[ { "name": "homepageUrl", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "The URL of the homepage. Defaults to `/`" }, { "name": "assetsPath", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "The public path for the assets folder. If not provided it defaults to /assets/images" }, { "name": "productName", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "Product name, used when the product name follows on directly from ‘GOV.UK’. For example, GOV.UK Pay or GOV.UK Design System. In most circumstances, you should use `serviceName`." }, { "name": "serviceName", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "The name of your service, included in the header." }, { "name": "serviceUrl", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "URL for the service name anchor." }, { "name": "navigation", "type": "array", "required": false, "description": "An array of navigation item objects.", "params": [ { "name": "text", "type": "string", "required": true, "description": "Text for the navigation item. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored." }, { "name": "html", "type": "string", "required": true, "description": "HTML for the navigation item. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored." }, { "name": "href", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "URL of the navigation item anchor." }, { "name": "active", "type": "boolean", "required": false, "description": "Flag to mark the navigation item as active or not." }, { "name": "attributes", "type": "object", "required": false, "description": "HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the navigation item anchor." } ] }, { "name": "navigationClasses", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "Classes for the navigation section of the header." }, { "name": "navigationLabel", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "Text for the `aria-label` attribute of the navigation. Defaults to 'Navigation menu'." }, { "name": "menuButtonLabel", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "Text for the `aria-label` attribute of the button that toggles the navigation. Defaults to 'Show or hide navigation menu'." }, { "name": "containerClasses", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "Classes for the container, useful if you want to make the header fixed width." }, { "name": "classes", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "Classes to add to the header container." }, { "name": "attributes", "type": "object", "required": false, "description": "HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the header container." }, { "name": "useTudorCrown", "type": "boolean", "required": false, "description": "If `true`, the header uses the Tudor crown from King Charles III's royal cypher. This will become the default in a future version of GOV.UK Frontend." } ]