# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin = A little bit more powerful display of referrers((-$Id: disp_referrer.rb,v 1.20 2008-03-02 09:01:46 kazuhiko Exp $-)) English resource == Copyright notice Copyright (C) 2003 zunda Please note that some methods in this plugin are written by other authors as written in the comments. Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution, and distribution of modified versions of this work under the terms of GPL version 2 or later. =end =begin ChangeLog See ../ChangeLog for changes after this. * Mon Sep 29, 2003 zunda - forgot to change arguments after changing initialize() * Thu Sep 25, 2003 zunda - name.untaint to eval name * Thu Sep 25, 2003 zunda - use to_native instead of to_euc * Mon Sep 19, 2003 zunda - disp_referrer2.rb,v commited as disp_referrer.rb * Mon Sep 1, 2003 zunda - more strcit check for infoseek search enigne * Wed Aug 27, 2003 zunda - rd.yahoo, Searchalot, Hotbot added * Tue Aug 12, 2003 zunda - search engine list cleaned up * Mon Aug 11, 2003 zunda - instance_eval for e[2] in the search engine list * Wed Aug 7, 2003 zunda - WWW browser configuration interface - キャッシュの更新をより確実にするようにしました。WWWブラウザから置換 リストを作った場合にはリストの最初に追加されます。 - secure=trueな日記でその他のリンク元リストが表示できるようになりました。 - Regexp generation for Wiki sites * Wed Aug 6, 2003 zunda - WWW browser configuration interface - 主なオプションとリンク元置換リストの効率的な編集がWWWブラウザからで きるようになりました。secure=trueな日記では一部の機能は使えません。 * Sat Aug 2, 2003 zunda - Second version - basic functions re-implemented - オプションを命名しなおしました。また不要なオプションを消しました。 tdiary.confを編集していた方は、お手数ですが設定をしなおしてください。 - Noraライブラリとキャッシュの利用で高速化しました。 - 検索エンジンのリストをプラグインで持つようになりました。&や;を含む検 索文字列も期待通りに抽出できます。 * Mon Feb 17, 2003 zunda - First version =end # Message strings Disp_referrer2_name = 'Referrer classification'.taint Disp_referrer2_abstract = <<'_END'.taint

This plugin distinguishes the URLs from antennas and search engines and shows them separately. Search keywords from different engines are compound together.

_END Disp_referrer2_cache_info = <<'_END'.taint

Total size of the caches is %1$s byte(s).

_END Disp_referrer2_update_info = <<'_END'.taint

Please clear the cache by checking this box: , and clicking OK after editing the today's link lists.

_END Disp_referrer2_move_to_refererlist = <<'_END'.taint Follow this link to edit the referer lists. _END Disp_referrer2_move_to_config = <<'_END'.taint Follow this link to configure the plug-in. _END Disp_referrer2_also_todayslink = <<'_END'.taint Referer list can also be edited via "Today's link". _END Disp_referrer2_antenna_label = 'Antennae'.taint Disp_referrer2_unknown_label = 'Others'.taint Disp_referrer2_search_label = 'Search engines'.taint Disp_referrer2_search_unknown_keyword = 'Unknown keyword'.taint Disp_referrer2_cache_label = '(cache from %s)'.taint class DispRef2SetupIF # show options def show_options r = <<-_HTML

Categorization and display of referrer URLs

as normal links.
separated #{DispRef2String::escapeHTML(@setup['unknown.label'])}.
strings inside [ and ] to categorize normal links.
links other than normal URLs in the daily view.
links other than normal URLs in the latest view.

Grouping of normal links

of normal links.
the last parenthesis when grouping normal links with the titles.

Grouping of links from antennae

of links from antennae.

Keywords from search engines

the search engine names.
_HTML unless @setup.secure then r << <<-_HTML


It isn't available to turn on this option with tDiary2 file format(DefaultIO).

Limit cache size to Bytes.
the cache at this time.

