# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' describe LHS::Record do context 'includes all' do before do class Customer < LHS::Record endpoint 'http://datastore/customers/{id}' end end let(:amount_of_contracts) { 33 } let(:amount_of_products) { 22 } let!(:customer_request) do stub_request(:get, 'http://datastore/customers/1') .to_return( body: { contracts: { href: 'http://datastore/customers/1/contracts' } }.to_json ) end let!(:contracts_request) do stub_request(:get, "http://datastore/customers/1/contracts?limit=100") .to_return( body: { items: 10.times.map do { products: { href: 'http://datastore/products' } } end, limit: 10, offset: 0, total: amount_of_contracts }.to_json ) end def additional_contracts_request(offset, amount) stub_request(:get, "http://datastore/customers/1/contracts?limit=10&offset=#{offset}") .to_return( body: { items: amount.times.map do { products: { href: 'http://datastore/products' } } end, limit: 10, offset: offset, total: amount_of_contracts }.to_json ) end let!(:contracts_request_page_2) do additional_contracts_request(10, 10) end let!(:contracts_request_page_3) do additional_contracts_request(20, 10) end let!(:contracts_request_page_4) do additional_contracts_request(30, 3) end let!(:products_request) do stub_request(:get, "http://datastore/products?limit=100") .to_return( body: { items: 10.times.map do { name: 'LBC' } end, limit: 10, offset: 0, total: amount_of_products }.to_json ) end def additional_products_request(offset, amount) stub_request(:get, "http://datastore/products?limit=10&offset=#{offset}") .to_return( body: { items: amount.times.map do { name: 'LBC' } end, limit: 10, offset: offset, total: amount_of_products }.to_json ) end let!(:products_request_page_2) do additional_products_request(10, 10) end let!(:products_request_page_3) do additional_products_request(20, 2) end it 'includes all linked business objects no matter pagination' do customer = Customer .includes_all(contracts: :products) .find(1) expect(customer.contracts.length).to eq amount_of_contracts expect(customer.contracts.first.products.length).to eq amount_of_products expect(customer_request).to have_been_requested.at_least_once expect(contracts_request).to have_been_requested.at_least_once expect(contracts_request_page_2).to have_been_requested.at_least_once expect(contracts_request_page_3).to have_been_requested.at_least_once expect(contracts_request_page_4).to have_been_requested.at_least_once expect(products_request).to have_been_requested.at_least_once expect(products_request_page_2).to have_been_requested.at_least_once expect(products_request_page_3).to have_been_requested.at_least_once end context 'links already contain pagination parameters' do let!(:customer_request) do stub_request(:get, 'http://datastore/customers/1') .to_return( body: { contracts: { href: 'http://datastore/customers/1/contracts?limit=5&offset=0' } }.to_json ) end let!(:contracts_request) do stub_request(:get, "http://datastore/customers/1/contracts?limit=100") .to_return( body: { items: 10.times.map do { products: { href: 'http://datastore/products' } } end, limit: 10, offset: 0, total: amount_of_contracts }.to_json ) end it 'overwrites existing pagination paramters if they are already contained in a string' do expect(LHC).to receive(:request) .with(url: "http://datastore/customers/1").and_call_original expect(LHC).to receive(:request) .with(url: "http://datastore/customers/1/contracts", all: true, params: { limit: 100 }).and_call_original expect(LHC).to receive(:request) .with([{ url: "http://datastore/customers/1/contracts", all: true, params: { limit: 10, offset: 10 } }, { url: "http://datastore/customers/1/contracts", all: true, params: { limit: 10, offset: 20 } }, { url: "http://datastore/customers/1/contracts", all: true, params: { limit: 10, offset: 30 } }]).and_call_original customer = Customer .includes_all(:contracts) .find(1) expect(customer.contracts.length).to eq amount_of_contracts end end context 'includes for an empty array' do before do class Contract < LHS::Record endpoint 'http://datastore/contracts/{id}' end stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/contracts/\d}) .to_return(body: { options: nested_resources }.to_json) end context 'empty array' do let(:nested_resources) { [] } it 'includes_all in case of an empty array' do expect( -> { Contract.includes(:product).includes_all(:options).find(1) } ).not_to raise_error expect( -> { Contract.includes(:product).includes_all(:options).find(1, 2) } ).not_to raise_error end end context 'weird array without hrefs' do before do stub_request(:get, "http://datastore/options/1?limit=100") .to_return(body: { type: 'REACH_EXT' }.to_json) end let(:nested_resources) { [{ href: 'http://datastore/options/1' }, { type: 'E_COMMERCE' }] } it 'includes_all in case of an unexpect objects within array' do expect( -> { Contract.includes(:product).includes_all(:options).find(1) } ).not_to raise_error expect( -> { Contract.includes(:product).includes_all(:options).find(1, 2) } ).not_to raise_error end end end context 'include a known/identifiable record' do before do class Contract < LHS::Record endpoint 'http://datastore/contracts/{id}' end class Entry < LHS::Record endpoint '{+datastore}/entry/v1/{id}.json' end LHC.config.placeholder(:datastore, 'http://datastore') end let!(:customer_request) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/customers/\d+}) .to_return( body: { contracts: [{ href: 'http://datastore/contracts/1' }, { href: 'http://datastore/contracts/2' }] }.to_json ) end let!(:contracts_request) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/contracts/\d+}) .to_return( body: { type: 'contract', entry: { href: 'http://datastore/entry/v1/1.json' } }.to_json ) end let!(:entry_request) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/entry/v1/\d+.json}) .to_return( body: { name: 'Casa Ferlin' }.to_json ) end it 'loads included identifiable records without raising exceptions' do customer = Customer.includes_all(contracts: :entry).find(1, 2).first expect(customer.contracts.first.href).to eq 'http://datastore/contracts/1' expect(customer.contracts.first.type).to eq 'contract' expect(customer.contracts.first.entry.name).to eq 'Casa Ferlin' end end context 'includes all for parallel loaded ids' do before do class Place < LHS::Record endpoint 'http://datastore/places/{id}' end end let!(:place_request_1) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/places/1}) .to_return( body: { category_relations: [ { href: 'http://datastore/category_relations/1' }, { href: 'http://datastore/category_relations/2' } ] }.to_json ) end let!(:place_request_2) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/places/2}) .to_return( body: { category_relations: [] }.to_json ) end let!(:place_request_3) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/places/3}) .to_return( body: { category_relations: [ { href: 'http://datastore/category_relations/1' }, { href: 'http://datastore/category_relations/3' } ] }.to_json ) end let!(:category_relation_request_1) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/category_relations/1}) .to_return( body: { name: "Category 1" }.to_json ) end let!(:category_relation_request_2) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/category_relations/2}) .to_return( body: { name: "Category 2" }.to_json ) end let!(:category_relation_request_3) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/category_relations/3}) .to_return( body: { name: "Category 3" }.to_json ) end let(:category_name) { 'Category Relation' } it 'requests places in parallel and includes category relation' do places = Place.includes_all(:category_relations).find(1, 2, 3) expect(places[0].category_relations[0].name).to eq 'Category 1' expect(places[0].category_relations[1].name).to eq 'Category 2' expect(places[2].category_relations[0].name).to eq 'Category 1' expect(places[2].category_relations[1].name).to eq 'Category 3' end end end context 'Linked resources' do before do stub_request(:get, 'http://datastore/places/1/contracts?offset=0&limit=10') .to_return( body: { href: "http://datastore/v2/places/1/contracts?offset=0&limit=10", items: [{ href: "http://datastore/v2/contracts/1" }], offset: 0, limit: 10, total: 10 }.to_json ) stub_request(:get, "http://datastore/v2/contracts/1") .to_return( body: { customer: { name: 'Swisscom Directories AG' } }.to_json ) stub_request(:get, 'http://datastore/places/1?limit=1') .to_return( body: { href: 'http://datastore/places/1', contracts: { href: 'http://datastore/places/1/contracts?offset=0&limit=10' } }.to_json ) class Place < LHS::Record endpoint 'http://datastore/places/{id}' end class Contract < LHS::Record endpoint 'http://datastore/places/{place_id}/contracts' end end it 'does not use the root record endpoints when including nested records' do place = Place .includes_all(:contracts) .find_by(id: 1) expect(place.contracts.first.customer.name).to eq 'Swisscom Directories AG' end end context 'nested includes_all' do context 'with optional children' do let(:favorites_request_stub) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/favorites}) .to_return( body: { items: [{ href: "http://datastore/favorites/1", place: { href: "http://datastore/places/1" } }, { href: "http://datastore/favorite/2", place: { href: "http://datastore/places/2" } }, { href: "http://datastore/favorite/3", place: { href: "http://datastore/places/3" } }], total: 3, offset: 0, limit: 100 }.to_json ) end let(:place1_request_stub) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/places/1}) .to_return( body: { href: "http://datastore/places/1", name: 'Place 1', contracts: { href: "http://datastore/places/1/contracts" } }.to_json ) end let(:place2_request_stub) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/places/2}) .to_return( body: { href: "http://datastore/places/2", name: 'Place 2' }.to_json ) end let(:place3_request_stub) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/places/3}) .to_return( body: { href: "http://datastore/places/3", name: 'Place 3', contracts: { href: "http://datastore/places/3/contracts" } }.to_json ) end let(:contracts_request_for_place1_stub) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/places/1/contracts}) .to_return( body: { items: [{ href: "http://datastore/places/1/contracts/1", name: 'Contract 1' }], total: 1, offset: 0, limit: 10 }.to_json ) end let(:contracts_request_for_place3_stub) do stub_request(:get, %r{http://datastore/places/3/contracts}) .to_return( body: { items: [{ href: "http://datastore/places/3/contracts/1", name: 'Contract 3' }], total: 1, offset: 0, limit: 10 }.to_json ) end before do class Favorite < LHS::Record endpoint 'http://datastore/favorites' end class Place < LHS::Record endpoint 'http://datastore/places/{id}' end class Contract < LHS::Record endpoint 'http://datastore/places/{place_id}/contracts' end favorites_request_stub place1_request_stub place2_request_stub place3_request_stub contracts_request_for_place1_stub contracts_request_for_place3_stub end it 'includes nested objects when they exist' do favorites = Favorite.includes(:place).includes_all(place: :contracts).all expect(favorites.first.place.name).to eq('Place 1') expect(favorites.first.place.contracts.first.name).to eq('Contract 1') end it 'does not include nested objects when they are not there' do favorites = Favorite.includes(:place).includes_all(place: :contracts).all expect(favorites[1].place.name).to eq('Place 2') expect(favorites[1].place.contracts).to be(nil) end it 'does include and merges objects after nil objects in collections' do favorites = Favorite.includes(:place).includes_all(place: :contracts).all expect(favorites.last.place.name).to eq('Place 3') expect(favorites.last.place.contracts.first.name).to eq('Contract 3') end end end context 'includes collection trough single item' do before do class Place < LHS::Record endpoint 'https://places/{id}' end stub_request(:get, 'https://places/1') .to_return( body: { customer: { href: 'https://customers/1' } }.to_json ) stub_request(:get, 'https://customers/1?limit=100') .to_return( body: { addresses: { 'href': 'https://customer/1/addresses' } }.to_json ) stub_request(:get, 'https://customer/1/addresses?limit=100') .to_return( body: { items: [ { city: 'Zurich', no: 1 }, { city: 'Zurich', no: 2 } ], total: 2 }.to_json ) end it 'includes a collection trough a single item without exceptions' do place = Place .includes_all(customer: :addresses) .find(1) expect(place.customer.addresses.map(&:no)).to eq [1, 2] end end end