module Mongoid::Acts::NestedSet module Validation # Warning: Very expensive! Do not use unless you know what you are doing. # This method is only useful for determining if the entire tree is valid def valid? left_and_rights_valid? && no_duplicates_for_fields? && all_roots_valid? end # Warning: Very expensive! Do not use unless you know what you are doing. def left_and_rights_valid? all.detect { |node| node.send(left_field_name).nil? || node.send(right_field_name).nil? || node.send(left_field_name) >= node.send(right_field_name) || !node.parent.nil? && ( node.send(left_field_name) <= node.parent.send(left_field_name) || node.send(right_field_name) >= node.parent.send(right_field_name) ) }.nil? end # Warning: Very expensive! Do not use unless you know what you are doing. def no_duplicates_for_fields? roots.group_by{|record| scope_field_names.collect{|field| record.send(field.to_sym)}}.all? do |scope, grouped_roots| [left_field_name, right_field_name].all? do |field| grouped_roots.first.nested_set_scope.only(field).aggregate.all? {|c| c['count'] == 1} end end end # Wrapper for each_root_valid? that can deal with scope # Warning: Very expensive! Do not use unless you know what you are doing. def all_roots_valid? if acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope] roots.group_by{|record| scope_field_names.collect{|field| record.send(field.to_sym)}}.all? do |scope, grouped_roots| each_root_valid?(grouped_roots) end else each_root_valid?(roots) end end def each_root_valid?(roots_to_validate) right = 0 roots_to_validate.all? do |root| (root.left > right && root.right > right).tap do right = root.right end end end end end