Cache size limit is an approximation. There is a chance that the cache size is bigger than the configured value. Setting the limit to zero disalbes limitation. K or M can be suffixed meaning Kbytes or Mbytes.

_HTML end # unless @setup.secure r end # shows URL list to be added to the referer_table or no_referer def show_unknown_list if @setup.secure then urls = DispRef2Latest.new( @cgi, 'latest.rhtml', @conf, @setup ).unknown_urls else urls = DispRef2Cache.new( @setup ).urls( DispRef2URL::Unknown ).keys if urls.size == 0 then urls = DispRef2Latest.new( @cgi, 'latest.rhtml', @conf, @setup ).unknown_urls end end urls.reject!{ |url| DispRef2String::url_match?( url, @setup['reflist.ignore_urls'] ) } r = <<-_HTML

URL Conversion

URLs that match the Ignore list are not listed here.

If you don't want to see the URLs that you neither put into the Conversion list or the Excluding list can be put in the Ignore list. The Ignore list only affects the list shown here. Please check here if you want to reset the Ignore list.

_HTML if urls.size > 0 then r << <<-_HTML

Please fill in the titles for the URL(s) in the lower text box(es) to put the URL(s) into the Conversion list. Please check the check box(es) if you want to put the URL(s) into the Excluding list.

Regular expressions are made up automatically. You can edit them if you want.

In the titles, you can refer to the strings between parenthesis in the regular expression with something like "\\1" (backslash plus a number). You can also use a script fragment like "sprintf('[tdiary:%d]', $1.to_i+1)".

_HTML if @cgi.auth_type and @cgi.remote_user and @setup['configure.use_link'] then r << <<-_HTML

[NOTE] Be aware that by clicking the URLs below, the author of the www site might know the URL of this page to edit and configure your diary.

_HTML end r << <<-_HTML

Please edit URLs not shown here through "Today's link"

_HTML i = 0 urls.sort.each do |url| shown_url = DispRef2String::escapeHTML( @setup.to_native( DispRef2String::unescape( url ) ) ) if @cgi.auth_type and @cgi.remote_user and @setup['configure.use_link'] then r << "
#{shown_url}" else r << "
#{shown_url}" end r << <<-_HTML
Add this URL to

_HTML i += 1 end r << <<-_HTML
_HTML else r << <<-_HTML

Currently there is no #{DispRef2String::escapeHTML(@setup['unknown.label'])}.

_HTML end r << <<-_HTML

Regular expressions for antennae

URLs or titles matching these expression will be categorized as antennae.

