import { context } from 'ember-environment'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { get, setNamespaceSearchDisabled } from 'ember-metal'; import { guidFor } from 'ember-utils'; import EmberObject from '../../../lib/system/object'; import Namespace from '../../../lib/system/namespace'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; const originalLookup = context.lookup; let lookup; moduleFor( 'Namespace', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { setNamespaceSearchDisabled(false); lookup = context.lookup = {}; } afterEach() { setNamespaceSearchDisabled(false); for (let prop in lookup) { if (lookup[prop]) { run(lookup[prop], 'destroy'); } } context.lookup = originalLookup; } ['@test Namespace should be a subclass of EmberObject'](assert) { assert.ok(EmberObject.detect(Namespace)); } ['@test Namespace should be duck typed'](assert) { let namespace = Namespace.create(); try { assert.ok(get(namespace, 'isNamespace'), 'isNamespace property is true'); } finally { run(namespace, 'destroy'); } } ['@test Namespace is found and named'](assert) { let nsA = (lookup.NamespaceA = Namespace.create()); assert.equal( nsA.toString(), 'NamespaceA', 'namespaces should have a name if they are on lookup' ); let nsB = (lookup.NamespaceB = Namespace.create()); assert.equal( nsB.toString(), 'NamespaceB', 'namespaces work if created after the first namespace processing pass' ); } ['@test Classes under an Namespace are properly named'](assert) { let nsA = (lookup.NamespaceA = Namespace.create()); nsA.Foo = EmberObject.extend(); assert.equal(nsA.Foo.toString(), 'NamespaceA.Foo', 'Classes pick up their parent namespace'); nsA.Bar = EmberObject.extend(); assert.equal( nsA.Bar.toString(), 'NamespaceA.Bar', 'New Classes get the naming treatment too' ); let nsB = (lookup.NamespaceB = Namespace.create()); nsB.Foo = EmberObject.extend(); assert.equal( nsB.Foo.toString(), 'NamespaceB.Foo', 'Classes in new namespaces get the naming treatment' ); } //test("Classes under Ember are properly named", function() { // // ES6TODO: This test does not work reliably when running independent package build with Broccoli config. // Ember.TestObject = EmberObject.extend({}); // equal(Ember.TestObject.toString(), "Ember.TestObject", "class under Ember is given a string representation"); //}); ['@test Lowercase namespaces are no longer supported'](assert) { let nsC = (lookup.namespaceC = Namespace.create()); assert.equal(nsC.toString(), guidFor(nsC)); } ['@test A namespace can be assigned a custom name'](assert) { let nsA = Namespace.create({ name: 'NamespaceA', }); try { let nsB = (lookup.NamespaceB = Namespace.create({ name: 'CustomNamespaceB', })); nsA.Foo = EmberObject.extend(); nsB.Foo = EmberObject.extend(); assert.equal( nsA.Foo.toString(), 'NamespaceA.Foo', "The namespace's name is used when the namespace is not in the lookup object" ); assert.equal( nsB.Foo.toString(), 'CustomNamespaceB.Foo', "The namespace's name is used when the namespace is in the lookup object" ); } finally { run(nsA, 'destroy'); } } ['@test Calling namespace.nameClasses() eagerly names all classes'](assert) { setNamespaceSearchDisabled(true); let namespace = (lookup.NS = Namespace.create()); namespace.ClassA = EmberObject.extend(); namespace.ClassB = EmberObject.extend(); Namespace.processAll(); assert.equal(namespace.ClassA.toString(), 'NS.ClassA'); assert.equal(namespace.ClassB.toString(), 'NS.ClassB'); } ['@test A namespace can be looked up by its name'](assert) { let NS = (lookup.NS = Namespace.create()); let UI = (lookup.UI = Namespace.create()); let CF = (lookup.CF = Namespace.create()); assert.equal(Namespace.byName('NS'), NS); assert.equal(Namespace.byName('UI'), UI); assert.equal(Namespace.byName('CF'), CF); } ['@test A nested namespace can be looked up by its name'](assert) { let UI = (lookup.UI = Namespace.create()); UI.Nav = Namespace.create(); assert.equal(Namespace.byName('UI.Nav'), UI.Nav); run(UI.Nav, 'destroy'); } ['@test Destroying a namespace before caching lookup removes it from the list of namespaces']( assert ) { let CF = (lookup.CF = Namespace.create()); run(CF, 'destroy'); assert.equal(Namespace.byName('CF'), undefined, 'namespace can not be found after destroyed'); } ['@test Destroying a namespace after looking up removes it from the list of namespaces']( assert ) { let CF = (lookup.CF = Namespace.create()); assert.equal(Namespace.byName('CF'), CF, 'precondition - namespace can be looked up by name'); run(CF, 'destroy'); assert.equal(Namespace.byName('CF'), undefined, 'namespace can not be found after destroyed'); } } );