# Module for calling Primo Web Services # Please note the following: # * Be sure to configure the Primo Back Office with the relevant IPs to enable interaction via the Web Services # * This module does not parse the response but instead stores it as an Hpricot::Doc for the calling classes to parse module Exlibris::PrimoWS require 'nokogiri' # PrimoWebService is the base class for all PrimoWebServices # It can be extended but is not intended for use by itself # To call a PrimoWebService must explicity call the method make_call. class PrimoWebService attr_reader :response, :error # Call to web service is made through make_call # Raise a method not found exception if the method name is not valid def make_call(base_url, service, method_name, param_name, input) require 'soap/rpc/driver' endpoint_url = base_url + "/PrimoWebServices/services/primo/" + service soap_client = SOAP::RPC::Driver.new(endpoint_url, "http://www.exlibris.com/primo/xsd/wsRequest", "") soap_client.add_method(method_name, param_name) unless (respond_to? method_name) @response = Nokogiri::XML(soap_client.method(method_name).call(input.to_s)) raise "Error making call to Primo web service. Response from web service is #{@response}." if @response.nil? @error = [] response.search("ERROR").each do |e| @error.push(e.attributes["MESSAGE"]) unless e.nil? end raise "Error making call to Primo web service. #{@error.inspect}" unless @error.empty? end end # Search is the base class for Search web services # It can be extended but is not intended for use by itself # Two known implementations are SearchBrief and GetRecord class Search < PrimoWebService # Search is instantiated by calling Search.new with the following parameters # String method_name: web service method being called # String param_name: name of input parameter # String input_root: input root tag name # REXML::Element primo_search_request: REXML:Element representation of the search base on ExL Schema # REXML:Elements[] additional_input: any additional input as an array of REXML::Elements # String base_url: Primo URL # Hash option: options NOT USED def initialize(method_name, param_name, input_root, primo_search_request, additional_input, base_url, options) input = REXML::Element.new(input_root) input.add_namespace("http://www.exlibris.com/primo/xsd/wsRequest") input.add_element(primo_search_request) additional_input.each do |e| input.add_element(e) end make_call(base_url, "searcher", method_name, param_name, input) end private def primo_search_request(search_params={}, start_index="1", bulk_size="5", did_u_mean_enabled="false", highlighting_enabled="false", get_more=nil) xml = REXML::Element.new("PrimoSearchRequest") xml.add_namespace("http://www.exlibris.com/primo/xsd/search/request") xml.add_element(query_terms(search_params)) xml.add_element(tag!("StartIndex", start_index)) unless start_index.nil? xml.add_element(tag!("BulkSize", bulk_size)) unless bulk_size.nil? xml.add_element(tag!("DidUMeanEnabled", did_u_mean_enabled)) unless did_u_mean_enabled.nil? xml.add_element(tag!("HighlightingEnabled", highlighting_enabled)) unless highlighting_enabled.nil? xml.add_element(tag!("GetMore", get_more)) unless get_more.nil? return xml end def query_terms(search_params, bool_operator="AND") xml = REXML::Element.new("QueryTerms") xml.add_element(tag!("BoolOpeator", bool_operator)) unless bool_operator.nil? search_params.each do |m, v| begin xml.add_element(self.method("#{m}_query_term").call(v)) rescue Exception => e raise "Invalid search params.\nSupported search params are\n\t:isbn\n\t:issn\n\t:title\n\t:author\n\t:genre\n\nException: #{e.inspect}" end end return xml end def query_term(value=nil, index_field="any", precision_operator="contains") xml = REXML::Element.new("QueryTerm") xml.add_element(tag!("IndexField", index_field)) unless value.nil? xml.add_element(tag!("PrecisionOperator", precision_operator)) unless value.nil? xml.add_element(tag!("Value", value)) unless value.nil? return xml end def isbn_query_term(isbn) return query_term(isbn, "isbn", "exact") end def issn_query_term(issn) return query_term(issn, "isbn", "exact") end def title_query_term(title) return query_term(title, "title") end def author_query_term(author) return query_term(author, "creator") end def genre_query_term(genre) return query_term(genre, "any", "exact") end def tag!(name, value) REXML::Element.new(name).add_text(value) end end # SearchBrief does a brief result search through the Primo APIs # Not all options are currently supported # Supported search params are # :isbn # :issn # :title # :author # :genre # e.g. {:isbn => "0143039008", :title => "Travels with My Aunt"} # Invalid params will raise an exception class SearchBrief < Search def initialize(search_params, base_url, options={}) additional_input=[] additional_input.push(tag!("institution", options.delete(:institution))) if options.has_key?(:institution) super("searchBrief", "searchBriefRequest", "searchRequest", primo_search_request(search_params), additional_input, base_url, options) end end # GetRecord get a primo record based on doc id # Not all options are currently supported class GetRecord < Search def initialize(doc_id, base_url, options={}) additional_input=[] additional_input.push(tag!("docId", doc_id)) additional_input.push(tag!("institution", options.delete(:institution))) if options.has_key?(:institution) super("getRecord", "getRecordRequest", "fullViewRequest", primo_search_request, additional_input, base_url, options) end end end