# yard-api

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## Usage


### Compatibility options

#### `@argument` tags with names specified before types

For tags that have a type and a name such as the YARD `@attr` tag, or the yard-api `@argument` tag, the "correct" syntax is to specify the types *before* the name. For example:

# @argument [String] name
#   This is compliant with YARD syntax.
# @argument name [String]
#   This is not compliant with YARD syntax.

If your project already uses the (incorrect) second syntax and you would like to keep things that way, then you can use the compatibility option `leading_argument_name_fix` to have yard-api correctify this and understand both flavors.

## Configuration

`yard-api` will look for a file in `config/yard_api.yml` in the Rails root for customizations. Configuration fields not specified in that file will be filled with the default values found in [config/yard_api.yml](https://github.com/amireh/yard-api/blob/master/config/yard_api.yml).

Read that file to view all the available options.

## Notes

- can only document classes and class methods; modules, root objects, and constants are ignored

## Changelog


- new compatibility option `leading_argument_name_fix`


- `@argument` tags can now be formatted in a table by setting the `tabular_arguments` option to true
- `@argument_scope`: a new tag that improves the formatting of endpoint arguments that are scoped by a common prefix (e.g, nested inside a json object), like `user[name]` => `name`
- `@argument` can now parse accepted values in two formats; inline within the types array, or by explicitly writing it in the tag text using any of `Accepted values: [...]`, `Accepts: [...]`, or `Possible values: [...]`
- A new option: `strict_arguments` that provides a default for the `is_required` property of `@argument` tags. This default is used if the tag does not explicitly state `Optional` or `Required` in its type specifier.
- Support for dynamic javascript and style code based on options. See `templates/layout/setup.rb#inline_{javascripts,stylesheets}`
- A new set of options for customizing layout: `content_width`, `sidebar_width` and `spacer`
- `github_url` and `github_branch` options for tuning api endpoint source links


- Support for single-page output through the `one_file` option
- Support for resource index generation ("All Resources") through the `resource_index` option


- Support for github-flavored markdown when you're using Markdown as a markup, and `redcarpet` as the provider
- Syntax highlighting for multiple languages (with auto-detection) using [highlight.js](https://highlightjs.org/)
- `@example_response` and `@example_request` tags now support a title for the response
- A new option: `copyright` for displaying a copyright in the footer of every page
- A new option: `footer_note` for displaying a custom note, like linking to the project's source code, in the footer of every page

## License

Released under the [AGPLv3](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html) license.