require 'erb' require 'set' require 'enumerator' require 'stringio' require 'rbconfig' require 'sass/root' require 'sass/util/subset_map' module Sass # A module containing various useful functions. module Util extend self # An array of ints representing the Ruby version number. # @api public RUBY_VERSION = ::RUBY_VERSION.split(".").map {|s| s.to_i} # The Ruby engine we're running under. Defaults to `"ruby"` # if the top-level constant is undefined. # @api public RUBY_ENGINE = defined?(::RUBY_ENGINE) ? ::RUBY_ENGINE : "ruby" # Returns the path of a file relative to the Sass root directory. # # @param file [String] The filename relative to the Sass root # @return [String] The filename relative to the the working directory def scope(file) File.join(Sass::ROOT_DIR, file) end # Converts an array of `[key, value]` pairs to a hash. # # @example # to_hash([[:foo, "bar"], [:baz, "bang"]]) # #=> {:foo => "bar", :baz => "bang"} # @param arr [Array<(Object, Object)>] An array of pairs # @return [Hash] A hash def to_hash(arr) Hash[arr.compact] end # Maps the keys in a hash according to a block. # # @example # map_keys({:foo => "bar", :baz => "bang"}) {|k| k.to_s} # #=> {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "bang"} # @param hash [Hash] The hash to map # @yield [key] A block in which the keys are transformed # @yieldparam key [Object] The key that should be mapped # @yieldreturn [Object] The new value for the key # @return [Hash] The mapped hash # @see #map_vals # @see #map_hash def map_keys(hash) to_hash( {|k, v| [yield(k), v]}) end # Maps the values in a hash according to a block. # # @example # map_values({:foo => "bar", :baz => "bang"}) {|v| v.to_sym} # #=> {:foo => :bar, :baz => :bang} # @param hash [Hash] The hash to map # @yield [value] A block in which the values are transformed # @yieldparam value [Object] The value that should be mapped # @yieldreturn [Object] The new value for the value # @return [Hash] The mapped hash # @see #map_keys # @see #map_hash def map_vals(hash) to_hash( {|k, v| [k, yield(v)]}) end # Maps the key-value pairs of a hash according to a block. # # @example # map_hash({:foo => "bar", :baz => "bang"}) {|k, v| [k.to_s, v.to_sym]} # #=> {"foo" => :bar, "baz" => :bang} # @param hash [Hash] The hash to map # @yield [key, value] A block in which the key-value pairs are transformed # @yieldparam [key] The hash key # @yieldparam [value] The hash value # @yieldreturn [(Object, Object)] The new value for the `[key, value]` pair # @return [Hash] The mapped hash # @see #map_keys # @see #map_vals def map_hash(hash) # Using &block here completely hoses performance on 1.8. to_hash( {|k, v| yield k, v}) end # Computes the powerset of the given array. # This is the set of all subsets of the array. # # @example # powerset([1, 2, 3]) #=> # Set[Set[], Set[1], Set[2], Set[3], Set[1, 2], Set[2, 3], Set[1, 3], Set[1, 2, 3]] # @param arr [Enumerable] # @return [Set] The subsets of `arr` def powerset(arr) arr.inject([].to_set) do |powerset, el| new_powerset = powerset.each do |subset| new_powerset << subset new_powerset << subset + [el] end new_powerset end end # Restricts a number to falling within a given range. # Returns the number if it falls within the range, # or the closest value in the range if it doesn't. # # @param value [Numeric] # @param range [Range] # @return [Numeric] def restrict(value, range) [[value, range.first].max, range.last].min end # Concatenates all strings that are adjacent in an array, # while leaving other elements as they are. # # @example # merge_adjacent_strings([1, "foo", "bar", 2, "baz"]) # #=> [1, "foobar", 2, "baz"] # @param arr [Array] # @return [Array] The enumerable with strings merged def merge_adjacent_strings(arr) # Optimize for the common case of one element return arr if arr.size < 2 arr.inject([]) do |a, e| if e.is_a?(String) if a.last.is_a?(String) a.last << e else a << e.dup end else a << e end a end end # Intersperses a value in an enumerable, as would be done with `Array#join` # but without concatenating the array together afterwards. # # @param enum [Enumerable] # @param val # @return [Array] def intersperse(enum, val) enum.inject([]) {|a, e| a << e << val}[0...