module AuthpdsNyu # == Overview # This gem provides a mechanism for user authentication and authorization via NYU Libraries PDS system. # The module extends Authpds and should be compatible with Authpds configuation. # It also provides hooks for custom functionality. # The documentation below describes NYU specific config methods available. # # == Config Options Available # :opensso_url:: Base OpenSSO url ( # :aleph_url:: Aleph url ( # :aleph_default_adm:: Aleph default ADM (NYU50) # :aleph_default_sublibrary:: Aleph default sublibrary (BOBST) # module Session include AuthpdsNyu::Session::CoreAttributes include AuthpdsNyu::Session::Aleph include AuthpdsNyu::Session::Callbacks def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do pds_attributes :firstname => "givenname", :lastname => "sn", :email => "email", :primary_institution => "institute" remember_me true remember_me_for 300 httponly true secure true login_inaccessible_url "" extend AuthpdsNyu::Session::Config end end end end