require 'fog/core' module Fog module Radosgw module MultipartUtils require 'net/http' class Headers include Net::HTTPHeader def initialize initialize_http_header({}) end # Parse a single header line into its key and value # @param [String] chunk a single header line def self.parse(chunk) line = chunk.strip # thanks Net::HTTPResponse return [nil,nil] if chunk =~ /\AHTTP(?:\/(\d+\.\d+))?\s+(\d\d\d)\s*(.*)\z/in m = /\A([^:]+):\s*/.match(line) [m[1], m.post_match] rescue [nil, nil] end # Parses a header line and adds it to the header collection # @param [String] chunk a single header line def parse(chunk) key, value = self.class.parse(chunk) add_field(key, value) if key && value end end def parse(data, boundary) contents = data.match(end_boundary_regex(boundary)).pre_match rescue "" contents.split(inner_boundary_regex(boundary)).reject(&:empty?).map do |part| parse_multipart_section(part) end.compact end def extract_boundary(header_string) $1 if header_string =~ /boundary=([A-Za-z0-9\'()+_,-.\/:=?]+)/ end private def end_boundary_regex(boundary) /\r?\n--#{Regexp.escape(boundary)}--\r?\n?/ end def inner_boundary_regex(boundary) /\r?\n--#{Regexp.escape(boundary)}\r?\n/ end def parse_multipart_section(part) headers = if md = part.match(/\r?\n\r?\n/) body = md.post_match md.pre_match.split(/\r?\n/).each do |line| headers.parse(line) end if headers["content-type"] =~ /multipart\/mixed/ boundary = extract_boundary(headers.to_hash["content-type"].first) parse(body, boundary) else {:headers => headers.to_hash, :body => body} end end end end module UserUtils def update_radosgw_user(user_id, user) path = "admin/user" user_id = escape(user_id) params = { :method => 'POST', :path => path, } query = "?uid=#{user_id}&format=json&suspended=#{user[:suspended]}" begin response ="#{@scheme}://#{@host}/#{path}#{query}", :headers => signed_headers(params)) if !response.body.empty? case response.headers['Content-Type'] when 'application/json' response.body = Fog::JSON.decode(response.body) end end response rescue Excon::Errors::NotFound => e raise rescue Excon::Errors::BadRequest => e raise end end def update_mock_user(user_id, user) if data[user_id] if suspended = user[:suspended] data[user_id][:suspended] = suspended end do |response| response.status = 200 response.body = data[user_id] end else do |response| response.status = 403 end end end end module Utils def configure_uri_options(options = {}) @host = options[:host] || 'localhost' @persistent = options[:persistent] || true @port = options[:port] || 8080 @scheme = options[:scheme] || 'http' end def radosgw_uri "#{@scheme}://#{@host}:#{@port}" end def escape(string) string.gsub(/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-~]+)/) { "%" + $1.unpack("H2" * $1.bytesize).join("%").upcase } end def signature(params, expires) headers = params[:headers] || {} string_to_sign = <<-DATA #{params[:method].to_s.upcase} #{headers['Content-MD5']} #{headers['Content-Type']} #{expires} DATA amz_headers, canonical_amz_headers = {}, '' for key, value in headers if key[0..5] == 'x-amz-' amz_headers[key] = value end end amz_headers = amz_headers.sort {|x, y| x[0] <=> y[0]} for key, value in amz_headers canonical_amz_headers << "#{key}:#{value}\n" end string_to_sign << canonical_amz_headers query_string = '' if params[:query] query_args = [] for key in params[:query].keys.sort if VALID_QUERY_KEYS.include?(key) value = params[:query][key] if value query_args << "#{key}=#{value}" else query_args << key end end end if query_args.any? query_string = '?' + query_args.join('&') end end canonical_path = (params[:path] || object_to_path(params[:object_name])).to_s canonical_path = '/' + canonical_path if canonical_path[0..0] != '/' if params[:bucket_name] canonical_resource = "/#{params[:bucket_name]}#{canonical_path}" else canonical_resource = canonical_path end canonical_resource << query_string string_to_sign << canonical_resource hmac ='sha1', @radosgw_secret_access_key) signed_string = hmac.sign(string_to_sign) Base64.encode64(signed_string).chomp! end def signed_headers(params) expires = auth = signature(params,expires) awskey = @radosgw_access_key_id headers = { 'Date' => expires, 'Authorization' => "AWS #{awskey}:#{auth}" } end end extend Fog::Provider service(:provisioning, 'Provisioning') service(:usage, 'Usage') end end