-1] end # Substitutes a sub-array of one array with another sub-array. # # @param ary [Array] The array in which to make the substitution # @param from [Array] The sequence of elements to replace with `to` # @param to [Array] The sequence of elements to replace `from` with def substitute(ary, from, to) res = ary.dup i = 0 while i < res.size if res[i...i+from.size] == from res[i...i+from.size] = to end i += 1 end res end # Destructively strips whitespace from the beginning and end # of the first and last elements, respectively, # in the array (if those elements are strings). # # @param arr [Array] # @return [Array] `arr` def strip_string_array(arr) arr.first.lstrip! if arr.first.is_a?(String) arr.last.rstrip! if arr.last.is_a?(String) arr end # Return an array of all possible paths through the given arrays. # # @param arrs [Array] # @return [Array] # # @example # paths([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]) #=> # # [[1, 3, 5], # # [2, 3, 5], # # [1, 4, 5], # # [2, 4, 5]] def paths(arrs) arrs.inject([[]]) do |paths, arr| flatten( {|e| {|path| path + [e]}}, 1) end end # Computes a single longest common subsequence for `x` and `y`. # If there are more than one longest common subsequences, # the one returned is that which starts first in `x`. # # @param x [Array] # @param y [Array] # @yield [a, b] An optional block to use in place of a check for equality # between elements of `x` and `y`. # @yieldreturn [Object, nil] If the two values register as equal, # this will return the value to use in the LCS array. # @return [Array] The LCS def lcs(x, y, &block) x = [nil, *x] y = [nil, *y] block ||= proc {|a, b| a == b && a} lcs_backtrace(lcs_table(x, y, &block), x, y, x.size-1, y.size-1, &block) end # Converts a Hash to an Array. This is usually identical to `Hash#to_a`, # with the following exceptions: # # * In Ruby 1.8, `Hash#to_a` is not deterministically ordered, but this is. # * In Ruby 1.9 when running tests, this is ordered in the same way it would # be under Ruby 1.8 (sorted key order rather than insertion order). # # @param hash [Hash] # @return [Array] def hash_to_a(hash) return hash.to_a unless ruby1_8? || defined?(Test::Unit) return hash.sort_by {|k, v| k} end # Performs the equivalent of `enum.group_by.to_a`, but with a guaranteed # order. Unlike [#hash_to_a], the resulting order isn't sorted key order; # instead, it's the same order as `#group_by` has under Ruby 1.9 (key # appearance order). # # @param enum [Enumerable] # @return [Array<[Object, Array]>] An array of pairs. def group_by_to_a(enum, &block) return enum.group_by(&block).to_a unless ruby1_8? order = {} arr = [] enum.group_by do |e| res = block[e] unless order.include?(res) order[res] = order.size end res end.each do |key, vals| arr[order[key]] = [key, vals] end arr end # Returns a sub-array of `minuend` containing only elements that are also in # `subtrahend`. Ensures that the return value has the same order as # `minuend`, even on Rubinius where that's not guaranteed by {Array#-}. # # @param minuend [Array] # @param subtrahend [Array] # @return [Array] def array_minus(minuend, subtrahend) return minuend - subtrahend unless rbx? set = - subtrahend {|e| set.include?(e)} end # Returns a string description of the character that caused an # `Encoding::UndefinedConversionError`. # # @param [Encoding::UndefinedConversionError] # @return [String] def undefined_conversion_error_char(e) # Rubinius (as of 2.0.0.rc1) pre-quotes the error character. return e.error_char if rbx? # JRuby (as of 1.7.2) doesn't have an error_char field on # Encoding::UndefinedConversionError. return e.error_char.dump unless jruby? e.message[/^"[^"]+"/] #" end # Asserts that `value` falls within `range` (inclusive), leaving # room for slight floating-point errors. # # @param name [String] The name of the value. Used in the error message. # @param range [Range] The allowed range of values. # @param value [Numeric, Sass::Script::Number] The value to check. # @param unit [String] The unit of the value. Used in error reporting. # @return [Numeric] `value` adjusted to fall within range, if it # was outside by a floating-point margin. def check_range(name, range, value, unit='') grace = (-0.00001..0.00001) str = value.to_s value = value.value if value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Number) return value if range.include?(value) return range.first if grace.include?(value - range.first) return range.last if grace.include?