // Number of 60 degree ccw rotations to perform on the direction (based on // which faces have been crossed.) int rotations = 0; while (ring <= k) { if (direction == 0 && i == 0) { // Not putting in the output set as it will be done later, at // the end of this ring. origin = h3NeighborRotations(origin, NEXT_RING_DIRECTION, &rotations); if (origin == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE // Should not be possible because `origin` would have to be a // pentagon return HEX_RANGE_K_SUBSEQUENCE; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE } if (H3_EXPORT(h3IsPentagon)(origin)) { // Pentagon was encountered; bail out as user doesn't want this. return HEX_RANGE_PENTAGON; } } origin = h3NeighborRotations(origin, DIRECTIONS[direction], &rotations); if (origin == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE // Should not be possible because `origin` would have to be a // pentagon return HEX_RANGE_K_SUBSEQUENCE; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE } out[idx] = origin; if (distances) { distances[idx] = ring; } idx++; i++; // Check if end of this side of the k-ring if (i == ring) { i = 0; direction++; // Check if end of this ring. if (direction == 6) { direction = 0; ring++; } } if (H3_EXPORT(h3IsPentagon)(origin)) { // Pentagon was encountered; bail out as user doesn't want this. return HEX_RANGE_PENTAGON; } } return HEX_RANGE_SUCCESS; } /** * hexRanges takes an array of input hex IDs and a max k-ring and returns an * array of hexagon IDs sorted first by the original hex IDs and then by the * k-ring (0 to max), with no guaranteed sorting within each k-ring group. * * @param h3Set A pointer to an array of H3Indexes * @param length The total number of H3Indexes in h3Set * @param k The number of rings to generate * @param out A pointer to the output memory to dump the new set of H3Indexes to * The memory block should be equal to maxKringSize(k) * length * @return 0 if no pentagon is encountered. Cannot trust output otherwise */ int H3_EXPORT(hexRanges)(H3Index* h3Set, int length, int k, H3Index* out) { int success = 0; H3Index* segment; int segmentSize = H3_EXPORT(maxKringSize)(k); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { // Determine the appropriate segment of the output array to operate on segment = out + i * segmentSize; success = H3_EXPORT(hexRange)(h3Set[i], k, segment); if (success != 0) return success; } return 0; } /** * Returns the "hollow" ring of hexagons at exactly grid distance k from * the origin hexagon. In particular, k=0 returns just the origin hexagon. * * A nonzero failure code may be returned in some cases, for example, * if a pentagon is encountered. * Failure cases may be fixed in future versions. * * @param origin Origin location. * @param k k >= 0 * @param out Array which must be of size 6 * k (or 1 if k == 0) * @return 0 if successful; nonzero otherwise. */ int H3_EXPORT(hexRing)(H3Index origin, int k, H3Index* out) { // Short-circuit on 'identity' ring if (k == 0) { out[0] = origin; return 0; } int idx = 0; // Number of 60 degree ccw rotations to perform on the direction (based on // which faces have been crossed.) int rotations = 0; // Scratch structure for checking for pentagons if (H3_EXPORT(h3IsPentagon)(origin)) { // Pentagon was encountered; bail out as user doesn't want this. return HEX_RANGE_PENTAGON; } for (int ring = 0; ring < k; ring++) { origin = h3NeighborRotations(origin, NEXT_RING_DIRECTION, &rotations); if (origin == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE // Should not be possible because `origin` would have to be a // pentagon return HEX_RANGE_K_SUBSEQUENCE; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE } if (H3_EXPORT(h3IsPentagon)(origin)) { return HEX_RANGE_PENTAGON; } } H3Index lastIndex = origin; out[idx] = origin; idx++; for (int direction = 0; direction < 6; direction++) { for (int pos = 0; pos < k; pos++) { origin = h3NeighborRotations(origin, DIRECTIONS[direction], &rotations); if (origin == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE // Should not be possible because `origin` would have to be a // pentagon return HEX_RANGE_K_SUBSEQUENCE; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE } // Skip the very last index, it was already added. We do // however need to traverse to it because of the pentagonal // distortion check, below. if (pos != k - 1 || direction != 5) { out[idx] = origin; idx++; if (H3_EXPORT(h3IsPentagon)(origin)) { return HEX_RANGE_PENTAGON; } } } } // Check that this matches the expected lastIndex, if it doesn't, // it indicates pentagonal distortion occurred and we should report // failure. if (lastIndex != origin) { return HEX_RANGE_PENTAGON; } else { return HEX_RANGE_SUCCESS; } } /** * maxPolyfillSize returns the number of hexagons to allocate space for when * performing a polyfill on the given GeoJSON-like data structure. * * The