message = <<-MESSAGE ## Hello, hitchhiker. Not that anyone cares about what I say, but please, ensure you did check these things: - [ ] Run all tests locally - [ ] Fix all FIXME and remove all TODO comments - [ ] He wrote tests to ensure the convergence of the test suite MESSAGE markdown(message) # GIT & GITHUB ## Make it more obvious that a pr is a work in progress and shouldn't be merged yet warn('PR is classed as Work in Progress') if github.pr_title.include?('WIP') ## Warn when there is a big pr warn('Big PR') if git.lines_of_code > 500 ## If these are all empty something has gone wrong, better to raise it in a comment if git.modified_files.empty? && git.added_files.empty? && git.deleted_files.empty? raise('This PR has no changes at all, this is likely an issue during development.') end # TODOS todoist.warn_for_todos todoist.print_todos_table # TESTS has_app_changes = !git.modified_files.grep(/(lib|app)/).empty? has_test_changes = !git.modified_files.grep(/(spec|test)/).empty? ## Changed the code, but didn't added or updated a test case? if has_app_changes && !has_test_changes message = <<-MESSAGE I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed with the fact that you didn't add any test case. That's OK as long as you're refactoring existing code. MESSAGE warn(message.strip) end