(value - range.last) raise "#{name} #{str} must be between #{range.first}#{unit} and #{range.last}#{unit}") end # Returns whether or not `seq1` is a subsequence of `seq2`. That is, whether # or not `seq2` contains every element in `seq1` in the same order (and # possibly more elements besides). # # @param seq1 [Array] # @param seq2 [Array] # @return [Boolean] def subsequence?(seq1, seq2) i = j = 0 loop do return true if i == seq1.size return false if j == seq2.size i += 1 if seq1[i] == seq2[j] j += 1 end end # Returns information about the caller of the previous method. # # @param entry [String] An entry in the `#caller` list, or a similarly formatted string # @return [[String, Fixnum, (String, nil)]] An array containing the filename, line, and method name of the caller. # The method name may be nil def caller_info(entry = nil) # JRuby evaluates `caller` incorrectly when it's in an actual default argument. entry ||= caller[1] info = entry.scan(/^(.*?):(-?.*?)(?::.*`(.+)')?$/).first info[1] = info[1].to_i # This is added by Rubinius to designate a block, but we don't care about it. info[2].sub!(/ \{\}\Z/, '') if info[2] info end # Returns whether one version string represents a more recent version than another. # # @param v1 [String] A version string. # @param v2 [String] Another version string. # @return [Boolean] def version_gt(v1, v2) # Construct an array to make sure the shorter version is padded with nil[v1.length, v2.length].max).zip(v1.split("."), v2.split(".")) do |_, p1, p2| p1 ||= "0" p2 ||= "0" release1 = p1 =~ /^[0-9]+$/ release2 = p2 =~ /^[0-9]+$/ if release1 && release2 # Integer comparison if both are full releases p1, p2 = p1.to_i, p2.to_i next if p1 == p2 return p1 > p2 elsif !release1 && !release2 # String comparison if both are prereleases next if p1 == p2 return p1 > p2 else # If only one is a release, that one is newer return release1 end end end # Returns whether one version string represents the same or a more # recent version than another. # # @param v1 [String] A version string. # @param v2 [String] Another version string. # @return [Boolean] def version_geq(v1, v2) version_gt(v1, v2) || !version_gt(v2, v1) end # Throws a NotImplementedError for an abstract method. # # @param obj [Object] `self` # @raise [NotImplementedError] def abstract(obj) raise"#{obj.class} must implement ##{caller_info[2]}") end # Silence all output to STDERR within a block. # # @yield A block in which no output will be printed to STDERR def silence_warnings the_real_stderr, $stderr = $stderr, yield ensure $stderr = the_real_stderr end @@silence_warnings = false # Silences all Sass warnings within a block. # # @yield A block in which no Sass warnings will be printed def silence_sass_warnings old_level, Sass.logger.log_level = Sass.logger.log_level, :error yield ensure Sass.logger.log_level = old_level end # The same as `Kernel#warn`, but is silenced by \{#silence\_sass\_warnings}. # # @param msg [String] def sass_warn(msg) msg = msg + "\n" unless ruby1? Sass.logger.warn(msg) end ## Cross Rails Version Compatibility # Returns the root of the Rails application, # if this is running in a Rails context. # Returns `nil` if no such root is defined. # # @return [String, nil] def rails_root if defined?(::Rails.root) return ::Rails.root.to_s if ::Rails.root raise "ERROR: Rails.root is nil!" end return RAILS_ROOT.to_s if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) return nil end # Returns the environment of the Rails application, # if this is running in a Rails context. # Returns `nil` if no such environment is defined. # # @return [String, nil] def rails_env return ::Rails.env.to_s if defined?(::Rails.env) return RAILS_ENV.to_s if defined?(RAILS_ENV) return nil end # Returns whether this environment is using ActionPack # version 3.0.0 or greater. # # @return [Boolean] def ap_geq_3? ap_geq?("3.0.0.beta1") end # Returns whether this environment is using ActionPack # of a version greater than or equal to that specified. # # @param version [String] The string version number to check against. # Should be greater than or equal to Rails 3, # because otherwise ActionPack::VERSION isn't autoloaded # @return [Boolean] def ap_geq?(version) # The ActionPack module is always loaded automatically in Rails >= 3 return false unless defined?(ActionPack) && defined?(ActionPack::VERSION) && defined?