size is the maximum of either the number of points in the geofence or the * number of hexagons in the bounding box of the geofence. * * @param geoPolygon A GeoJSON-like data structure indicating the poly to fill * @param res Hexagon resolution (0-15) * @return number of hexagons to allocate for */ int H3_EXPORT(maxPolyfillSize)(const GeoPolygon* geoPolygon, int res) { // Get the bounding box for the GeoJSON-like struct BBox bbox; const Geofence geofence = geoPolygon->geofence; bboxFromGeofence(&geofence, &bbox); int numHexagons = bboxHexEstimate(&bbox, res); // This algorithm assumes that the number of vertices is usually less than // the number of hexagons, but when it's wrong, this will keep it from // failing int totalVerts = geofence.numVerts; for (int i = 0; i < geoPolygon->numHoles; i++) { totalVerts += geoPolygon->holes[i].numVerts; } if (numHexagons < totalVerts) numHexagons = totalVerts; // When the polygon is very small, near an icosahedron edge and is an odd // resolution, the line tracing needs an extra buffer than the estimator // function provides (but beefing that up to cover causes most situations to // overallocate memory) numHexagons += POLYFILL_BUFFER; return numHexagons; } /** * polyfill takes a given GeoJSON-like data structure and preallocated, * zeroed memory, and fills it with the hexagons that are contained by * the GeoJSON-like data structure. * * This implementation traces the GeoJSON geofence(s) in cartesian space with * hexagons, tests them and their neighbors to be contained by the geofence(s), * and then any newly found hexagons are used to test again until no new * hexagons are found. * * @param geoPolygon The geofence and holes defining the relevant area * @param res The Hexagon resolution (0-15) * @param out The slab of zeroed memory to write to. Assumed to be big enough. */ void H3_EXPORT(polyfill)(const GeoPolygon* geoPolygon, int res, H3Index* out) { // TODO: Eliminate this wrapper with the H3 4.0.0 release int failure = _polyfillInternal(geoPolygon, res, out); // The polyfill algorithm can theoretically fail if the allocated memory is // not large enough for the polygon, but this should be impossible given the // conservative overestimation of the number of hexagons possible. // LCOV_EXCL_START if (failure) { int numHexagons = H3_EXPORT(maxPolyfillSize)(geoPolygon, res); for (int i = 0; i < numHexagons; i++) out[i] = H3_NULL; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } /** * _getEdgeHexagons takes a given geofence ring (either the main geofence or * one of the holes) and traces it with hexagons and updates the search and * found memory blocks. This is used for determining the initial hexagon set * for the polyfill algorithm to execute on. * * @param geofence The geofence (or hole) to be traced * @param numHexagons The maximum number of hexagons possible for the geofence * (also the bounds of the search and found arrays) * @param res The hexagon resolution (0-15) * @param numSearchHexes The number of hexagons found so far to be searched * @param search The block of memory containing the hexagons to search from * @param found The block of memory containing the hexagons found from the * search * * @return An error code if the hash function cannot insert a found hexagon * into the found array. */ int _getEdgeHexagons(const Geofence* geofence, int numHexagons, int res, int* numSearchHexes, H3Index* search, H3Index* found) { for (int i = 0; i < geofence->numVerts; i++) { GeoCoord origin = geofence->verts[i]; GeoCoord destination = i == geofence->numVerts - 1 ? geofence->verts[0] : geofence->verts[i + 1]; const int numHexesEstimate = lineHexEstimate(&origin, &destination, res); for (int j = 0; j < numHexesEstimate; j++) { GeoCoord interpolate; interpolate.lat = (origin.lat * (numHexesEstimate - j) / numHexesEstimate) + (destination.lat * j / numHexesEstimate); interpolate.lon = (origin.lon * (numHexesEstimate - j) / numHexesEstimate) + (destination.lon * j / numHexesEstimate); H3Index pointHex = H3_EXPORT(geoToH3)(&interpolate, res); // A simple hash to store the hexagon, or move to another place if // needed int loc = (int)(pointHex % numHexagons); int loopCount = 0; while (found[loc] != 0) { // If this conditional is reached, the `found` memory block is // too small for the given polygon. This should not happen. if (loopCount > numHexagons) return HEX_HASH_OVERFLOW; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE if (found[loc] == pointHex) break; // At least two points of the geofence index to the // same cell loc = (loc + 1) % numHexagons; loopCount++; } if (found[loc] == pointHex) continue; // Skip this hex, already exists in the found hash // Otherwise, set it in the found hash for now found[loc] = pointHex; search[*numSearchHexes] = pointHex; (*numSearchHexes)++; } } return 0; } /** * _polyfillInternal traces the provided geoPolygon data