module Sunspot
  module DSL #:nodoc:
    # This class presents a DSL for constructing queries using the
    # method. Methods of this class are available inside the
    # search block. Much of the DSL's functionality is implemented by this
    # class's superclasses, Sunspot::DSL::FieldQuery and Sunspot::DSL::Scope
    # See for usage examples
    class Query < FieldQuery
      # Specify a phrase that should be searched as fulltext. Only +text+
      # fields are searched - see DSL::Fields.text
      # Keyword search is executed using Solr's dismax handler, which strikes
      # a good balance between powerful and foolproof. In particular,
      # well-matched quotation marks can be used to group phrases, and the
      # + and - modifiers work as expected. All other special Solr boolean
      # syntax is escaped, and mismatched quotes are ignored entirely.
      # ==== Parameters
      # keywords<String>:: phrase to perform fulltext search on
      # ==== Options
      # :fields<Array>::
      #   List of fields that should be searched for keywords. Defaults to all
      #   fields configured for the types under search.
      def keywords(keywords, options = {})
        @query.set_keywords(keywords, options)

      # Paginate your search. This works the same way as WillPaginate's
      # paginate().
      # Note that Solr searches are _always_ paginated. Not calling #paginate is
      # the equivalent of calling:
      #   paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => Sunspot.config.pagination.default_per_page)
      # ==== Options (options)
      # :page<Integer>:: The requested page (required)
      # :per_page<Integer>::
      #   How many results to return per page. The default is the value in
      #   +Sunspot.config.pagination.default_per_page+
      def paginate(options = {})
        page = options.delete(:page) || raise(ArgumentError, "paginate requires a :page argument")
        per_page = options.delete(:per_page)
        raise ArgumentError, "unknown argument #{options.keys.first.inspect} passed to paginate" unless options.empty?
        @query.paginate(page, per_page)