(ActionPack::VERSION::STRING) version_geq(ActionPack::VERSION::STRING, version) end # Returns an ActionView::Template* class. # In pre-3.0 versions of Rails, most of these classes # were of the form `ActionView::TemplateFoo`, # while afterwards they were of the form `ActionView;:Template::Foo`. # # @param name [#to_s] The name of the class to get. # For example, `:Error` will return `ActionView::TemplateError` # or `ActionView::Template::Error`. def av_template_class(name) return ActionView.const_get("Template#{name}") if ActionView.const_defined?("Template#{name}") return ActionView::Template.const_get(name.to_s) end ## Cross-OS Compatibility # Whether or not this is running on Windows. # # @return [Boolean] def windows? RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|windows|mingw/i end # Whether or not this is running on IronRuby. # # @return [Boolean] def ironruby? RUBY_ENGINE == "ironruby" end # Whether or not this is running on Rubinius. # # @return [Boolean] def rbx? RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx" end # Whether or not this is running on JRuby. # # @return [Boolean] def jruby? RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ end # Returns an array of ints representing the JRuby version number. # # @return [Array] def jruby_version $jruby_version ||= ::JRUBY_VERSION.split(".").map {|s| s.to_i} end # Like `Dir.glob`, but works with backslash-separated paths on Windows. # # @param path [String] def glob(path, &block) path = path.gsub('\\', '/') if windows? Dir.glob(path, &block) end # Prepare a value for a destructuring assignment (e.g. `a, b = # val`). This works around a performance bug when using # ActiveSupport, and only needs to be called when `val` is likely # to be `nil` reasonably often. # # See [this bug report]( # # @param val [Object] # @return [Object] def destructure(val) val || [] end ## Cross-Ruby-Version Compatibility # Whether or not this is running under a Ruby version under 2.0. # # @return [Boolean] def ruby1? Sass::Util::RUBY_VERSION[0] <= 1 end # Whether or not this is running under Ruby 1.8 or lower. # # Note that IronRuby counts as Ruby 1.8, # because it doesn't support the Ruby 1.9 encoding API. # # @return [Boolean] def ruby1_8? # IronRuby says its version is 1.9, but doesn't support any of the encoding APIs. # We have to fall back to 1.8 behavior. ironruby? || (Sass::Util::RUBY_VERSION[0] == 1 && Sass::Util::RUBY_VERSION[1] < 9) end # Whether or not this is running under Ruby 1.8.6 or lower. # Note that lower versions are not officially supported. # # @return [Boolean] def ruby1_8_6? ruby1_8? && Sass::Util::RUBY_VERSION[2] < 7 end # Wehter or not this is running under JRuby 1.6 or lower. def jruby1_6? jruby? && jruby_version[0] == 1 && jruby_version[1] < 7 end # Whether or not this is running under MacRuby. # # @return [Boolean] def macruby? RUBY_ENGINE == 'macruby' end # Checks that the encoding of a string is valid in Ruby 1.9 # and cleans up potential encoding gotchas like the UTF-8 BOM. # If it's not, yields an error string describing the invalid character # and the line on which it occurrs. # # @param str [String] The string of which to check the encoding # @yield [msg] A block in which an encoding error can be raised. # Only yields if there is an encoding error # @yieldparam msg [String] The error message to be raised # @return [String] `str`, potentially with encoding gotchas like BOMs removed def check_encoding(str) if ruby1_8? return str.gsub(/\A\xEF\xBB\xBF/, '') # Get rid of the UTF-8 BOM elsif str.valid_encoding? # Get rid of the Unicode BOM if possible if =~ /^UTF-(8|16|32)(BE|LE)?$/ return str.gsub("\\A\uFEFF".encode(, '') else return str end end encoding = str.encoding newlines ="\r\n|\r|\n".encode(encoding).force_encoding("binary")) str.force_encoding("binary").split(newlines).each_with_index do |line, i| begin line.encode(encoding) rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError => e yield < _ nil # JRuby on Java 5 doesn't support UTF-32 rescue # /\A@charset "(.*?)"/\A#{_enc('@charset "', e)}(.*?)#{_enc('"', e)}/) end end end # Checks to see if a class has a given method. # For example: # # Sass::Util.has?