#- ©2009 Rick DeNatale #- All rights reserved require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. spec_helper]) describe RiCal::Component do context "building blocks" do context "building an empty calendar" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal.Calendar.to_s end it "should have the default prodid" do @it.should match(%r{^PRODID;X-RICAL-TZSOURCE=TZINFO:-//com.denhaven2/NONSGML ri_cal gem//EN$}) end it "should have the default calscale" do @it.should match(%r{^CALSCALE:GREGORIAN$}) end it "should have the default icalendar version" do @it.should match(%r{^VERSION:2\.0$}) end end context "building a calendar with time zones" do it 'should allow specifying the time zone identifier' do event = RiCal.Event do dtstart [DateTime.parse("Feb 20, 1962 14:47:39"), 'US/Pacific'] end event.dtstart_property.should == dt_prop(DateTime.parse("Feb 20, 1962 14:47:39"), tzid = 'US/Pacific') end context "adding an exception date" do it "should test stuff" # before(:each) do # @event = RiCal.Event do # add_exdate [DateTime.parse("Feb 20, 1962 14:47:39"), 'US/Pacific'] # end # @prop = @event.exdate_property.first # end # # it "should produce an OccurrenceList for the property" do # @prop.should be_instance_of(RiCal::PropertyValue::OccurrenceList) # end # # it "should have the right exdate value" do # @event.exdate.should == "" # end end end context "with a block with 1 parameter" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal.Event do |event| event.description = "MA-6 First US Manned Spaceflight" event.dtstart = DateTime.parse("Feb 20, 1962 14:47:39") event.dtend = DateTime.parse("Feb 20, 1962 19:43:02") event.location = "Cape Canaveral" event.add_attendee "john.glenn@nasa.gov" event.alarm do description "Segment 51" end event.alarm do |alarm| alarm.description = "Second alarm" end end end it "should have the right description" do @it.description.should == "MA-6 First US Manned Spaceflight" end it "should have the right dtstart" do @it.dtstart.should == DateTime.parse("Feb 20, 1962 14:47:39") end it "should have a zulu time dtstart property" do @it.dtstart_property.tzid.should == "UTC" end it "should have the right dtend" do @it.dtend.should == DateTime.parse("Feb 20, 1962 19:43:02") end it "should have a zulu time dtend property" do @it.dtend_property.tzid.should == "UTC" end it "should have the right location" do @it.location.should == "Cape Canaveral" end it "should have the right attendee" do @it.attendee.should include("john.glenn@nasa.gov") end it "should have 2 alarms" do @it.alarms.length.should == 2 end it ".the alarms should have the right description" do @it.alarms.first.description.should == "Segment 51" @it.alarms.last.description.should == "Second alarm" end end context "building an event for MA-6" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal.Event do description "MA-6 First US Manned Spaceflight" dtstart DateTime.parse("Feb 20, 1962 14:47:39") dtend DateTime.parse("Feb 20, 1962 19:43:02") location "Cape Canaveral" add_attendee "john.glenn@nasa.gov" alarm do description "Segment 51" end end end it "should have the right description" do @it.description.should == "MA-6 First US Manned Spaceflight" end it "should have the right dtstart" do @it.dtstart.should == DateTime.parse("Feb 20, 1962 14:47:39") end it "should have a zulu time dtstart property" do @it.dtstart_property.tzid.should == "UTC" end it "should have the right dtend" do @it.dtend.should == DateTime.parse("Feb 20, 1962 19:43:02") end it "should have a zulu time dtend property" do @it.dtend_property.tzid.should == "UTC" end it "should have the right location" do @it.location.should == "Cape Canaveral" end it "should have the right attendee" do @it.attendee.should include("john.glenn@nasa.gov") end it "should have 1 alarm" do @it.alarms.length.should == 1 end it "should have an alarm with the right description" do @it.alarms.first.description.should == "Segment 51" end end context "building a complex calendar" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal.Calendar do add_x_property 'x_wr_calname', 'My Personal Calendar' event do summary 'A Recurring Event' description "This is some really long note content. It should be appropriately folded in the generated file.\nCarriage returns should work, too." dtstart DateTime.parse('Feb 20, 2009 20:30:00') dtend DateTime.parse('Feb 20, 2009 21:30:00') location 'North Carolina' dtstamp Time.now rrule :freq => 'daily', :interval => 1 end end end it 'should have an x_wr_calname property with the value "My Personal Calendar"' do @it.x_wr_calname.should == "My Personal Calendar" end context "event with a long description and a dsl built recurence rule" do before(:each) do @cal = @it @it = @cal.events.first end context "its description" do it "should pass through correctly" do @it.description.should == "This is some really long note content. It should be appropriately folded in the generated file.\nCarriage returns should work, too." end end context "its rrule" do it "should have a 1 rrule" do @it.rrule.length.should == 1 end it "should have the right rrule" do @it.rrule.first.should == "FREQ=DAILY" end it "should have the right rrule hash" do @it.rrule_property.first.to_options_hash.should == {:freq => 'DAILY', :interval => 1} end end end end end end