  • URL:
  • Title:
_HTML r end end # Hash table of search engines # key: company name # value: array of: # [0]:url regexp [1]:title [2]:keys for search keyword [3]:cache regexp # keys - an Array of Strings for usual keys # - a String as a Ruby code to be sent to URL after regexp matching # - a Symbol to indicate the key contains URL to be recursively converted DispReferrer2_Google_cache = /cache:[^:]+:([^+]+)+/ DispReferrer2_Engines = { 'google' => [ [%r{\Ahttp://(?:[^./]+\.)*?google\.([^/]+)/(search|custom|ie)}i, '"Google in .#{$1}"', ['as_q', 'q', 'as_epq'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache], [%r{\Ahttp://(?:[^./]+\.)*?google\.([^/]+)/.*url}i, '"Google URL search in .#{$1}"', ['as_q', 'q'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache], [%r{\Ahttp://(?:[^./]+\.)*?google/search}i, '"Google?"', ['as_q', 'q'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache], [%r{\Ahttp://eval.google\.([^/]+)}i, '"Google Accounts in .#{$1}"', [], nil], [%r{\Ahttp://(?:[^./]+\.)*?google\.([^/]+)}i, '"Google in .#{$1}"', [], nil], ], 'yahoo' => [ [%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.rd\.yahoo\.([^/]+)}i, '"Yahoo! redirector.#{$1}"', 'split(/\*/)[1]', nil], [%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.yahoo\.([^/]+)}i, '"Yahoo! search in .#{$1}"', ['p', 'va', 'vp'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache], ], 'netscape' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.netscape\.([^/]+)}i, '"Netscape search in .#{$1}"', ['search', 'query'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], 'msn' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.MSN\.([^/]+)}i, '"MSN search in .#{$1}"', ['q', 'MT'], nil ]], 'metacrawler' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?.metacrawler.com}i, '"MetaCrawler"', ['q'], nil ]], 'metabot' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.metabot\.ru}i, '"MetaBot.ru"', ['st'], nil ]], 'altavista' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.altavista\.([^/]+)}i, '"Altavista in .#{$1}"', ['q'], nil ]], 'infoseek' => [[%r{\Ahttp://(www\.)?infoseek\.co\.jp}i, '"Infoseek"', ['qt'], nil ]], 'odn' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.odn\.ne\.jp}i, '"ODN検索"', ['QueryString', 'key'], nil ]], 'lycos' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.lycos\.([^/]+)}i, '"Lycos in .#{$1}"', ['query', 'q', 'qt'], nil ]], 'fresheye' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.fresheye}i, '"Fresheye"', ['kw'], nil ]], 'goo' => [ [%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.goo\.ne\.jp}i, '"goo"', ['MT'], nil ], [%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.goo\.ne\.jp}i, '"goo"', [], nil ], ], 'nifty' => [ [%r{\Ahttp://search\.nifty\.com}i, '"@nifty/@search"', ['q', 'Text'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache], [%r{\Ahttp://srchnavi\.nifty\.com}i, '"@nifty redirector"', ['title'], nil ], ], 'eniro' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.eniro\.se}i, '"Eniro"', ['q'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], 'excite' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.excite\.([^/]+)}i, '"Excite in .#{$1}"', ['search', 's', 'query', 'qkw'], nil ]], 'biglobe' => [ [%r{\Ahttp://.*?search\.biglobe\.ne\.jp}i, '"BIGLOBE search"', ['q'], nil ], [%r{\Ahttp://.*?search\.biglobe\.ne\.jp}i, '"BIGLOBE search"', [], nil ], ], 'dion' => [[%r{\Ahttp://dir\.dion\.ne\.jp}i, '"Dion"', ['QueryString', 'key'], nil ]], 'naver' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.naver\.co\.jp}i, '"NAVER Japan"', ['query'], nil ]], 'webcrawler' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.webcrawler\.com}i, '"WebCrawler"', ['qkw'], nil ]], 'euroseek' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.euroseek\.com}i, '"Euroseek.com"', ['string'], nil ]], 'aol' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.aol\.