(:public_instance_method, String, :gsub) #=> true # # Method collections like `Class#instance_methods` # return strings in Ruby 1.8 and symbols in Ruby 1.9 and on, # so this handles checking for them in a compatible way. # # @param attr [#to_s] The (singular) name of the method-collection method # (e.g. `:instance_methods`, `:private_methods`) # @param klass [Module] The class to check the methods of which to check # @param method [String, Symbol] The name of the method do check for # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the given collection has the given method def has?(attr, klass, method) klass.send("#{attr}s").include?(ruby1_8? ? method.to_s : method.to_sym) end # A version of `Enumerable#enum_with_index` that works in Ruby 1.8 and 1.9. # # @param enum [Enumerable] The enumerable to get the enumerator for # @return [Enumerator] The with-index enumerator def enum_with_index(enum) ruby1_8? ? enum.enum_with_index : enum.each_with_index end # A version of `Enumerable#enum_cons` that works in Ruby 1.8 and 1.9. # # @param enum [Enumerable] The enumerable to get the enumerator for # @param n [Fixnum] The size of each cons # @return [Enumerator] The consed enumerator def enum_cons(enum, n) ruby1_8? ? enum.enum_cons(n) : enum.each_cons(n) end # A version of `Enumerable#enum_slice` that works in Ruby 1.8 and 1.9. # # @param enum [Enumerable] The enumerable to get the enumerator for # @param n [Fixnum] The size of each slice # @return [Enumerator] The consed enumerator def enum_slice(enum, n) ruby1_8? ? enum.enum_slice(n) : enum.each_slice(n) end # Destructively removes all elements from an array that match a block, and # returns the removed elements. # # @param array [Array] The array from which to remove elements. # @yield [el] Called for each element. # @yieldparam el [*] The element to test. # @yieldreturn [Boolean] Whether or not to extract the element. # @return [Array] The extracted elements. def extract!(array) out = [] array.reject! do |e| next false unless yield e out << e true end out end # Returns the ASCII code of the given character. # # @param c [String] All characters but the first are ignored. # @return [Fixnum] The ASCII code of `c`. def ord(c) ruby1_8? ? c[0] : c.ord end # Flattens the first `n` nested arrays in a cross-version manner. # # @param arr [Array] The array to flatten # @param n [Fixnum] The number of levels to flatten # @return [Array] The flattened array def flatten(arr, n) return arr.flatten(n) unless ruby1_8_6? return arr if n == 0 arr.inject([]) {|res, e| e.is_a?(Array) ? res.concat(flatten(e, n - 1)) : res << e} end # Returns the hash code for a set in a cross-version manner. # Aggravatingly, this is order-dependent in Ruby 1.8.6. # # @param set [Set] # @return [Fixnum] The order-independent hashcode of `set` def set_hash(set) return set.hash unless ruby1_8_6? {|e| e.hash}.uniq.sort.hash end # Tests the hash-equality of two sets in a cross-version manner. # Aggravatingly, this is order-dependent in Ruby 1.8.6. # # @param set1 [Set] # @param set2 [Set] # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the sets are hashcode equal def set_eql?(set1, set2) return set1.eql?(set2) unless ruby1_8_6? set1.to_a.uniq.sort_by {|e| e.hash}.eql?(set2.to_a.uniq.sort_by {|e| e.hash}) end # Like `Object#inspect`, but preserves non-ASCII characters rather than escaping them under Ruby 1.9.2. # This is necessary so that the precompiled Haml template can be `#encode`d into `@options[:encoding]` # before being evaluated. # # @param obj {Object} # @return {String} def inspect_obj(obj) return obj.inspect unless version_geq(::RUBY_VERSION, "1.9.2") return ':' + inspect_obj(obj.to_s) if obj.is_a?(Symbol) return obj.inspect unless obj.is_a?(String) '"' + obj.gsub(/[\x00-\x7F]+/) {|s| s.inspect[1...-1]} + '"' end # Extracts the non-string vlaues from an array containing both strings and non-strings. # These values are replaced with escape sequences. # This can be undone using \{#inject\_values}. # # This is useful e.g. when we want to do string manipulation # on an interpolated string. # # The precise format of the resulting string is not guaranteed. # However, it is guaranteed that newlines and whitespace won't be affected. # # @param arr [Array] The array from which values are extracted. # @return [(String, Array)] The resulting string, and an array of extracted values. def extract_values(arr) values = [] return do |e| next e.gsub('{', '{{') if e.is_a?