s P5^|[bootsnapm-cache/4YARB!2Kx86_64-linux]\ 47  rowr  ailt  9 !0I  \"7        %M}\"7  t al der, - U\ 4!> ?44/!\ /!\/7   $&,  x;/t  ## $,, , ,,   -%   \G7 x;/t   5.) Y a  > ?444^4!>   ?\4^^> ?/> ?/4!\>   ?4\44!`47  , - / 2 :IJcdh EmoptparseEmPrint out all defined routes in match order, with names. Target specific controller with -c option, or grep routes using -g optionm1Emblock in
Em!action_dispatch/routing/inspectorEmblock (2 levels) in
EmUsage: rails routes [options]Emblock (3 levels) in
mEm -c CONTROLLERmEm -g PATTERNEmroutesm'EmRailsEmActionDispatchEmRoutingEmRoutesInspectorEm OptionParserEmRakeEmargsEmonEm controllerEmpatternEmoptsEmbanner=Em applicationEmstandard_rake_optionsEmeachEmARGVEmxEm==EmConsoleFormatterEm all_routesEm inspectorEm routes_filterEmroutesEmrequireEmnewEmrejectEmparse!EmformatEmputsEmexitEmdescEmtaskEm environment%VbGSt=]u.Wo2Lg~,