}i, '"AOL search"', ['query'], nil ]], 'alltheweb' => [ [%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.alltheweb\.com}i, '"AlltheWeb.com"', ['q'], nil ], [%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.alltheweb\.com}i, '"AlltheWeb.com"', [], nil ], ], 'kobe-u' => [ [%r{\Ahttp://bach\.scitec\.kobe-u\.ac\.jp/cgi-bin/metcha.cgi}i, '"Metcha search engine"', ['q'], nil ], [%r{\Ahttp://bach\.istc\.kobe-u\.ac\.jp/cgi-bin/metcha.cgi}i, '"Metcha search engine"', ['q'], nil ], ], 'tocc' => [[%r{\Ahttp://www\.tocc\.co\.jp/search/}i, '"TOCC/Search"', ['QRY'], nil ]], 'yappo' => [[%r{\Ahttp://i\.yappo\.jp/}i, '"iYappo"', [], nil ]], 'suomi24' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.suomi24\.([^/]+)/.*query}i, '"Suomi24"', ['q'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], 'earthlink' => [[%r{\Ahttp://search\.earthlink\.net/search}i, '"EarthLink Search"', ['as_q', 'q', 'query'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], 'infobee' => [[%r{\Ahttp://infobee\.ne\.jp/}i, '"Infobee"', ['MT'], nil ]], 't-online' => [[%r{\Ahttp://brisbane\.t-online\.de/}i, '"T-Online"', ['q'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], 'walla' => [[%r{\Ahttp://find\.walla\.co\.il/}i, '"Walla! Channels"', ['q'], nil ]], 'mysearch' => [[%r{\Ahttp://.*?\.mysearch\.com/}i, '"My Search"', ['searchfor'], nil ]], 'jword' => [[%r{\Ahttp://search\.jword.jp/}i, '"JWord"', ['name'], nil ]], 'nytimes' => [[%r{\Ahttp://query\.nytimes\.com/search}i, '"New York Times: Search"', ['as_q', 'q', 'query'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], 'aaacafe' => [[%r{\Ahttp://search\.aaacafe\.ne\.jp/search}i, '"AAA!CAFE"', ['key'], nil]], 'virgilio' => [[%r{\Ahttp://search\.virgilio\.it/search}i, '"VIRGILIO Ricerca"', ['qs'], nil]], 'ceek' => [[%r{\Ahttp://www\.ceek\.jp}i, '"ceek.jp"', ['q'], nil]], 'cnn' => [[%r{\Ahttp://websearch\.cnn\.com}i, '"CNN.com"', ['query', 'as_q', 'q', 'as_epq'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], 'webferret' => [[%r{\Ahttp://webferret\.search\.com}i, '"WebFerret"', 'split(/,/)[1]', nil]], 'eniro' => [[%r{\Ahttp://www\.eniro\.se}i, '"Eniro"', ['query', 'as_q', 'q'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], 'passagen' => [[%r{\Ahttp://search\.evreka\.passagen\.se}i, '"Eniro"', ['q', 'as_q', 'query'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], 'redbox' => [[%r{\Ahttp://www\.redbox\.cz}i, '"RedBox"', ['srch'], nil]], 'odin' => [[%r{\Ahttp://odin\.ingrid\.org}i, '"ODiN"', ['key'], nil]], 'kensaku' => [[%r{\Ahttp://www\.kensaku\.}i, '"kensaku.jp"', ['key'], nil]], 'hotbot' => [[%r{\Ahttp://www\.hotbot\.}i, '"HotBot Web Search"', ['MT'], nil ]], 'searchalot' => [[%r{\Ahttp://www\.searchalot\.}i, '"Searchalot"', ['q'], nil ]], 'cometsystems' => [[%r{\Ahttp://search\.cometsystems\.com}i, '"Comet Web Search"', ['qry'], nil ]], 'bulkfeeds' => [ [%r{\Ahttp://bulkfeeds\.net/app/search2}i, '"Bulkfeeds: RSS Directory & Search"', ['q'], nil ], [%r{\Ahttp://bulkfeeds\.net/app/similar}i, '"Bulkfeeds Similarity Search"', ['url'], nil ], ], 'answerbus' => [[%r{\Ahttp://www\.answerbus\.com}i, '"AnswerBus"', [], nil ]], 'dogplile' => [[%r{\Ahttp://www.\dogpile\.com/info\.dogpl/search/web/}i, '"AnswerBus"', [], nil ]], 'www' => [[%r{\Ahttp://www\.google/search}i, '"Google?"', ['as_q', 'q'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], # TLD missing 'planet' => [[%r{\Ahttp://www\.planet\.nl/planet/}i, '"Planet-Zoekpagina"', ['googleq', 'keyword'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], # googleq parameter has a strange prefix '216' => [[%r{\Ahttp://(\d+\.){3}\d+/search}i, '"Google?"', ['as_q', 'q'], DispReferrer2_Google_cache]], # cache servers of google? } # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # indent-tabs-mode: t # tab-width: 3 # ruby-indent-level: 3 # End: