This is a broken English version. If you find lexical or grammatical mistakes, or strange expressions (including kidding, unnatural or unclear ones) in this document, please let me know.
XMLscan is one of non-validating XML parser written in 100% pure Ruby.
XMLscan's features are as follows:
By default, the value of global variable $KCODE decides which CES (character encoding scheme) is assumed for xmlscan to parse an XML document. You need to set $KCODE or XMLScan::XMLScanner#kcode= an appropriate value to parse an XML document encoded in EUC-*, Shift_JIS, or UTF-8.
UTF-16 is not supported directly. You should convert it into UTF-8 before parsing.
XML Namespaces have been already implemented in xmlscan/namespace.rb. However, since its interface is going to be modified, this feature is undocumented now.
The superclass for all exceptions related to xmlscan.
These exceptions are raised by XMLScan::Visitor by default when it receives an error report from a parser, such as XMLScan::XMLScanner or XMLScan::XMLParser. Each parser never raises these exceptions by itself.
Mix-in for receiving the result of parsing an XML document.
Each parser included in xmlscan parses an XML document from the beginning, and calls each specific method of given instance of XMLScan::Visitor for each syntactic element, such as a tag. It is ensured that these calls is in order of the appearance in the document from the beginning.
Without special notice, the following methods do nothing by default.
Called when the parser meets validity constraint violation. By default, this method raises XMLScan::NotValidError exception. If no exception is raised and this method returns normally, the parser recovers the error and continues to parse.
FYI, current version of xmlscan includes no validating XML processor. This method is reserved for future versions.
XMLScan::Visitor#on_xmldecl_other(name, value)
Called when the parser meets an XML declaration.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-jp" standalone="yes" ?> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4 5 method argument -------------------------------------- 1: on_xmldecl 2: on_xmldecl_version ("1.0") 3: on_xmldecl_encoding ("euc-jp") 4: on_xmldecl_standalone ("yes") 5: on_xmldecl_end
When an XML declaration is found, both on_xmldecl and on_xmldecl_end method are always called. Any other methods are called only when the corresponding syntaxes are found.
When a declaration except version, encoding, and standalone is found in an XML declaration, on_xmldecl_other method is called. Since such a declaration is not permitted, note that the parser always calls XMLScan::Visitor#parse_error method before calling on_xmldecl_other method.
XMLScan::Visitor#on_doctype(root, pubid, sysid)
Called when the parser meets a document type declaration.
document argument
-------------------------------------------------------------- 1: <!DOCTYPE foo> ('foo', nil, nil) 2: <!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM "bar"> ('foo', nil, 'bar') 3: <!DOCTYPE foo PUBLIC "bar"> ('foo', 'bar', nil ) 4: <!DOCTYPE foo PUBLIC "bar" "baz"> ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
XMLScan::Visitor#on_pi(target, pi)
Called when the parser meets an XML declaration.
<hoge fuga="foo&bar;&&baz" > ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 method argument ------------------------------------ 1: on_stag ('hoge') 2: on_attribute ('fuga') 3: on_attr_value ('foo') 4: on_attr_entityref ('bar') 5: on_attr_charref (38) 6: on_attr_charref_hex (38) 7: on_attr_value ('baz') 8: on_attribute_end ('fuga') 9: on_stag_end ('hoge') or on_stag_end_empty ('hoge')
When a start tag is found, both on_stag and corresponding either on_stag_end or on_stag_end_empty method are always called. Any other methods are called only when at least one attribute is found in the start tag.
When an attribute is found, both on_attribute and on_attribute_end method are always called. If the attribute value is empty, only these two methods are called.
When the parser meets a general entity reference in an attribute value, it calls on_attr_entityref method. When the parser meets a character reference in an attribute value, it calls either on_charref or on_charref_hex method.
If the tag is an empty element tag, on_stag_end_empty method is called instead of on_stag_end method.
The scanner which tokenizes an XML document and recognize tags, and so on.
The conformance of XMLScan::XMLScanner to the specification is described in another document.[, option ...])
Creates an instance. visitor is a instance of XMLScan::Visitor and receives the result of parsing from the XMLScan::Scanner object.
You can specify one of more option as a string or symbol. XMLScan::Scanner's options are as follows:
require 'xmlscan/xmlchar'
XMLScan::Scanner checks whether an XML document includes
an illegal character. The performance decreases sharply.
XMLScan::XMLScanner#kcode= arg
The non-validating XML parser.
The conformance of XMLScan::XMLParser to the specification is described in another document.[, option ...])
XMLScan::XMLParser makes sure the following for each method of visitor:
In addition, if you never intend error recovery, method calls which must not be occurred in a well-formed XML document are all suppressed.
An HTML parser based on XMLScan::XMLScanner.
The conformance of XMLScan::HTMLScanner to the specification is described in another document.[, option ...])