require 'puppet/network/authorization' require 'puppet/network/http/api/indirection_type' class Puppet::Network::HTTP::API::IndirectedRoutes include Puppet::Network::Authorization # How we map http methods and the indirection name in the URI # to an indirection method. METHOD_MAP = { "GET" => { :plural => :search, :singular => :find }, "POST" => { :singular => :find, }, "PUT" => { :singular => :save }, "DELETE" => { :singular => :destroy }, "HEAD" => { :singular => :head } } IndirectionType = Puppet::Network::HTTP::API::IndirectionType def self.routes Puppet::Network::HTTP::Route.path(/.*/).any(new) end # handle an HTTP request def call(request, response) indirection, method, key, params = uri2indirection(request.method, request.path, request.params) certificate = request.client_cert if !indirection.allow_remote_requests? # TODO: should we tell the user we found an indirection but it doesn't # allow remote requests, or just pretend there's no handler at all? what # are the security implications for the former? raise"No handler for #{}", :NO_INDIRECTION_REMOTE_REQUESTS) end trusted = Puppet::Context::TrustedInformation.remote(params[:authenticated], params[:node], certificate) Puppet.override(:trusted_information => trusted) do send("do_#{method}", indirection, key, params, request, response) end rescue Puppet::Network::HTTP::Error::HTTPError => e return do_http_control_exception(response, e) rescue StandardError => e return do_exception(response, e) end def uri2indirection(http_method, uri, params) # the first field is always nil because of the leading slash, indirection_type, version, indirection_name, key = uri.split("/", 5)[1..-1] url_prefix = "/#{indirection_type}/#{version}" environment = params.delete(:environment) if indirection_name !~ /^\w+$/ raise ArgumentError, "The indirection name must be purely alphanumeric, not '#{indirection_name}'" end # this also depluralizes the indirection_name if it is a search method = indirection_method(http_method, indirection_name) # check whether this indirection matches the prefix and version in the # request if url_prefix != IndirectionType.url_prefix_for(indirection_name) raise ArgumentError, "Indirection '#{indirection_name}' does not match url prefix '#{url_prefix}'" end indirection = Puppet::Indirector::Indirection.instance(indirection_name.to_sym) if !indirection raise "Could not find indirection '#{indirection_name}'", Puppet::Network::HTTP::Issues::HANDLER_NOT_FOUND) end if !environment raise ArgumentError, "An environment parameter must be specified" end if ! Puppet::Node::Environment.valid_name?(environment) raise ArgumentError, "The environment must be purely alphanumeric, not '#{environment}'" end configured_environment = Puppet.lookup(:environments).get(environment) unless configured_environment.nil? configured_environment = configured_environment.override_from_commandline(Puppet.settings) params[:environment] = configured_environment end check_authorization(method, "#{url_prefix}/#{indirection_name}/#{key}", params) if configured_environment.nil? raise ArgumentError, "Could not find environment '#{environment}'" end params.delete(:bucket_path) if key == "" or key.nil? raise ArgumentError, "No request key specified in #{uri}" end [indirection, method, key, params] end private def do_http_control_exception(response, exception) msg = exception.message response.respond_with(exception.status, "text/plain", msg) end def do_exception(response, exception, status=400) if exception.is_a?(Puppet::Network::AuthorizationError) # make sure we return the correct status code # for authorization issues status = 403 if status == 400 end Puppet.log_exception(exception) response.respond_with(status, "text/plain", exception.to_s) end # Execute our find. def do_find(indirection, key, params, request, response) unless result = indirection.find(key, params) raise"Could not find #{} #{key}", Puppet::Network::HTTP::Issues::RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND) end format = accepted_response_formatter_for(indirection.model, request) rendered_result = result if result.respond_to?(:render) Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Rendered result in #{format}", [:http, :v3_render, format]) do rendered_result = result.render(format) end end Puppet::Util::Profiler.profile("Sent response", [:http, :v3_response]) do response.respond_with(200, format, rendered_result) end end # Execute our head. def do_head(indirection, key, params, request, response) unless indirection.head(key, params) raise"Could not find #{} #{key}", Puppet::Network::HTTP::Issues::RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND) end # No need to set a response because no response is expected from a # HEAD request. All we need to do is not die. end # Execute our search. def do_search(indirection, key, params, request, response) result =, params) if result.nil? raise"Could not find instances in #{} with '#{key}'", Puppet::Network::HTTP::Issues::RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND) end format = accepted_response_formatter_for(indirection.model, request) response.respond_with(200, format, indirection.model.render_multiple(format, result)) end # Execute our destroy. def do_destroy(indirection, key, params, request, response) formatter = accepted_response_formatter_or_pson_for(indirection.model, request) result = indirection.destroy(key, params) response.respond_with(200, formatter, formatter.render(result)) end # Execute our save. def do_save(indirection, key, params, request, response) formatter = accepted_response_formatter_or_pson_for(indirection.model, request) sent_object = read_body_into_model(indirection.model, request) result =, key) response.respond_with(200, formatter, formatter.render(result)) end def accepted_response_formatter_for(model_class, request) accepted_formats = request.headers['accept'] or raise"Missing required Accept header", Puppet::Network::HTTP::Issues::MISSING_HEADER_FIELD) request.response_formatter_for(model_class.supported_formats, accepted_formats) end def accepted_response_formatter_or_pson_for(model_class, request) accepted_formats = request.headers['accept'] || "text/pson" request.response_formatter_for(model_class.supported_formats, accepted_formats) end def read_body_into_model(model_class, request) data = request.body.to_s format = request.format model_class.convert_from(format, data) end def indirection_method(http_method, indirection) raise ArgumentError, "No support for http method #{http_method}" unless METHOD_MAP[http_method] unless method = METHOD_MAP[http_method][plurality(indirection)] raise ArgumentError, "No support for plurality #{plurality(indirection)} for #{http_method} operations" end method end def self.request_to_uri(request) uri, body = request_to_uri_and_body(request) "#{uri}?#{body}" end def self.request_to_uri_and_body(request) url_prefix = IndirectionType.url_prefix_for(request.indirection_name.to_s) indirection = request.method == :search ? pluralize(request.indirection_name.to_s) : request.indirection_name.to_s ["#{url_prefix}/#{indirection}/#{request.escaped_key}", "environment=#{}&#{request.query_string}"] end def self.pluralize(indirection) return(indirection == "status" ? "statuses" : indirection + "s") end def plurality(indirection) # NOTE These specific hooks for paths are ridiculous, but it's a *many*-line # fix to not need this, and our goal is to move away from the complication # that leads to the fix being too long. return :singular if indirection == "status" return :singular if indirection == "certificate_status" result = (indirection =~ /s$|_search$/) ? :plural : :singular indirection.sub!(/s$|_search$/, '') indirection.sub!(/statuse$/, 'status') result end end