------------- EntityJS Gem ---------------------- The EntityJS Gem lets you quickly create HTML5 javascript games. # Directory Structure ## /assets Contains all sounds, images and data files. Place all sounds in the sounds directory and all the images in the images directory. These directories will be looked at and an asset array will be created for easy asset loading (see scripts/scenes/load.js) ## /builds Contains assets and minified code for the game. ## /scripts Contains javascripts and coffeescripts for the game. Data files such as xml, json or tmx will be read and automatically compiled into js files. For example, if I have a directory like /scripts/animations/monster.json. The file will be turned into this: re.e('monster.json animation') .attr(**Animation JSON here**); Which means you can edit files in different programs and not worry about copying and pasting the contents. TMX is a special XML format for a tile map editor. ## /tests Contains tests for the game. It is good practice to keep this structured exactly the same as the scripts directory. Tests can also be in coffeescript. ## /tmp Contains temporary files generated by EntityJS Gem. Usually don't have to touch this. Might be removed and replaced in the future. ## config.yml A configuration file in yaml. This can be edited in any text editor. ## play.html The current game. If its missing files, run 'entityjs r' # Commands ## create a new entityjs game entityjs new [project_name] [comps]+ - example entityjs new alien_shooter - example with components entityjs new alien_shooter alien hero lazer This will create a new game called 'alien_shooter' with three components, alien, hero, lazer ## create a new component entityjs comp [component_name] - example entityjs comp hero ## build game entityjs build Exports game in builds directory ## build game with custom name entityjs build release1 ## refresh sources entityjs refresh or entityjs r Creates a file called game.debug.js inside /tmp