class Card module Set module Format TEMPLATE_DIR = %w[template set].freeze # Support haml templates in a Rails like way: # If the view option `template: :haml` is set then wagn expects a haml template # in a corresponding template path and renders it. # # @example # # mod/core/set/type/basic.rb # view :my_view, template: :haml # renders mod/core/view/type/basic/my_view.haml # # view :with_instance_variables, template: :haml do # @actor = "Mark Haml" # end # # # mod/core/view/type/basic/with_instance_variables.haml # Luke is played by # = actor # # > render :with_instance_variables # => "Luke is played by Mark Haml" module HamlViews def haml_view_block view, wrap_with_slot, &block path = haml_template_path view haml_template_proc, path, wrap_with_slot, &block end def haml_template_proc template, path, wrap_with_slot, &block proc do with_template_path path do locals = haml_block_locals(&block) html = haml_to_html template, locals, nil, path: path wrap_with_slot ? wrap { html } : html end end end def haml_block_locals &block instance_exec(&block) if block_given? instance_variables.each_with_object({}) do |var, h| h["@", "").to_sym] = instance_variable_get var end end def haml_template_path view=nil, source=nil each_template_path(source) do |template_dir, source_dir| path = try_haml_template_path template_dir, view, source_dir return path if path end msg = "can't find haml template" msg += " for #{view}" if view.present? raise Card::Error, msg end def each_template_path source source ||= source_location basename = ::File.basename source, ".rb" source_dir = ::File.dirname source ["./#{basename}", "."].each do |template_dir| yield template_dir, source_dir end end def try_haml_template_path template_path, view, source_dir, ext="haml" template_path = File.join(template_path, view.to_s) if view.present? template_path += ".#{ext}" TEMPLATE_DIR.each do |template_dir| path = ::File.expand_path(template_path, source_dir) .sub(%r{(/mod/[^/]+)/set/}, "\\1/#{template_dir}/") return path if ::File.exist?(path) end false end def haml_to_html haml, locals={}, a_binding=nil, debug_info={} # binding.pry unless haml.include? ".panel.panel-primary" a_binding ||= binding a_binding, locals || {} rescue Haml::SyntaxError => e raise Card::Error, "haml syntax error #{template_location(debug_info)}: #{e.message}" end def template_location debug_info return "" unless debug_info[:path][:path]) .relative_path_from( end def with_template_path path old_path = @template_path @template_path = path yield ensure @template_path = old_path end end end end end