(String) values << e next "{#{values.count - 1}}" end.join, values end # Undoes \{#extract\_values} by transforming a string with escape sequences # into an array of strings and non-string values. # # @param str [String] The string with escape sequences. # @param values [Array] The array of values to inject. # @return [Array] The array of strings and values. def inject_values(str, values) return [str.gsub('{{', '{')] if values.empty? # Add an extra { so that we process the tail end of the string result = (str + '{{').scan(/(.*?)(?:(\{\{)|\{(\d+)\})/m).map do |(pre, esc, n)| [pre, esc ? '{' : '', n ? values[n.to_i] : ''] end.flatten(1) result[-2] = '' # Get rid of the extra { merge_adjacent_strings(result).reject {|s| s == ''} end # Allows modifications to be performed on the string form # of an array containing both strings and non-strings. # # @param arr [Array] The array from which values are extracted. # @yield [str] A block in which string manipulation can be done to the array. # @yieldparam str [String] The string form of `arr`. # @yieldreturn [String] The modified string. # @return [Array] The modified, interpolated array. def with_extracted_values(arr) str, vals = extract_values(arr) str = yield str inject_values(str, vals) end # Builds a sourcemap file name given the generated CSS file name. # # @param css [String] The generated CSS file name. # @return [String] The source map file name. def sourcemap_name(css) css + ".map" end # Escapes certain characters so that the result can be used # as the JSON string value. Returns the original string if # no escaping is necessary. # # @param s [String] The string to be escaped # @return [String] The escaped string def json_escape_string(s) return s if s !~ /["\\\b\f\n\r\t]/ result = "" s.split("").each do |c| case c when '"', "\\" result << "\\" << c when "\n" then result << "\\n" when "\t" then result << "\\t" when "\r" then result << "\\r" when "\f" then result << "\\f" when "\b" then result << "\\b" else result << c end end result end # Converts the argument into a valid JSON value. # # @param v [Fixnum, String, Array, Boolean, nil] # @return [String] def json_value_of(v) case v when Fixnum v.to_s when String "\"" + json_escape_string(v) + "\"" when Array "[" + {|x| json_value_of(x)}.join(",") + "]" when NilClass "null" when TrueClass "true" when FalseClass "false" else raise"Unknown type: #{}") end end VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = 5 VLQ_BASE = 1 << VLQ_BASE_SHIFT VLQ_BASE_MASK = VLQ_BASE - 1 VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT = VLQ_BASE BASE64_DIGITS = ('A'..'Z').to_a + ('a'..'z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a + ['+', '/'] BASE64_DIGIT_MAP = begin map = {} Sass::Util.enum_with_index(BASE64_DIGITS).map do |digit, i| map[digit] = i end map end # Encodes `value` as VLQ ( # # @param value [Fixnum] # @return [String] The encoded value def encode_vlq(value) if value < 0 value = ((-value) << 1) | 1 else value <<= 1 end result = begin digit = value & VLQ_BASE_MASK value >>= VLQ_BASE_SHIFT if value > 0 digit |= VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT end result << BASE64_DIGITS[digit] end while value > 0 result end ## Static Method Stuff # The context in which the ERB for \{#def\_static\_method} will be run. class StaticConditionalContext # @param set [#include?] The set of variables that are defined for this context. def initialize(set) @set = set end # Checks whether or not a variable is defined for this context. # # @param name [Symbol] The name of the variable # @return [Boolean] def method_missing(name, *args, &block) super unless args.empty? && block.nil? @set.include?(name) end end private # Calculates the memoization table for the Least Common Subsequence algorithm. # Algorithm from [Wikipedia]( def lcs_table(x, y) c = {[]} x.size.times {|i| c[i][0] = 0} y.size.times {|j| c[0][j] = 0} (1...x.size).each do |i| (1...y.size).each do |j| c[i][j] = if yield x[i], y[j] c[i-1][j-1] + 1 else [c[i][j-1], c[i-1][j]].max end end end return c end # Computes a single longest common subsequence for arrays x and y. # Algorithm from [Wikipedia]( def lcs_backtrace(c, x, y, i, j, &block) return [] if i == 0 || j == 0 if v = yield(x[i], y[j]) return lcs_backtrace(c, x, y, i-1, j-1, &block) << v end return lcs_backtrace(c, x, y, i, j-1, &block) if c[i][j-1] > c[i-1][j] return lcs_backtrace(c, x, y, i-1, j, &block) end end end require 'sass/util/multibyte_string_scanner'