structure with hexagons * and then iteratively searches through these hexagons and their immediate * neighbors to see if they are contained within the polygon or not. Those that * are found are added to the out array as well as the found array. Once all * hexagons to search are checked, the found hexagons become the new search * array and the found array is wiped and the process repeats until no new * hexagons can be found. * * @param geoPolygon The geofence and holes defining the relevant area * @param res The Hexagon resolution (0-15) * @param out The slab of zeroed memory to write to. Assumed to be big enough. * * @return An error code if any of the hash operations fails to insert a hexagon * into an array of memory. */ int _polyfillInternal(const GeoPolygon* geoPolygon, int res, H3Index* out) { // One of the goals of the polyfill algorithm is that two adjacent polygons // with zero overlap have zero overlapping hexagons. That the hexagons are // uniquely assigned. There are a few approaches to take here, such as // deciding based on which polygon has the greatest overlapping area of the // hexagon, or the most number of contained points on the hexagon (using the // center point as a tiebreaker). // // But if the polygons are convex, both of these more complex algorithms can // be reduced down to checking whether or not the center of the hexagon is // contained in the polygon, and so this is the approach that this polyfill // algorithm will follow, as it's simpler, faster, and the error for concave // polygons is still minimal (only affecting concave shapes on the order of // magnitude of the hexagon size or smaller, not impacting larger concave // shapes) // // This first part is identical to the maxPolyfillSize above. // Get the bounding boxes for the polygon and any holes BBox* bboxes = H3_MEMORY(malloc)((geoPolygon->numHoles + 1) * sizeof(BBox)); assert(bboxes != NULL); bboxesFromGeoPolygon(geoPolygon, bboxes); // Get the estimated number of hexagons and allocate some temporary memory // for the hexagons int numHexagons = H3_EXPORT(maxPolyfillSize)(geoPolygon, res); H3Index* search = H3_MEMORY(calloc)(numHexagons, sizeof(H3Index)); H3Index* found = H3_MEMORY(calloc)(numHexagons, sizeof(H3Index)); // Some metadata for tracking the state of the search and found memory // blocks int numSearchHexes = 0; int numFoundHexes = 0; // 1. Trace the hexagons along the polygon defining the outer geofence and // add them to the search hash. The hexagon containing the geofence point // may or may not be contained by the geofence (as the hexagon's center // point may be outside of the boundary.) const Geofence geofence = geoPolygon->geofence; int failure = _getEdgeHexagons(&geofence, numHexagons, res, &numSearchHexes, search, found); // If this branch is reached, we have exceeded the maximum number of // hexagons possible and need to clean up the allocated memory. // LCOV_EXCL_START if (failure) { H3_MEMORY(free)(search); H3_MEMORY(free)(found); H3_MEMORY(free)(bboxes); return failure; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP // 2. Iterate over all holes, trace the polygons defining the holes with // hexagons and add to only the search hash. We're going to temporarily use // the `found` hash to use for dedupe purposes and then re-zero it once // we're done here, otherwise we'd have to scan the whole set on each insert // to make sure there's no duplicates, which is very inefficient. for (int i = 0; i < geoPolygon->numHoles; i++) { Geofence* hole = &(geoPolygon->holes[i]); failure = _getEdgeHexagons(hole, numHexagons, res, &numSearchHexes, search, found); // If this branch is reached, we have exceeded the maximum number of // hexagons possible and need to clean up the allocated memory. // LCOV_EXCL_START if (failure) { H3_MEMORY(free)(search); H3_MEMORY(free)(found); H3_MEMORY(free)(bboxes); return failure; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } // 3. Re-zero the found hash so it can be used in the main loop below for (int i = 0; i < numHexagons; i++) found[i] = 0; // 4. Begin main loop. While the search hash is not empty do the following while (numSearchHexes > 0) { // Iterate through all hexagons in the current search hash, then loop // through all neighbors and test Point-in-Poly, if point-in-poly // succeeds, add to out and found hashes if not already there. int currentSearchNum = 0; int i = 0; while (currentSearchNum < numSearchHexes) { H3Index ring[MAX_ONE_RING_SIZE] = {0}; H3Index searchHex = search[i]; H3_EXPORT(kRing)(searchHex, 1, ring); for (int j = 0; j < MAX_ONE_RING_SIZE; j++) { if (ring[j] == H3_NULL) { continue; // Skip if this was a pentagon and only had 5 // neighbors } H3Index hex = ring[j]; // A simple hash to store the hexagon, or move to another place // if needed. This MUST be done before the point-in-poly check // since that's far more expensive int loc = (int)(hex % numHexagons); int loopCount = 0; while (out[loc] != 0) { // If this branch is reached, we have exceeded the maximum // number of hexagons possible and need to clean up the // allocated memory. // LCOV_EXCL_START if (loopCount > numHexagons) { H3_MEMORY(free)(search); H3_MEMORY(free)(found); H3_MEMORY(free)(bboxes); return -1; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP if (out[loc] == hex) break; // Skip duplicates found loc = (loc + 1) % numHexagons; loopCount++; } if (out[loc] == hex) { continue; // Skip this hex, already exists in the out hash } // Check if the hexagon is in the polygon or not GeoCoord hexCenter; H3_EXPORT(h3ToGeo)(hex, &hexCenter); // If not, skip if (!pointInsidePolygon(geoPolygon, bboxes, &hexCenter)) { continue; } // Otherwise set it in the output array out[loc] = hex; // Set the hexagon in the found hash found[numFoundHexes] = hex; numFoundHexes++; } currentSearchNum++; i++; } // Swap the search and found pointers, copy the found hex count to the // search hex count, and zero everything related to the found memory. H3Index* temp = search; search = found; found = temp; for (int j = 0; j < numSearchHexes; j++) found[j] = 0; numSearchHexes = numFoundHexes; numFoundHexes = 0; // Repeat until no new hexagons are found } // The out memory structure should be complete, end it here H3_MEMORY(free)(bboxes); H3_MEMORY(free)(search); H3_MEMORY(free)(found); return 0; } /** * Internal: Create a vertex graph from a set of hexagons. It is the * responsibility of the caller to call destroyVertexGraph on the populated * graph, otherwise the memory in the graph nodes will not be freed. * @private * @param h3Set Set of hexagons * @param numHexes Number of hexagons in the set * @param graph Output graph */ void h3SetToVertexGraph(const H3Index* h3Set, const int numHexes, VertexGraph* graph) { GeoBoundary vertices; GeoCoord* fromVtx; GeoCoord* toVtx; VertexNode* edge; if (numHexes < 1) { // We still need to init the graph, or calls to destroyVertexGraph will // fail initVertexGraph(graph, 0, 0); return; } int res = H3_GET_RESOLUTION(h3Set[0]); const int minBuckets = 6; // TODO: Better way to calculate/guess? int numBuckets = numHexes > minBuckets ? numHexes : minBuckets; initVertexGraph(graph, numBuckets, res); // Iterate through every hexagon for (int i = 0; i < numHexes; i++) { H3_EXPORT(h3ToGeoBoundary)(h3Set[i], &vertices); // iterate through every edge for (int j = 0; j < vertices.numVerts; j++) { fromVtx = &vertices.verts[j]; toVtx = &vertices.verts[(j + 1) % vertices.numVerts]; // If we've seen this edge already, it will be reversed edge = findNodeForEdge(graph, toVtx, fromVtx); if (edge != NULL) { // If we've seen it, drop it. No edge is shared by more than 2 // hexagons, so we'll never see it again. removeVertexNode(graph, edge); } else { // Add a new node for this edge addVertexNode(graph, fromVtx, toVtx); } } } } /** * Internal: Create a LinkedGeoPolygon from a vertex graph. It is the * responsibility of the caller to call destroyLinkedPolygon on the populated * linked geo structure, or the memory for that structure will not be freed. * @private * @param graph Input graph * @param out Output polygon */ void _vertexGraphToLinkedGeo(VertexGraph* graph, LinkedGeoPolygon* out) { *out = (LinkedGeoPolygon){0}; LinkedGeoLoop* loop; VertexNode* edge; GeoCoord nextVtx; // Find the next unused entry point while ((edge = firstVertexNode(graph)) != NULL) { loop = addNewLinkedLoop(out); // Walk the graph to get the outline do { addLinkedCoord(loop, &edge->from); nextVtx = edge->to; // Remove frees the node, so we can't use edge after this removeVertexNode(graph, edge); edge = findNodeForVertex(graph, &nextVtx); } while (edge); } } /** * Create a LinkedGeoPolygon describing the outline(s) of a set of hexagons. * Polygon outlines will follow GeoJSON MultiPolygon order: Each polygon will * have one outer loop, which is first in the list, followed by any holes. * * It is the responsibility of the caller to call destroyLinkedPolygon on the * populated linked geo structure, or the memory for that structure will * not be freed. * * It is expected that all hexagons in the set have the same resolution and * that the set contains no duplicates. Behavior is undefined if duplicates * or multiple resolutions are present, and the algorithm may produce * unexpected or invalid output. * * @param h3Set Set of hexagons * @param numHexes Number of hexagons in set * @param out Output polygon */ void H3_EXPORT(h3SetToLinkedGeo)(const H3Index* h3Set, const int numHexes, LinkedGeoPolygon* out) { VertexGraph graph; h3SetToVertexGraph(h3Set, numHexes, &graph); _vertexGraphToLinkedGeo(&graph, out); // TODO: The return value, possibly indicating an error, is discarded here - // we should use this when we update the API to return a value normalizeMultiPolygon(out); destroyVertexGraph(&graph); }